Q: What is the eligibility criteria for IELTS?
There is no specific eligibility criterion for taking the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. It is open to individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds who wish to demonstrate their English language proficiency. Whether you are a student, a professional, or someone seeking immigration or work opportunities in English-speaking countries, you are eligible to take the IELTS. There are no prerequisites such as educational qualifications, age restrictions, or prior language learning experience. The IELTS is accessible to anyone who wants to showcase their English language proficiency. However, it is preferable that students above the age of 16 appear for the exam.
Q: Is BSBI degree valid in Germany?
BSBI does not hold degree-awarding powers in Germany and its programmes are validated by private Italian distance learning institution UniNettuno International Telematic University. BSBI has also partnered with Concordia University Chicago to deliver programmes at its Berlin campus.
Q: Can I qualify IELTS?
There are no strict IELTS eligblity criteria. So, any candidates with 16 plus years of age can apply for IELTS and with better preparation can easily qualify for the test.
Q: Can a 10th pass apply for IELTS exam?
Yes, a candidate who is 10th pass can apply for the IELTS exam. There are no specific educational qualifications required to take the IELTS test, but candidates must be at least 16 years old.
Q: How much percentage is required in 12th for IELTS?
IELTS IDP has not set any 12th score requirements for taking the IELTS. You can take the IELTS irrespective of the marks you scored in the 12th standard. So, one can attempt the IELTS exam without worrying about their class 12th score.
Q: What is the cost of a student visa in Germany?
International students going to pursue higher education in Germany are required to apply for a German study visa. The cost of study visa for Germany is EUR 75 per applicant. Below we have provided a check list for German student visa:
- Valid passport
- Application form
- Declaration for additional contact and legal representation information
- Copy of passport
- Proof of admittance to the study course
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of Financial Means
Q: What are the requirements for Delft University of Technology?
TU Delft has its own criteria that vary as per the programs for international students. We have mentioned below the Delft University of Technology requirements for international students:
For Undergraduate Admission
· Must have a secondary school Diploma equivalent to the Dutch pre-university
· Required examination subjects as per the program
· English Language Proficiency test score
For Graduate Admission
· A bachelor’s degree
· Must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 75% in bachelor’s degree
· English Language Proficiency test score
· Additional test score of GMAT/GRE (if applicable)
Q: How many attempts are possible in the IELTS exam for students looking to study abroad?
Students looking to study abroad can take the IELTS exam as many times as they wish. There is no specific limit on the number of attempts for the IELTS. However, it is important to note that frequent retesting without adequate preparation may not yield the desired results. Each attempt requires payment of the exam fee, and test dates are subject to availability. It is advisable for students to focus on improving their English language skills before attempting the exam again, rather than relying solely on multiple attempts. Preparation, practice, and understanding of the test format are key to achieving the desired scores for studying abroad.
Raj Vimal has experience of 7+ years in SEO Content Writing, which includes 5+ years in the Ed-Tech industry. He has written articles about studying abroad, especially in the USA, UK, and other English-speaking coun... Read Full Bio
Priyakant Sharma brings over 14 years of diverse experience in operations management, team leadership, and devising sales/merchandising strategies for multi-unit retail chains across Europe and India. Transitioning ... Read Full Bio
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