Aston Business School gets further five-year EQUIS accreditation
European Quality Improvement System is an internationally recognized accreditation body which ensures continuous improvement and quality within business schools.
Study in UK: European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) awarded a further five years of re-accreditation to Aston Business School. This accreditation places the university in the top 1% of business study schools that have triple-crown accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and EQUIS - the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Professor Zoe Radnor, Executive Dean of the College of Business and Social Sciences at Aston University, said, “This is an excellent outcome for Aston Business School and recognises our commitment to the provision of the highest quality education and research. As part of Aston University’s 2030 strategy, engagement with industry and research forms a core element of what we do, with professional practice embedded in our taught provision. We are particularly pleased that the panel noted our strong focus on employability in their report.”
“The mission of Aston Business School is to provide a life-transforming student experience through innovative practice-led teaching and learning and develop impactful research. EQUIS accreditation offers yet more proof of our staff, student and community’s dedication to excelling in the dynamic and interconnected world of business,” said Professor Marian Garcia, Dean of Aston Business School.
EQUIS peer review team, in its report, has commented on an impressive and strong commitment to teaching excellence, their overall quality in terms of design, management, learning outcomes, quality assurance and delivery methods, and praised the School for its well-rounded portfolio of programmes.
Aston University photonics researchers to address national infrastructure challenges
The university is all set to use its research to help improve the country’s towns and cities. Aston University has joined The UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC). The alliance with collaborate with Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT) to get expertise in optical sensing, cutting-edge laser, and optical machine learning technologies to UKCRIC’s work.
Professor William Powrie, UKCRIC convenor, University of Southampton, said: “We are thrilled to welcome Aston University to UKCRIC. Resilient, sustainable infrastructure requires a transdisciplinary approach and this collaborative ethos, linking different research disciplines to solve national infrastructure challenges, is at the core of UKCRIC’s mission. Photonics is an exciting enabling technology that will underpin many innovations across infrastructure challenges and we very much look forward to collaborating with our new colleagues in Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies.”
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