Bangladesh Crisis: Dhaka University VC Resigns; Unrest Continues

Bangladesh Crisis: Dhaka University VC Resigns; Unrest Continues

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content
New Delhi, Updated on Aug 11, 2024 13:42 IST

Amid the ongoing unrest in Bangladesh, the Dhaka University vice-chancellor ASM Maksud Kamal has resigned. He citedpersonal reasonsfor his decision to step down.

Bangladesh Crisis: Dhaka University VC Resigns; Unrest Continues

Image source: Get Bengal

Soon after Bangladesh Chief Justice Hasan stepped down, seven provosts and Dhaka University vice-chancellor ASM Maksud Kamal resigned. He had assumed this role last year.

ASM Maksud Kamal told Prothom Alo that he submitted his resignation to the interim government of Bangladesh. Maksud Kamal served as the convener of Blue Panel at Dhaka University earlier which is an Awami League-backed teacher organization.

After Kamal stepped down, seven hall provosts also resigned. All these resignations followed the resignation of the Bangladeshi chief justice who was accused of supporting the ousted former prime minister Sheikh Hasina's government. He resigned due to students' protests demanding his resignation. He had called a full court meeting and later cancelled it.

After his resignation, Asif Nazrul, law, justice and parliamentary affairs adviser to the interim government said in a Facebook post, "I feel it is necessary to share special news with you. Our chief justice has resigned a few minutes back. His resignation letter has already reached the law ministry. We will send it to the president without delay to take necessary measures," as reported by TOI.

Bangladeshi Hindus protesting against attacks

After violent attacks were reported on Hindus, the community protested against the attacks and carried out rallies in Shariatpur and Dhaka. After the ousting of Sheikh Hasina reportedly many Hindus were attacked. Many related messages are circulating on the Social media platform X.

"Hindus in Bangladesh are protesting the attacks on them, their families, houses, and temples. Videos from Dhaka's Shahbagh," reads a message.

"In the coming times, the condition of Bangladesh will be like Pakistan and the army will rule there. The coming government will be a puppet of the army," said another message.

"Now more than ever Hindus in Bangladesh are being erased physically in their homes by their neighbours, and socioculturally by activists cheeringwe wonwhile turning a blind eye to what has long been happening to Hindus every time there’s any unrest in Bangladesh since 1971," says another message.

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content

With over 11 years of dedicated experience in the field of Study Abroad consulting and writing, Pallavi Pathak stands as a seasoned expert in providing compelling news articles and informative pieces tailored to the... Read Full Bio

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