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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

VIT has nothing to do with 10+2 marks but for the eligibility, it should be more than 60% in physics, chemistry and maths, you have to give the VITEEE exam to get admission.
0 Follower 390 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

At my admission time, there was only Vellore and Chennai branch two years ago and these branches are recently opened by VIT. Let me explain you the admission system here. Rank in VIT to get admission should be 90,000 so you can get admission i
0 Follower 54 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, admission in VIT is also possible from UCEED score
For admission you need fulfill the following criterion:-
The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 1993 if belonging to the Open or OBC-NCL category and, on or after Octob
1 Follower 121 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
aayush Sharma

Beginner-Level 3

We are pleased to inform that Mitsubishi Robotics, Vertex and VIT Campus has joined hands in establishing "Industrial Robotics Centre ", a state of art industrial robotics lab. It will provide training and skill development programme and certi
0 Follower 159 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

Your rank will be around 5000 something and you'll get CSE core branch in VIT, Vellore.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Predict engineering colleges you can get on the basis of your JEE Rank:
0 Follower 2.5k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

See, basically VIT is a brand name in India and when it comes to study, placement they never compromise from it. They give best facilities to there students. It's totally upto the student whether to go for VIT Bhopal or VIT Amravati. According
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

It's better to join VIT Vellore branch. With you rank, you can get CSE core branch there and Vellore has a reputation of good placements. So, I prefer you to take VIT, Vellore branch and it is far better than KITEEE.
1 Follower 95 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

You must go to VIT Bhopal because-
1. Strategically located on Indore-Bhopal Highway to attract companies from Mumbai, Pune, Indore and companies like TCS to setup the largest software development campus in Indore.
2. Here u will get 100% docto
1 Follower 407 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

See, basically VIT is a brand name in India and when it comes to study, placement they never compromise from it. They give best facilities to there students. It's totally upto the student whether to go for VIT Bhopal or VIT Amravati. According
1 Follower 143 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

At my admission time, there was only Vellore and Chennai branch two years ago and these branches are recently opened by VIT. Let me explain you the admission system here. Rank in VIT to get admission should be 90,000 so you can get admission i