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Kiran Bhatnagar

Beginner-Level 4

First search some good colleges for MMS, because VIT is the only college which has adopted ATKT rules for MMS and that will reflect in your mark sheet, other colleges has re-examination facility and that will not reflect in your mark sheet.
0 Follower 349 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Apurva Banka B.Tech Student @ PESU

Contributor-Level 9

According to placements, PES is better among all (the reason why I chose PES). You can also consider VIT because it has a good infrastructure. I am not too sure about KIIT. The decision is yours.
1 Follower 332 Views

Dhananjay Tripathi

Beginner-Level 5

Due to heavier competition, VIT entrance exam is considered more difficult than SRM entrance exam.
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Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Anup,
Yes, google and Microsoft visit VIT University for placements. Not only that many MNCs also come for placements.
For more details refer This link gives you the list of companies that offer
0 Follower 122 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Sampath,
Admission in VIT University is based on your rank in VITEEE exam. So if you have appeared and got a good rank then you can get admission in any of the four campuses of VIT. Only with your board percentage, you cannot get admissio
0 Follower 169 Views

Dipyaman Mukhopadhyay

Beginner-Level 3

Bioinformatics is becoming very popular nowadays and active research is being undertaken by many institutes. I would suggest that you sit down and do some research on Bioinformatics and information security. See which field suits you better.
1 Follower 310 Views

Kunal Jain

Beginner-Level 4

It's a 50/50 between SRM and VIT. SRM, KTR has its own pluses and VIT has its own pluses. VIT's exposure is slightly more than SRM's. Placements are almost the same. (Conditions apply).
0 Follower 252 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Archie Gupta

Beginner-Level 4

1. Attendance is important. 75% of attendance is the minimum requirement to appear in semester examination.
2. Don't count on last lectures attendance which will boost your attendance from 73% to 75%, lectures gets cancelled and you won't be ab