Angular vs React: Understand the Difference

Angular vs React: Understand the Difference

8 mins read787 Views Comment
Chanchal Aggarwal
Senior Executive Content
Updated on Aug 27, 2024 13:40 IST

Angular and React both are well-known JavaScript tools for frontend development. In this blog we have covered what is Angular and React, their features along with a detailed comparison. Therefore, now you can find which is best for your next project.

Angular and React frameworks are solid and well-liked resources of JavaScript for creating just about any frontend project you can think of. Both make creating sophisticated and trendy user interfaces for web applications more accessible. Angular and React, both JavaScript tools, are part of full-stack development, i.e, MEAN and MERN stack.

As a result, they have often been the topic of discussion amongst online developer communities. So, this led to the rise of an important question: Angular vs React, which is best suitable for your upcoming project?

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Table of Content

Difference between Angular vs React

Parameters Angular React
Release Year 2009 2013
Developed By Facebook Google
Written In Typescript JavaScript
Learning Curve Steep Moderate
Technology Type Full-fledged MVC framework JavaScript library
Dynamic UI Bending UI bending at the plain object or property level Direct linking of states to the UI
App Structure Fixed and complex component- Model View Controller Flexible component-based view only
UI Rendering Client/ Server-side Client/ Server-side
DOM Type Real Virtual
Performance High High
Suitability Development of interactive web apps.  Enterprise-level apps with recurrent variable data.
Popular Apps Freelancer, Upwork, PayPal, IBM Instagram, Popular, Walmart, Facebook

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What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework managed by the Angular team of Google. It is a component-based framework for developing scalable web and mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and Typescript. The framework has several well-integrated libraries and features, including client-server communication, routing, etc. 

Angular 13 is the latest version present in the market, which allows enterprise-ready web app development solutions. It has a range of developer tools to create and scale projects from single-developer size to enterprise-grade applications. Moreover, it utilizes MVC (Model View Controller) approach that divides work into logical pieces and speeds up the initial webpage loading time.

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Key Features of Angular

  • Angular offers clean code development and dependency injection.
  • Offers single routing option. Also, it has interactive UIs with data bending. 
  • Routing option of Angular makes switching views simple.
  • Provides inbuilt features like Rxjs and AngularCLI, which are more potent for creating channels of exchanging data and independent handling of events.
  • Streamlines the coding process for developers.
  • Server-side rendering, supporting views without browser-side rendering.

What is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library for frontend development. It is utilized to create user interfaces or UI elements. Developers may quickly develop interactive and complex UIs because of its component-based and declarative features.

Developers can create scalable apps quickly for various platforms because of its “learn once, write anywhere” approach. React is overseen by Facebook along with a group of independent developers.

Features of React

  • One of React’s most valuable features is its support for third-party libraries.
  • Composability and simplicity save overall development time.
  • ReactJS allows developers to incorporate different entities to access specific methods and fully interactive functionalities.
  • For quicker creation of scalable apps like dynamic elements and managing rendering, it furthermore offers state containers similar to Redux.
  • Javascript translation of JSX for browser compatibility
  • Utilizing a URL routing library such as ReactRouter

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Angular vs React – Summary

Angular vs React, which is more suitable for your next project? This question often leads to dilemmas giving rise to Angular vs React. Below we will share some differences that will help you choose the best for your next project. So, let’s begin the discussion.

  1. ReactJS is an open-source library created by Facebook, whereas AngularJS is an open-source platform created by Google.
  2. Angular JS is a TypeScript-based web application framework, whereas ReactJS is a JavaScript library.
  3. Another crucial difference between React and Angular is their learning curve. Angular has a steeper learning curve on the other hand React has a moderate learning curve.
  4. When comparing React with Angular, ReactJS is a JS library built using JSX, whereas Angular is a JS framework developed using TypeScript.
  5. AngularJS is utilized to build complex web applications such as PWA and SPA. On the other hand, ReactJS is used to create Interactive UI components with frequent variable code.
  6. AngularJS is used to create complex enterprise applications like single-page apps and progressive web apps. It creates single-page applications utilizing HTML and TypeScript when comparing React vs Angular. User interfaces for single-page applications are frequently built with ReactJS from separate components.

