How to Write Cambridge MBA Essays?

How to Write Cambridge MBA Essays?

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Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Sep 28, 2024 14:52 IST

Cambridge's MBA program is renowned for its comprehensive and holistic approach to business education, aiming to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their post-MBA careers. As part of the application process, candidates are required to answer four essay prompts that delve into their career aspirations, personal growth, and valuable experiences. Let's explore each of the Cambridge MBA essay topics in detail that will help applicants craft compelling essays.

Cambridge MBA Essays

Renowned for exceptional excellence, Cambridge University, in the United Kingdom (UK) offers a holistic MBA program. It is a dream destination for aspirants aiming to build their careers as top-notch leaders or entrepreneurs. To be a part of this institution, one has to follow the Cambridge application process, where candidates need to answer four Cambridge MBA essay prompts. These are designed to make applicants think about their career aspirations, personal growth, and valuable experiences. In this article, we have discussed each Cambridge essay topic in detail. Read more to uncover the key elements that will help you write compelling answers. 

University of Cambridge MBA Admission Deadlines 2024

Check out the latest Cambridge MBA program deadlines for admission in the upcoming cycle below in the table:  


Application Deadline 

Interview Dates 

On-campus Interviews 

Round 1 

29 Aug 2023 

02 - 13 Oct 2023 

02 Oct 2023 

Round 2 

03 Oct 2023 

13 - 24 Nov 2023 

13 Nov 2023 

Round 3 

08 Jan 2024 

26 Feb - 15 Mar 2024 

26 Feb - 4 Mar 2024 

Round 4 

11 Mar 2024 

12 - 26 Apr 2024 


Round 5 

07 May 2024 

07 - 21 Jun 2024 


Source: Judge Business School | University of Cambridge

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Cambridge MBA Essay Prompts Explained!

Check out the MBA essay prompts that are asked in Cambridge University's MBA applications and how to answer them appropriately. 

Cambridge MBA Essay 1 

Please provide details of your post-MBA career plans. The statement should not exceed 500 words and must address the following: 

  • What are your short- and long-term career objectives? How will the Cambridge MBA equip you to achieve these? 
  • Looking at your short-term career goal, describe the research you have done to understand how this industry/role/location recruits MBA talent and what they are looking for in a candidate? 
  • How do you meet the requirements of your short-term career goal? What preparation are you doing now? 

In the first Cambridge MBA essay, you need to discuss your short-term and long-term career objectives, along with specific details on how the Cambridge MBA program will enable you to achieve your goals. This prompt expects you to chart out a vision for your future and communicate it effectively. Your vision and intent behind pursuing this MBA program should be demonstrated in 500 words. 

For an effective and impressive answer, refer to the points below: 

  • Short and long-term objectives: Start with defining what you hope to achieve in both the immediate and distant future. This should include your dream designation, dream company, or the kind of venture that you wish to run. Make sure that your desired career path is aligned with your background, interests, values and skills. Justify if you wish to switch to a new domain. 
  • Cambridge MBA alignment: Discuss how the Cambridge MBA program caters to your career objectives. Be specific about the specialized courses, electives, industry connections, and career development support, along with other resources that will help you succeed. You can mention some faculty members whose accomplishments are inspiring. Relate your goals with their background and expertise, and how their insights will be invaluable for you. 
  • Research on industry/role/location: To show this, you need to thoroughly research upon your short-term career goal. Reflect your understanding of what your desired industry or role expects from the candidates and how this MBA will help you acquire them. This showcases your industry knowledge and strategic thinking. 
  • Meeting the requirements: Illustrate how your background, skills, and experiences are well-suited to your short-term career goal. You can discuss relevant accomplishments, projects or leadership roles that showcase your abilities to succeed in an MBA program, and as a professional. Additionally, outline the formal steps you are taking to prepare yourself for your desired career, such as additional certifications, networking, or skill development through online courses.

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Cambridge MBA Essay 2

Describe a difficult decision that you had to make. What did you learn from this and how have you changed as a result? (Word limit: 200 words) 

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In the second, Cambridge MBA essay, you need to think of a specific challenging decision that you had to make. Describe the situation, the dilemmas you had, and why you took that decision. Also, discuss the outcome and how it changed you as a person. You need to summarize all these points in 200 words and hence, you need to be precise. It is better if you think of a recent event rather than something far back in time. Avoid anything too personal or emotional. This Cambridge essay topic aims to assess your decision-making and problem-solving skills, resilience, and the ability to learn from past experiences. 

To address this prompt effectively, candidates should consider the following aspects: 

  • Decision context: Start by giving a brief background of the circumstances which you made the decision. Explain why it was difficult, and the factors you considered. 
  • Decision-making process: Describe the evaluation you did to make the decision. Discuss any analysis, research, or consultations you undertook to gather information and perspectives. 
  • Outcome and lessons learnt: Describe the outcome of the decision and reflect on the lessons learnt from the experience. Discuss how this decision has influenced your approach to decision-making for the future.

