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Answered a year ago

Some possible career paths for MBA graduates from University of Phoenix include:
Business Manager: Business managers plan and oversee measures that help their organizations meet their goals
Financial Analyst: Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions

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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a year ago

The average annual tuition fee for international applicants seeking an undergraduate degree at the University of Phoenix is approximately $398 per credit, which translates to approximately 15 Lakhs INR per year.

Here are the approximate first year tuition fees for different programs:
B.E. / B.Tech (1

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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a year ago

Here are some of the rankings for the University of Phoenix by various ranking sources:

  • Ranked 299-440 in the United States in 2023 by US News
  •  World University Ranking - US & Canada ranked the University of Phoenix at #42
  • reported that the University of Phoenix - Arizona was ranked 455th i

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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a year ago

Yes, the University of Phoenix is cheaper than Rutgers University. 

At Rutgers University, for graduate and professional programs, the tuition and fees range from $15,656 to $51,996 for in-state students and $32,436 to $73,602 for out-of-state students.

On the other hand, at the University of Phoenix

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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a year ago

Yes, an average Indian student can join the University of Phoenix. The University of Phoenix accepts the application of international students, and it has a diverse student population, including many international students. The university maintains an open admissions policy, stating that students ca

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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

About the author

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Amrita Kaur Matharu

Study Abroad Expert

University of Phoenix

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University of Phoenix

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University CityPhoenix, Arizona, USA

University of Phoenix
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1625 W. Fountainhead Pkwy
Tempe, AZ 85282-2371

Phoenix ( Arizona)

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