Gates Cambridge Scholarship celebrates 25th anniversary; Launches Impact Prize

Gates Cambridge Scholarship celebrates 25th anniversary; Launches Impact Prize

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content
New Delhi, Updated on Aug 23, 2024 14:53 IST

A total of five winners will be selected and they will be invited to participate in the 25th anniversary events of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship celebrates 25th anniversary; Launches Impact Prize

Study in UK: The Gates Cambridge Scholarship gives an opportunity to international students to study in the UK and apply to one-year postgraduate courses, MLitt (full-time), and PhD (full-time or part-time) courses. To celebrate the 25th anniversary celebrations, the new Gates Cambridge Impact Prize 2025 nominations has been launched recently. It opened on August 15, and the last date for nominations is September 30, 2024.

The winners will get a chance to participate in the anniversary events in 2025, and showcase the impact of their work on society. A total of five winners will be selected who will get £5,000.

The nominations will be selected by a panel comprising Moral Money Co-Founder and Member of the Editorial Board & Columnist at the Financial Times, Dr Gillian Tett, the 45th Provost of King’s College London, 2009 L’Oréal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science recipient, Professor Tebello Nyokong, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Rhodes University, Joe Cerrell, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Managing Director for Europe, the Middle East and East Asia, and Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, 345th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, former Chair of Cancer Research UK and the former Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council.

Eilis Ferran, Provost of the Gates Cambridge Trust, said, “Next year, we will be celebrating the contributions that Gates Cambridge scholars have made over the last 25 years towards creating a better world for all of us and the limitless possibilities of what is yet to come. This new prize will highlight just how far-reaching that impact has been and is the perfect way of kicking off our 25th anniversary and looking forward to the next 25 years.”

Gates Cambridge Impact Prize 2025 Details

The prizes are for contributions to different fields including culture, society, economy, public policy, the environment, health and quality of life. The work should be sustainable, transformative and innovative and should also be respecting values such as freedom, human rights, democracy, rule of law and equality.

It is open to both team and individual scholars, the team should be of not more than four people. The prize is open to all Gates Cambridge community members.

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content

With over 11 years of dedicated experience in the field of Study Abroad consulting and writing, Pallavi Pathak stands as a seasoned expert in providing compelling news articles and informative pieces tailored to the... Read Full Bio

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