Washington State University's new residency program to graduate its first cohort of doctors

Washington State University's new residency program to graduate its first cohort of doctors

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content
New Delhi, Updated on Jun 5, 2024 17:26 IST

The Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine in partnership with Everett’s Providence Regional Medical Center created a new residency program. The inaugural cohort of doctors is to graduate soon.

Washington State University's new residency program to graduate its first cohort of doctors

The Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine collaborated with Everett’s Providence Regional Medical Center for a new residency program to train internal medicine physicians, which is graduating its first cohort of doctors.  

As per the university statement, a total of 12 resident physicians will become attending physicians, qualified to practice medicine independently, in a June 8 ceremony. The event will mark the resident physicians' three years of training.

“This is a group of individuals who are very dedicated to the patients they serve and to making a difference in the community through advocacy and outreach work. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see them grow over the last three years and to see the difference the program has made in the community," said Program Director Matthew Hansen, MD.

In the US, residency plays an important part in the process of becoming a licensed physician. After graduating in medicine, doctors need to practice additional training in their chosen speciality through a residency program and then they also need to clear a national exam to become board-certified in the chosen speciality.

Internal Medicine Residency Program began with its inaugural cohort in 2021 and now has a total of 40 resident physicians in the three-year program.

“I really feel like our program puts the words of its mission into action, and I think that we’re seeing that with our first graduating class going into practice in rural areas of the Northwest,” said resident Katie Buckman, MD.

Washington State University Board of Regents to hold annual retreat on June 6–7

The Washington State University Board of Regents’ annual retreat is all set to be held on the Vancouver campus June 6–7. Regents will also start discussion on the characteristics being sought in the next president of the institution as the current President Kirk Schulz announced his intention to retire from his leadership role in June 2025.

The meeting will be held inside the Dengerink Administrative Building, rooms 129–130 on the WSU Vancouver campus. The regents will gather on Friday to discuss strategic areas of focus for the upcoming academic year.

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Pallavi Pathak
Assistant Manager Content

With over 11 years of dedicated experience in the field of Study Abroad consulting and writing, Pallavi Pathak stands as a seasoned expert in providing compelling news articles and informative pieces tailored to the... Read Full Bio

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