Monash University Introduces Groundbreaking Brain Tumour Research Platform

Monash University Introduces Groundbreaking Brain Tumour Research Platform

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content
New Delhi, Updated on Aug 22, 2024 11:32 IST

This new project of Monash University brings together many teams of experts from the university. Monash Health Department of Oncology has provided a grant of $150,000 for this pioneering project.

Monash University Introduces Groundbreaking Brain Tumour Research Platform

Study in Australia: Monash University has launched the "Brain on MoLBi" platform, aimed at advancing and revolutionizing the treatment and understanding of brain tumours. Monash Health Department of Oncology has provided a Research Support Programme grant of $150,000 for the project.

Dr Gwo Yaw Ho, Principal Investigator in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health said, "This platform represents a significant leap forward in our fight against brain cancer. The grant allows us to accelerate our research efforts and develop new, targeted therapies that could dramatically improve patient outcomes."

A multidisciplinary team of experts from Monash University and Monash Health came together for the project. The key contributors include - A/Prof Zee Wan Wong (Director of Oncology), Dr Liz Ahern (Brain Tumour Lead), Dr Kate Webber (Gynae-oncology Lead), and Dr Sophia Frentzas (Early Phase Clinical Trial Lead) from Monash Health Oncology Department, A/Prof Tu Nguyen-Dumont (Head of Clinical Genomic Laboratory, School of Translational Medicine), Dr Pouya Faridi (Head of Translational Antigen Discovery Laboratory), and A/Prof Josh Ooi (Head of T-Cell Therapies Group) from Monash University, Mr Adrian Praeger, and Professor Justin Moore from Monash Health Department of Neurosurgery.

Brain on MoLBi: Details

The platform collects live brain tumour biospecimens, and preserves and analyses it using Monash Live Bio-Banking (MoLBi) infrastructure. This will help scientists develop precision immunotherapies customized to patients and will also help them understand the immunopeptidomic landscape of brain tumours.

Medical students at Monash University get scholarships to support future rural practice

Monash PSA Insurance Rural Medical Scholarships supports first-year medical students in either the End-to-End Rural Cohort or Extended Rural Cohort with an annual stipend of $8,000. Jaicob Barrot and Ali Al-Zubaidy from the university have received the Monash PSA Insurance Rural Medical Scholarship (Extended Rural Cohort).

“I am so thankful beyond words to receive this incredible opportunity. This scholarship will significantly ease the most significant barrier to my university education, and I am incredibly grateful for that. Having chosen to complete my medical training in rural Victoria through the rural pathway, the scholarship monies will contribute immensely towards helping pay for accommodation and other expenses such as food. Similarly, this scholarship will greatly assist me in purchasing the necessary equipment for the course, such as textbooks and my first stethoscope," said Jaicob.

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content

With over 11 years of dedicated experience in the field of Study Abroad consulting and writing, Pallavi Pathak stands as a seasoned expert in providing compelling news articles and informative pieces tailored to the... Read Full Bio

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