Priya Garg
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Apr 6, 2020 18:27 IST

Here are some tips according to each type of questions to help you prepare for the listening section of the PTE Academic exam. 

General Listening Tips -  

  • Listen actively, which means learn to listen to English songs differentlyFocus on the lyrics which requires more attention.  
  • Watch movies and TV shows first with subtitles and then without subtitles. 
  • Listening to new content will increase your vocabulary which will improve your understanding of spoken English while listening.  

Summarize spoken text 

  • Restrict your answer to 50-70 words. 
  • You can start with saying something “The speaker said 
  • Use the provided notepad to write down the keywords.  
  • Close your eyes for better attention. 
  • Focus on the theme and most repeated words. 

Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers 

  • Don't make blind guesses as this question has negative marking 
  • It is recommended you read questions before the audio starts. 
  • Stay focused till the end as the answers could be in the end.

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Fill in the blanks 

  • Use the provided notepad to take notes otherwise, you will miss the next word. 
  • Carefully listen and determine whether the word was singular or plural, with an article or not etc.  

Highlight correct summary 

  • Understand the theme and the message conveyed by the speaker. 
  • Use the elimination method to narrow the options. 

Select missing word 

  • By the first half of the audio, you will have a good idea about the topic and three-fourth way in you can predict how it will end. 

Highlight incorrect words 

  • Review your answers before submitting, in case you have missed something. 
  • Double-clicking a word will unselect the word. So click only once. 
  • This part has negative marking, so be careful 

Write from dictation 

  • It is better if you type your answer directly on the computer instead of taking notes on the notepad first as it will save time.  
  • Check the spellings, singular and plural forms, punctuation etc. 

Q:   Is the PTE Academic test easy to crack?


For a candidate who is well versed with the PTE syllabus and who has prepared well for the exam with total sincerity and enthusiasm would be able to crack the PTE Academic test without hurdles.

Q:   Is PTE test hard to pass?


No. Candidates should note that the exam has been designed to test the candidates’ English proficiency levels. Hence, a candidate who is well prepared would qualify for the PTE Academic exam with flying colours.

Q:   What is a good PTE Academic score?


There is no such thing as a good PTE Academic score. Every university would have its own score cut-off and students are required to achieve scores equal or higher than the set grade. Candidates should note that higher scores would automatically increase their chances of securing a seat in the university and also make them a front-runner for any scholarships being offered by the university.

Q:   Is 1 month enough for preparing for my PTE exam?


Your PTE exam preparation depends upon how consistently you prepare for it. You need to practice daily to polish your English language skills, read articles, and immersive yourself thoroughly into the language to get a better preparation outcome before your exam.

Your total exam preparation time also depends upon your previous knowledge of the language and how good are your basics in English. Remember, good basics are the key to solving any English exam question. 

Candidates are advised to prepare for the PTE Academic exam before booking their test slot. Hence, candidates who have appeared for their PTE Academic exam before or who are well prepared for the exam can use the one month for revision and appear for the test. Others would definitely need a more substantial amount of time to be well-versed in the exam.

Q:   Is the PTE Academic test hard for first-time test-takers?


No. You should understand that the test has been created to understand the English language proficiency of the student. Hence a candidate who has prepared for the PTE Academic test should not find this English exam a tough exam.

Q:   Is 75 a good PTE score?


Yes. A 75 PTE score falls under the 'Very Good' category. A PTE 75 score is equivalent to IELTS 7.5 - 8.0 band score. However, candidates should note that the real determining factor is their preferred university PTE score requirements. If they are eligible to apply with their PTE scores, good or else they can always re-take the test.

Q:   How can I boost my PTE score to 90?


Scoring an absolute score of 90 on the PTE test may be difficult but not impossible. Test takers need to stay persistent with their practice of the PTE sample test papers.

Candidates are also often encouraged to visit and revisit their PTE Academic syllabus and understand the PTE exam pattern thoroughly to leave minimum room for difficulty in understanding the question types in the main PTE exam. A prior knowledge of the exam pattern and the question types will help you perform faster in the exam so that you will be able to give sufficient time to the questions that require critical thinking. 

Below are a few points you must follow to ace your preparation for the PTE exam.

  1. Solve as many sample and mock test papers as possible
  2. As the PTE test is an integrated skills test, read, write, speak and listen in English every day.
  3. Work on improving your vocabulary
  4. Practice speaking and recording your speech. Listening to your recorded speech will help you learn about the key areas where you need to improve. 
  5. Prepare for a self-introduction.
  6. Some sections of the PTE exam may require you to take notes. Hence, practice making notes under timed conditions.
  7. Get help from a teacher/trainer/coach. 

Q:   What is the best way to prepare for my next PTE Academic test?


The best way to prepare for any test including PTE Academic would be to have a plan in mind. The plan should include a timetable that should cover the entire syllabus and also leave ample room for solving practice papers. Extra attention should be given to topics that are difficult for the candidate while at the same time solving easy sections.

About the Author
Written by
Priya Garg
Study Abroad Expert

Priya Garg is a seasoned content writer and editor. With her rich experience in content writing, teaching and research & analysis, Priya believes in providing only the correct information which is also up-to-date. H... Read Full Bio

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