Priya Garg
Study Abroad Expert
Updated on Dec 31, 2024 21:57 IST

Part 1: Speaking & Writing

Time Allotted - 77 – 93 Minutes

In PTE AcademicPart 1 of the test will assess your writing and speaking skills 

TipIf you remain silent for more than 3 seconds, the recording will stop automatically and you'll not be able to re-record. 


Type of question 


Skills assessed 

Time to answer 

Read aloud 


Read the provided text aloud 

Reading and Speaking 

Variesdepends on the length of text 

Repeat sentence 


After listening to a recording, repeat the sentence 

Listening and Speaking 

15 seconds 


Describe image 


Describe the image provided in detail 


40 seconds 


Re-tell lecture 


After listening to a lecture, re-tell it in your own words 

Listening and Speaking 

40 seconds 


Answer short question 

After listening to a question, answer with a single word 

Listening and Speaking 

10 seconds 

Summarize written text 

After reading a text, write a one-sentence summary 

Reading and Writing 

10 minutes


Write a 200–300-word essay on the given topic 


20 minutes

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Also Read: How to Ace in the Bar Graph PTE Describe Image Task?

Speaking: Personal Introduction

This item is not scored but provides you with an opportunity to tell the institution about yourself. You get 25 seconds to prepare till you can record. After the tone, start speakingYou should speak clearly and don't rush. You get 30 seconds to record your introductionYou should finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. You will be able to record your introduction only once.

Your response will be sent along with your score report to the colleges and universities selected by you.

Q:   Is the PTE Academic test easy to crack?


For a candidate who is well versed with the PTE syllabus and who has prepared well for the exam with total sincerity and enthusiasm would be able to crack the PTE Academic test without hurdles.

Q:   How can I self-study for PTE?


Candidates are advised to build a PTE study plan that would equally focus on the candidate's strengths and weaknesses to start with. Candidates should also leave enough room for weak topics and above all practice as many PTE Mock Tests as possible. Practising PTE Mock Test papers that are available on the official website is extremely important to achieve your desired score on the PTE test.

Q:   Is PTE test hard to pass?


No. Candidates should note that the exam has been designed to test the candidates’ English proficiency levels. Hence, a candidate who is well prepared would qualify for the PTE Academic exam with flying colours.

Q:   Is 75 a good PTE score?


Yes. A 75 PTE score falls under the 'Very Good' category. A PTE 75 score is equivalent to IELTS 7.5 - 8.0 band score. However, candidates should note that the real determining factor is their preferred university PTE score requirements. If they are eligible to apply with their PTE scores, good or else they can always re-take the test.

Q:   Is 1 month enough for preparing for my PTE exam?


Your PTE exam preparation depends upon how consistently you prepare for it. You need to practice daily to polish your English language skills, read articles, and immersive yourself thoroughly into the language to get a better preparation outcome before your exam.

Your total exam preparation time also depends upon your previous knowledge of the language and how good are your basics in English. Remember, good basics are the key to solving any English exam question. 

Candidates are advised to prepare for the PTE Academic exam before booking their test slot. Hence, candidates who have appeared for their PTE Academic exam before or who are well prepared for the exam can use the one month for revision and appear for the test. Others would definitely need a more substantial amount of time to be well-versed in the exam.

Q:   Can I prepare for PTE test in 15 days?


Yes, it is possible to prepare for the PTE test in 15 days with a focused and organized approach.? However, it requires dedication and the ability to prioritize the essential skills and sections of the exam.

Given the limited time frame, it is essential to create a structured study plan that allocates time for each of the test's components. Prioritizing areas based on their significance in the exam can lead to better outcomes. Engaging in exercises tailored for the exam and working with sample questions will allow you to hone your skills where you feel less confident.

Q:   Why indian students choose to study at Hult International Business School - UK?


Indian students choose to study at Hult International Business School in the UK for several reasons, including its highly ranked programs, global outlook, and career support. Hult offers a range of full-time master’s degrees, immersive bachelor's programs, and MBA options that prepare students to excel in the global job market. The school is the largest and top-ranked global business school, providing students with an incomparable universal outlook. Additionally, Hult's focus on experiential learning, extensive career support, and the opportunity to study at multiple campuses around the world are attractive to Indian students seeking a global business education. Furthermore, the school's emphasis on innovation and meeting the needs of students and employers may also contribute to its appeal to Indian students

Q:   How to prepare for UK 10th board exam 2025?


Those who are preparing for the UK Class 10 exam 2025 are recommended to follow the tips below.

  • Know the exam pattern
  • Make a proper time table as per the syllabus
  • Solve previous year question papers
  • Make short notes of important formulas and theorems
  • Revise regularly
  • Figure out weaker areas and learn them well

With proper planning and hard work, students can easily clear the UK 10th board exam.

About the Author
Written by
Priya Garg
Study Abroad Expert

Priya Garg is a seasoned content writer and editor. With her rich experience in content writing, teaching and research & analysis, Priya believes in providing only the correct information which is also up-to-date. H... Read Full Bio

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I want the practical free material for practice .so,i can set my mind on screen esaily on my exm date.

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