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0 Follower 153 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

To be frank, there is no chance. If you applied for any other college, you can try but you can't get VIT. After the results page in your profile, if you get a counselling date, then you just attend it. If you can get through the management quo
0 Follower 56 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
archit kumar College selection expert

Scholar-Level 16

Hi Sai,
As per your rank, you will not get a seat in any of the campuses of VIT. So, look forward to other colleges.
All the best.
1 Follower 135 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
archit kumar College selection expert

Scholar-Level 16

Hi Shamim,
As per your rank, you may get branches EEE, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical in category 2,3,4,5 in VIT Vellore, Since two new campuses are added this year, you may get the chance for some good branches. So, wait for the counselling.
0 Follower 131 Views

Tanveer Aalam

Beginner-Level 3

It's a casual problem and almost everyone is facing the same. So you just browse through another browser another browser.
0 Follower 52 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, for sure. VIT is an international university so students from in and out of India can apply for VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination).
The admissions are done only through this examination. It has many rankings and accreditation. F
2 Followers 402 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
puneethan roy

Beginner-Level 3

No, you cannot opt for CSE.
0 Follower 155 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hi Gopinath,
Your rank is not bad so you can get a seat.
VIT does not see the board exam marks, only VITEEE scores. Determine your admission but if you are a board topper, you will get a full fee waiver for all the four years.
So, please attend t
0 Follower 382 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Harsh Ranjan College Selection Expert

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Vivek,
It's good that you might be able to see less number of people there as compared to B.Tech, so you can excel in your academics there. Try to do your MCA too in VIT because your placement will speak a lot.
0 Follower 178 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hi Anuj,
This is bothering everyone that why phase 2 counselling is costlier than phase 1.
The difference is that the candidates who secured ranks between 1-20000 are called for phase 1 counselling means that they are easily eligible to get a se
1 Follower 274 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ATUL MEHTA _____________. *as per my knowledge, check it

Contributor-Level 6

Hello Kishore,
It will be better, but if you pursue integrated course then you will get M.Tech degree also, but you will lose a chance to do M.Tech from IITs, which you will get through GATE after B.Tech. Otherwise, VIT is also a good college t