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Detailed Comparison: Angular vs React

  1. Learning Curve: The capacity to write codes using a specific programming tool is known as the learning curve. React has an advantage over Angular when comparing the two frameworks’ learning curves. Due to Angular’s numerous difficulties, more developers are choosing to write code in ReactJS. As per the W3tech research, React has more usage and popularity than Angular. Therefore, it is quite evident that React is easier to learn and understand than Angular. 
  1. Performance: The Document Object Model of an app changes when we modify the user interface. Because Angular uses Real DOM, even little changes to the data will update the entire structure. On the other hand, React uses virtual DOM to solve this problem. The rest of the structure doesn’t change even if you update the data numerous times. The type of DOM greatly affects how well any tool performs. And in this case, the virtual DOM helps the JavaScript React library win thanks to its superior performance.
  1. Tools: Both of these systems support a variety of code editors. When creating web apps with React or Angular, server-side rendering uses the Next.js framework and Angular Universal. The testing tools provided by React.js and Angular have a lot in common. We need a variety of tools to accomplish this with React. But in the case of Angular, you need one testing tool to finish the testing process. As a result, Angular’s toolkits are superior to React’s.
  1. Productivity: As we mentioned while discussing toolkits, React app developers must use a unique set of tools for each project. In order to create apps, you can use many external libraries that are compatible with React. This makes it necessary always to design architecture using a new set of tools. However, TypeScript’s clear codes make Angular app development error-free. A one-line command can solve most problems quickly. Furthermore, the built-in components make it possible to complete the development process swiftly. Therefore, this gives Angular an upper head in the Angular vs React comparison.

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Angular vs React: When to Choose What?

Choose Angular When

  • Dynamic web Apps:  These adapt their content and some of their components to the user accessing them and the client (web or mobile) consuming them.
  • Business-level web Apps: Typescript enables developers to create applications by reusing modules and diverse components. Additionally, using diverse libraries can save a lot of time and effort on the project. 
  • Single Page Apps/ Progressive Web Apps: Angular is the solution if you need to create highly dynamic, lightweight apps.

Choose React When

  • Large scale applications: With ReactJS, developers can create enterprise-level applications with great-looking interfaces and complex web interfaces. It offers state containers similar to Redux for quicker creation of scalable apps.
  • Quicker rendering of web pages: Using React, you may use the same code for both the server and client sides of the dashboard as it supports isomorphic javascript. React can still render the components and show the content on the screen when a webpage loads.
  • Dashboards of data visualization tools: With React, you’ll be free to create independent, reusable components that will make your code more modular and well-structured. Since the data needs to be presented instantly and effectively, React’s Virtual DOM enables developers to create clever workarounds that ensure the quick re-rendering of components.

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Choosing the proper framework might take time and effort because there are so many options, and each has different qualities. It comes down to personal opinion when deciding between Angular and React because both are suitable for different kinds of development.

React has a more straightforward learning curve, which speeds up development, but Angular offers more built-in features, so keep that in mind while choosing. They are both quite compelling and have improved, facilitated, and sped up development considerably since the early days of web development.



Is Angular easier than React?

React is easier to learn than angular and offers more work chances if you're a newbie or junior developer; thus, you should start there. Learning React also makes it simple and quick to learn React Native, which is used to create mobile applications.

Is React taking over Angular?

Since it enables developers to reuse the logical section of an app while only changing the view, it is used in mobile development. Self-contained components make for simple maintenance and improvement. AngularJS and most other frameworks that were available then were quickly eclipsed by React on the market.

Should I learn React or Angular?

React has an easy learning curve than Angular. Compared to Angular, React provides a superior mobile cross-platform framework. You can express an excellent opinion about the structure of the code using React.

Does Netflix use React or Angular?

Netflix, a well-known streaming service, uses React especially for slow devices. Similar to how Netflix uses Reactjs to enhance modularization and boost startup and runtime performance. From our perspective, these are some everyday use cases for Angular and React.

Which has more jobs, React or Angular?

In some ways, Angular is more complex than React. Angular is better suited for large companies and teams. Hence, React is great for startups and has many job opportunities.

About the Author
Chanchal Aggarwal
Senior Executive Content

Chanchal is a creative and enthusiastic content creator who enjoys writing research-driven, audience-specific and engaging content. Her curiosity for learning and exploring makes her a suitable writer for a variety ... Read Full Bio