Things to keep in mind before applying to Business Schools
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Updated on Nov 11, 2021 13:13 IST
MBA application season for foreign universities is starting again, with round one deadlines only a few months away. If you're applying to a business school for the next fall semester, now is the time to consolidate your strategy. Here are some tips to ease your help you on the application journey -
Exam strategies
- Take weekend preparatory classes in order to prepare rigorously. Many students prefer self-studies but those who are full-time employed need a study schedule and practice test exams in a competitive environment.
- One key to success is familiarity with both question types and computer-adapted format. So look at the types of questions for each section, and practice the sample GMAT papers on your computer.
- Have a plan-B in place, where you can retake the exam if you aren’t happy with the scores first time around. Since you already know what to expect, you have better chances of getting a higher score.
- Consider taking GRE instead of GMAT. GRE isn't mentioned in class profiles and usually b-schools don’t have a minimum requirement for it. If you are struggling with scoring high in GMAT but otherwise have a strong profile, submitting GRE scores may make it easier for you.
- Never cancel a score, no matter how badly you have done. Colleges will evaluate only your highest score. And you may be surprised that the score is not as low as you expected.
- Don’t wait until the last moment prepare for GMAT. Take care of it early in the year, before you need to focus on other aspects of the application.
Narrowing college list
- Apply to your dream school, even if it seems impossible. Since this could be your only chance, don't leave a chance for regrets later.
- Apply to at least four schools from every tier and levels of competitiveness to increase your chances of success.
- Don’t apply to more than seven to eight colleges. Preparing every application is an intense and time-consuming process. Applying to too many colleges could lead to burnout.
- Don’t follow rankings blindly when shortlisting colleges. You need to focus on which college is the right fit for your personality and career goals, so research thoroughly by getting in touch with current students and alumni.
- Ask for references from your current and most recent managers. Insights from supervisors help create a current picture of you.
- Submit and manage the recommendations closely. These references reflect on your management abilities.
- Don’t seek letter of recommendation from the CEO or business Head of your company if s/he hardly knows you. The admissions committee prefers placement over prestige, so a direct manager’s references are preferred especially if s/he knows you well enough to provide supportive examples that help flesh out your profile on paper.
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