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1 Follower 76 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

It is not that bad. If you have money and interest in the field you can take it. You will definitely gain knowledge and exposure to the culture and the latest technology. If you are just looking for the degree it is not advisable to take the c
0 Follower 45 Views

Gagandeep Singh

Contributor-Level 6

So, if you want CSE in category 1, then below 2.5k and if you want in civil then below 1 Lacs! If you specify the branch, I can be more specific!
0 Follower 73 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

Single bed AC is allotted to 2nd year students and it is for 81,000 in the current year whereas single bed non-AC is allotted to 2nd year students and the fees is 47,500 INR.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

VIT has their own system of giving ranks. They give mild weightage to your board marks and whether it's your first attempt or not. Number of questions attempted also have upper hand. Level of paper will be higher than boards but for sure lower
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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

Minimum rank in VIT to get admission should be 90,000 so you can get admission in VIT from the 6th category as well. There are various categories as well with each category admission fees go high. First category closed till 15000 rank and u ca
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pravin Javheri Process Engineer | Mentor | IIT Bombay

Guide-Level 11

Hi Swapnil,
VIT mechanical engineering department is one of the very good departments. As far as placements are concerned I would like to share an experience of my roommates. Two years back, two M.Tech. 2nd year students were my roommates. I re
0 Follower 160 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ajinkya Nikam cs dream

Beginner-Level 4

No need to have good marks. Placements only depend on your skills and knowledge like you are a good programmer then only you will get hired. Suppose, you don't like programming, but you are perfect in networking or designing field, you will ge
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Shiksha Ask & Answer

Contributor-Level 10

Officially the minimum criteria for PCM(Physics, Chemistry, Maths) is 60%.So you will obviously get the admission in VIT.
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Lokesh Thadani

Contributor-Level 8

I think you should go for ITM Navi Mumbai. But, ITM provides you with PGDM degree not an MBA degree. For an MBA degree, go for VIT Vellore. Overall fees is INR 5.98 Lacs. VIT MBA Admission offers two-year MBA and MBA (IB) programmes, which con