Cornell University
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Cornell University Campus ratings & reviews

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Vibe of Campus
  • Friendly
  • Liberal
  • Academically oriented
Student Views
  • 100% students never faced discrimination in this university
Part time work5
Post study jobs5
Quality of faculty4
Student Life4
Value for money5
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Indian Food4
Permanent Immigration4
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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Batch of 2027
Offered by Cornell University
Big campus with diverse population.
Tips: Cornell has a really big campus and an even bigger student population. There are more than 15,000 undergraduates, so you can always find your community and close friends. I did not face a big cultural shock as I was able to connect with people really well and got along with them. Before applying to Cornell, definitely research about the major you are going to apply at Cornell. Look at the clubs you are interested in and the professors with whom you would love to research with. For people applying from India, there is TATA scholarship and you are nominated for it after you submit the CSS form. I am really satisfied with my experience so far at Cornell and with my major courses that I have taken. Exploring more of this place gives me new ventures each time. Interacting with professors has helped me strategies my preparation strategy for exams and in general for the class.
Likes (Part time work): It is easy to find an on-campus job at Cornell as they have their own hiring website which makes the process hassle-free. There are a lot of jobs available on campus such as in libraries, cafes, dining halls, TA positions, RA positions, etc. I am not sure about the off-campus jobs as it utilizes CPT. The part-time work is manageable along with the school work as you are only working around 6-10 hours/week. The average payout for the job is 15-18/hr depending on where you are working.
Dislikes (Student Life): An average day of mine includes going to classes, helping students in classes as a teaching student and then studying at a library, preferably Olin or Uris Library. There were a lot of events during the orientation week, and I found most of my friends during that period. I also attended a few Indian events like Garba night, Diwali night where I can find my own community and have fun with my friends. There are numerous opportunities on campus to get involved with student clubs. Like, I am currently in the Blockchain club which deals with blockchain, ethereum, crypto-related things where we find new information and learn with peers.
Reviewed on 9 Apr 2024Read More
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Anushree Sinha

Study Abroad Expert

Anushree is a Graduate in Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and takes keen interest in content creation. She has affinity for writing and travelling around the world takes the top spot on her bucket list. Bringing out the creativ...Read Full Bio