Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is a public university that was established in 1945. Education is offered at 13 faculties on Bachelor and Master level and, additionally, in 12 research disciplines on the doctoral level
Our mission is to maintain and develop the competencies related to the culture of the experiment. These competencies created modern civilization, condition its existence, and constitute the main factors of development. In a time when experiments are replaced by procedures and appearances count more than facts, this mission is fundamental. Our priorities are Creativity that changes the trajectory of the future, Professionalism and hard skills, which determine the way the technosphere works, Partnership-like interaction with the environment, which strengthens the results of actions and facilitates their achievement
Inside, we focus on the activity and creativity of employees and students alike, enabling them to fulfill a wide range of life aspirations. We are a place where technical, scientific, and civilization-related issues are brought to light, discussed, and solved. We are a structure based on trust and responding firmly to the violation of trust. The most important thing about every university is the people. There are currently 25 thousand students and 927 doctoral students (including 342 people at the Doctoral School) pursuing their degree programs under the supervision of nearly 2200 academic teachers at WUST’s 13 faculties and three branches. We also have over 1,100 foreign students (including 800 on full-cycle programs) from 69 countries around the world
Students can choose from 60 different fields of study under the first and second cycle degree programs, many of which are delivered in English. Our educational offer allows students to learn according to standard curricula as well as under individual educational programs. We maintain contacts with several teaching and research institutions around the world to ensure programs allowing the obtainment of double degrees. The university units responsible for conducting scientific research are the Departments, whose number currently amounts to 74. Our scientists carry out their research in twelve disciplines within three fields: Engineering and technology, Strict and natural sciences, Social sciences
Each year, a number of our original technical solutions, patents, inventions, and technologies used in the industry obtain patent protection. Over the past ten years alone, we have been granted 1,283 patents, in which respect we are the national leader. The university has 887 educational laboratories, 175 research laboratories, and 13 accredited laboratories. Our students are a group of exceptionally active and creative young people. Operating in over 200 scientific circles, organizations, and culture-dedicated sections. Thanks to their international projects, they travel around the world. The Student Formula racing car has been successful in several international competitions, as are the robots constructed by the KoNaR robotics circle, the Martian rover Scorpio, or the unmanned aircraft developed by the Academic Aviation Club
Several thousand graduates leave Wroc?aw University of Science and Technology every year. According to the research conducted by the university’s Career Office, some of them find employment when still studying, and 70% in three months after receiving their diploma, at the latest. Moreover, our graduates enjoy good earnings: we are ranked third in Poland in terms of median earnings. We work hard to ensure that the bond between the university and our graduates is strong and long-lasting, which is why since 1976 the Association of Wroc?aw University of Science and Technology Alumni has been present at the university