Yaroslavl State Medical University
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Yaroslavl State Medical University Fees & Cost for Indian Students

Tuition Fees for International Students

Fees in Indian Rupees (INR)

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Course levelAnnual Tuition Fee in INR
INR 2.46 L

MBBS fee details 2025

Fee componentsAmount (for 6 years)
INR 2.93 L
INR 1.24 L
INR 11.56 K
INR 7.32 K
INR 4.36 L
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These are estimated fees information. Actual values may differ.

MBBS course offers great value for its price, ensuring a strong ROI.

MBBS Fees Comparison

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CollegesTuition FeesHostel Fees


2.93 L1.24 L
3.03 L67.26 K

Rostov State Medical University

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3.04 L36.82 K

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

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2.9 L-/-
2.85 L-/-
Info IconThe value are of the latest years available with Shiksha.
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Shaini Baniminal Verified Icon
MBBS - Batch of 2027
It is a government college so there is no extra fee charged.
Tips: Before you come to Yaroslavl State Medical University, you should know about the university and clear your entrance exam. Don't worry, the exam is quite easy. You should also have some dollars with you for emergencies. You should also try to bring study materials from India because you won't get them here and mostly unrolled notes. Overall, I am quite satisfied with my experiences.
Likes (Student Life): Life as a student here is quite hard, especially the first three years. However, after that, it gets a lot easier, and you get to do a lot of practical work. Also, the expenses are reasonable, and there are lots of shops nearby. And, you won't feel alone because there are lots of other Indian students here.
Dislikes (Value for money): The teaching methods and explanations are very clear, and the hospitality is very good. There are many places to study, including the library and study rooms in the university, even when classes are not in session. Overall, this is a very good college.
Reviewed on 29 Nov 2024Read more
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YSMU Others(1)Main Building
YSMU Others(2)Campus
YSMU Others(3)Main Gate
YSMU Others(4)Campus
YSMU Others(5)Campus


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University CityYaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russia
Size of cityMedium
Population of City6,08,722

Contact Information


150000 Russia, Yaroslavl, st. Revolutionary, 5

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