Cambridge MBAEssay 3

Describe a time where you worked with a team on a project. What did you learn from the experience and how might you approach it differently today? (Word limit: 200 words) 

The third Cambridge MBA essay is designed to analyse your team skills and how well you work with others. As collaboration and team-spirit is essential to thrive in any organization, this essay will highlight your preparedness in this regard. In just 200 words, you need to describe a specific team project and highlight the lessons learnt from the experience. You also need to explain if you would apply a different approach today, in a team setting.  

To address this Cambridge essay topic effectively, consider the following points: 

  • Project overview: Give an overview of the project, including its objectives, roadmap, challenges faced, and the role you played in the team. 
  • Teamwork and collaboration: Discuss the dynamics of the team and your contribution to it. Focus more on the contributions you made, the initiatives you took, and the problems that you resolved. Do highlight how you helped the team overall, and the approach you had while communicating or resolving conflicts.  
  • Lessons learnt: Describe your experience of working in a team and the learning you gained. How has your experience influenced your understanding of teamwork or collaboration for the future? Mention if you will apply a similar approach today or try something different. If yes, what will you do differently? 

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Cambridge MBA Essay 4

If you could give one piece of advice to your 18-year-old self, what would it be? (Word limit: 200 words) 

In the last Cambridge MBA essay prompt, you need to be creative in your approach. It is asking you to appeal to your younger self. You are expected to give some advice to your 18-year-old self, in 200 words.  This can be tricky as you need to be positive in your answer towards your younger version while showing that you have grown and earned the necessary wisdom to be able to guide your younger self. 

To address this prompt effectively, include the following aspects: 

  • Advice context: Give an idea of what you were at the age of 18 years, and your circumstances at that time. 
  • Lessons learnt: Highlight your growth since then and the wisdom you have gained. Discuss the experiences, challenges, or realizations that have shaped your perspective that may be valuable for the youth. 
  • Advice to your younger self: Pick one valuable piece of advice that you would give to your 18-year-old self. Explain why this advice is significant, and how it would have impacted your journey positively. 

In conclusion, the MBA prompts given by Cambridge University, UK, attempt to understand the applicants’ career goals, personal growth, and teamwork experiences. By effectively addressing these Cambridge MBA essay prompts, candidates can explain their aspirations, decision-making abilities, collaboration skills, and self-awareness; this will make them stand out from the rest. Highlighting the qualities and experiences, impressively, will boost the applicants’ chances of getting an admit into the prestigious program.  

If you are looking for assistance with university admissions, get in touch with our Shiksha Topper Counselling services on our website. For other queries, feel free to leave a comment below, and we will get back to you. To read more about MBA Essays from top universities, visit our website. To read more about MBA Essays from top universities, visit our website. 

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Cambridge MBA Essay Writing Tips FAQs

Q. Is it mandatory to answer all the Cambridge MBA Essays?

A. Yes, it is important to address all the essays given by the university. You cannot leave them as per your wish. Whenever the university gives you a choice, they always mention the word, ‘optional’, along with the essay. In case of optional essays, as well, do attempt them if you have good content to write. The idea is to present your best self, and hence, do not give up an opportunity, when you have one.

Q. Do the prompts remain the same for Cambridge?

A. No, it is not necessary that the prompts will remain the same every year. The language of the prompt, requirements, and word limit, may vary in each academic session. However, you can be assured that the prompts will revolve around the same topics. They will try to analyse your qualities, goals, and overall personality, through interesting questions. 

Q. What key qualities should be mentioned in the MBA Essays?

A. The important qualities in MBA applicants should be leadership potential, analytical skills, decision-making abilities and so on. In your Cambridge MBA Essay, the focus should be on addressing the prompt appropriately. A lot of students indulge in highlighting their qualities and accomplishments to an extent that they fail to answer what is actually required. Read the prompt carefully and cover the important areas, within the word limit. 

Q. Is it difficult to get into Cambridge MBA program?

A. Yes, a lot of factors will be considered besides a strong academic and professional profile. Your essays also need to be impressive enough, demonstrating your true potential. Every year, around 1000 students apply for the program, to fill only 200 seats; they also need to clear multiple rounds. Hence, there is tough competition, and you need to put your best foot forward to be able to secure admission into this prestigious MBA program. 

About the Author
Written by
Aishwarya Bhatnagar
Study Abroad Expert

Aishwarya is a professional Writer currently working as a Study Abroad Expert in the Editorial Team at Shiksha. She has over 5 years of experience and is skilled at creating Online Content with leveraged knowledge i... Read Full Bio

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