Marion Military Institute
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Marion Military Institute: Courses, Admission, Cost

  • Private University
  • Estd. 1842
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MMI Overview
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  • About Marion Military Institute
  • Marion Military Institute Courses
  • Marion Military Institute Admissions
  • Marion Military Institute Fees
  • Marion Military Institute Rankings
  • + 3 more items

About Marion Military Institute

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Year of establishment
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Scholarships granted
Scholarship amount granted
INR 2 million
English proficiency test
Not required
Accepted exams
SAT/ACT accepted
Total faculty
Faculty/Student ratio
Total criminal offences
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Commonly asked questions
On Highlights

Q:   What do student reviews say about Marion Military Institute?


According to the reviews from students attending Marion Military Institute, the institution offers a challenging but rewarding experience. The class schedule is simple and helps in preparing any student towards his future goal. The overall experience is worth it for anyone looking to pursue an education there, considering that the tuition fees are quite affordable for the quality education offered. The environment made unique by a diverse student body of military-minded individuals, future officers, and other students with strong motivation for success drives one to persevere, which in the long run contributes to personal growth and leaves most students grateful to have attended the institute.

Q:   Is getting part-time jobs easy while studying at Marion Military Institute?


No, getting part-time jobs while studying at Marion Military Institute is not easy as the rigorous academic schedule and military training demands a significant amount of time and dedication from their students, leaving little room for additional commitments including part-time employment. In addition, the institute's website does not prominently feature a dedicated section for student employment opportunities; hence, having any part-time job may impact studying time and physical training.

Q:   Why do Indian students choose to study at Marion Military Institute?


Indian students like studying in Marion Military Institute for varied reasons; among them are the unique military training programs that prepare the students for careers in the military or inculcate leadership skills. Marion Military Institute is academically solid and provides foundational backup in an environment full of support with small classes for interaction with faculty. Along with this, opportunities for financial aid are available which lessens the cost of education—makes this college more attractive to Indian students who want to be a part of the quality education provided.

Marion Military Institute Admissions

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    Commonly asked questions
    On Admissions

    Q:   Is it hard to get into Marion Military Institute?


    No, it is not hard to get into Marion Military Institute (MMI) as it has an acceptance rate of approximately 62.7%. Students applying for admission only have to meet the minimum requirements, which include a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 along with test scores of at least 16 on the ACT or 860 on the SAT. Applications include a completed form, $30 application fee, proof of U.S. citizenship, social security card, immunization records, high school and college transcripts. Typically, students who apply with these documents tend to have a high chance at getting in.

    Q:   What do student reviews say about Marion Military Institute?


    According to the reviews from students attending Marion Military Institute, the institution offers a challenging but rewarding experience. The class schedule is simple and helps in preparing any student towards his future goal. The overall experience is worth it for anyone looking to pursue an education there, considering that the tuition fees are quite affordable for the quality education offered. The environment made unique by a diverse student body of military-minded individuals, future officers, and other students with strong motivation for success drives one to persevere, which in the long run contributes to personal growth and leaves most students grateful to have attended the institute.

    Q:   Can an average Indian student join Marion Military Institute?


    Yes, any average Indian student can join Marion Military Institute, as long as the admission requirements are met. This includes maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.0, submitting your ACT or SAT scores, and several other documentations, such as one's high school transcripts, proof of citizenship and vaccination records as well. After all the conditions given above are met, an average Indian student shall have no problem making a successful application to Marion Military Institute.

    Marion Military Institute Fees

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    Courses1st Year Tuition FeesDuration & Eligibility
    B.E. / B.Tech(1 course)
    INR 13 L
    Duration4 years
    Exam AcceptedSAT: 1100 & Above, TOEFL
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    Commonly asked questions
    On Fees and Eligibility

    Q:   What is the application fee of Marion Military Institute?


    The application fee for Marion Military Institute is *$30*. This nonrefundable fee must be submitted along with the completed application form. However, during "Free Application Week" in late October to early November, Alabama students can apply without paying this fee. This provides a cost-saving opportunity for local applicants. 

    Q:   What are the English proficiency exams accepted by Marion Military Institute?


    Marion Military Institute accepts several English proficiency exams, including the TOEFL with a score of at least 61 on the iBT, an IELTS score of at least 5.5, and a Duolingo English Test score of at least 90. These tests aid in expressing a student's language skills in English in component skills regarded as necessary for the academic environment at Marion Military Institute.

    College comparison

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    Compare MMI with other similar colleges

    B.E. / B.Tech
    College1st Year Tuition FeesShiksha GradeRanking


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    INR 7.61 L-/- -/-

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    INR 30.75 L-/- -/-

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    INR 11.1 L-/- -/-

    The Art Institute of Seattle

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    INR 18.9 L-/- -/-
    The values are of the latest years available with Shiksha. For more details, check detailed comparison
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    About the author

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    Loveleen Sharma

    Study Abroad Expert

    Loveleen is a seasoned content writer with 4+ years of experience, currently writing for Shiksha. When he is not writing and helping students, he can be found at the movies, reading fiction, and learning a new language.

    Take a look at Campus

    MMI Others(1)Marion Military Institute picture
    MMI Others(2)Marion Military Institute picture


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    University CityMarion, Alabama, USA

    Contact Information


    Marion Military Institute
    1101 Washington St.
    Marion, AL 36756

    Marion ( Alabama)

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