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0 Follower 110 Views

Neethu Shaju

Contributor-Level 6

The M.Sc. Microbiology department at Abasaheb Garware College, Pune (Welcome to MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune) has a very well-known and established Microbiology department. It is a granted course, and that's why the fees is less. The adm
0 Follower 174 Views

Dhananjay Tripathi

Beginner-Level 5

You need to qualify in VITEEE to be eligible for admission in VIT.
0 Follower 131 Views

Dhananjay Tripathi

Beginner-Level 5

There is no management quota in VIT but the students with low ranks can get admission into different categories which have higher fees.
0 Follower 44 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pravin Javheri Process Engineer | Mentor | IIT Bombay

Guide-Level 11

There are rare chances of you getting admitted to VIT with this rank. But, give a try till last round, if you are ready to take a risk. Because, if there are not sufficient numbers of admissions, in the last round anything can happen, i.e., an
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Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

With this rank it is difficult to get a seat in normal fees. You need to pay a lot of fees like 6-7 lakhs per annum to get a seat through management quota. You may try for other campuses like Bhopal, Amaravathi, etc.
0 Follower 77 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

You need to score at least above 300 in BITSAT to get a seat in any of the three campuses of BITS namely Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad.
In VITEEE, your ranks should be at least below 5000 or 10000 to get a seat.
0 Follower 40 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Ankit,
The fee structure for computer science and engineering course at VIT University is around 2-3 lakhs per annum (including hostel above 2.5 lakhs).
For exact fee details, refer :
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Akhil Chandra follow me your queries get cancelled

Guide-Level 13

Greetings from Shiksha.
Check out the college predictor like Shiksha college predictor: which has all the colleges that comes through JEE Mains and also try to check josa
0 Follower 168 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

With 12609 rank you cannot get admission for CSE in VIT, Vellore but you may get it at the Chennai campus. So if you can pay more fee like 5 LPA then you may get the Vellore campus.