Difference Between Tree and Graph

Difference Between Tree and Graph

9 mins readComment
Updated on Mar 13, 2024 15:24 IST

Have you ever wondered about the key differences between trees and graphs in data structures? A tree is a hierarchical structure with a single root and no cycles, ensuring a unique path between any two nodes. In contrast, a graph is a more flexible representation, allowing for cycles, multiple paths between nodes, and potentially no single root, accommodating complex relationships like networks. Let's understand more!

A tree is a hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges, and a graph is a more general data structure compared to a tree and is used to represent complex relationships between objects. In this blog, we will understand the differences between them in detail!

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Difference Between Tree and Graph

Below is a table differentiating between tree and graph.





A tree is a hierarchical structure consisting of nodes, where one node is marked as the root, and all other nodes are connected by edges such that there is exactly one path between any two nodes.

A graph is a collection of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting pairs of nodes. Graphs can be used to represent many-to-many relationships between the nodes.


Trees do not contain cycles. A cycle occurs when a path leads from a node back to itself without retracing the same edge.

Graphs may contain cycles, allowing for a path to lead from a node back to itself.


Trees can be undirected or directed. In a directed tree (or a rooted tree), edges have a direction, typically away from the root.

Graphs can be either directed (digraphs) or undirected. Edges in directed graphs have an orientation (from one vertex to another), while edges in undirected graphs do not.


A tree has a single root node from which all nodes descend.

Graphs do not have a root node. Any node can be connected to any other node without any hierarchical structure.


In a tree, any two nodes are connected by exactly one path.

In a graph, two nodes can be connected by multiple paths, or not connected at all.

Edge Count

A tree with N nodes always has Nβˆ’1 edges.

A graph can have any number of edges, and the number of edges is not directly tied to the number of nodes.


Trees exhibit a branching structure, where each node (except the root) has exactly one parent.

Graphs may exhibit complex networks without any specific branching pattern. Nodes can have zero, one, or multiple parent nodes.


Family trees, organizational charts, and directory structures.

Social networks, road maps, networks of web pages and links.


What is a Tree?

A tree is a fundamental data structure used in computer science and information theory that simulates a hierarchical tree structure with a set of connected nodes. It is a special case of a graph; more specifically, it is an acyclic-connected graph where one node is designated as the root.

Components of Tree

  • Node: The basic unit of a tree, representing an element or a data point in the tree. Each node can contain data and also may link to other nodes (its children).
  • Root: The top node of the tree from which all other nodes descend. The root node is the only node in the tree that does not have a parent.
  • Edge (Link): A connection between two nodes, representing the relationship (typically parent-child) between them. The edge directly connects one node to another in the tree structure.
  • Parent: A node that has one or more child nodes. In a tree, every node (except the root) has exactly one parent, which is the node directly above it.
  • Child: A node that is a descendant of another node. A node can have zero or more children. Nodes with the same parent are called siblings.
  • Sibling: Nodes that share the same parent are siblings. They are on the same level of the tree.
  • Leaf (Terminal Node): A node with no children. Leaves are the final nodes on branches; they do not contain any reference to other nodes.
  • Subtree: A section of a tree consisting of a node and all its descendants. Each node in a tree can be viewed as the root of a subtree.
  • Level: The level of a node is determined by its distance from the root. The root is at level 1, its children are at level 2, and so on.
  • Depth (or Height) of a Node: The length of the path from the root to the node, measured by the number of edges in the path. The depth of the root is 0.
  • Height of a Tree: The maximum depth among all the nodes in the tree. It is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf.
  • Degree of a Node: The number of children a node has. In binary trees, a node can have a degree of 0, 1, or 2.
  • Path: A sequence of nodes and edges connecting a pair of nodes. Each pair of nodes in a tree has exactly one path connecting them.

What is a Graph?

A graph is a fundamental data structure in computer science and discrete mathematics that consists of a set of nodes (or vertices) and a set of edges that establish relationships between these nodes. Graphs are used to represent networks of connections and relationships between objects, making them invaluable for modeling a wide variety of systems in computer algorithms, network analysis, social network modeling, and more. 

Components of Graph

  • Vertex (or Node): A vertex represents an entity or a data point within a graph. The collection of vertices in a graph is often denoted as V. Each vertex can have zero or more connections to other vertices in the graph.
  • Edge: An edge is a connection between two vertices, representing the relationship or link between them. The collection of edges in a graph is often denoted as E. Edges can be either undirected (bidirectional) or directed (unidirectional), and they can connect a vertex to itself (a loop).
  • Weight (Optional): In weighted graphs, each edge can have a weight or cost associated with it, representing the magnitude of the connection or relationship (e.g., distance, time, or capacity). Graphs without edge weights are considered unweighted.
  • Path: A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices where each adjacent pair of vertices is connected by an edge. In directed graphs, the path follows the direction of the edges.
  • Cycle: A cycle is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex, with all edges and vertices (except the starting/ending vertex) distinct. In directed graphs, these are referred to as directed cycles.
  • Directed Graph (Digraph): A graph where the edges have a direction, indicating a one-way relationship from one vertex to another. The edges in a directed graph are often called arcs.
  • Undirected Graph: A graph where the edges do not have a direction, indicating a two-way, bidirectional relationship between the vertices connected by each edge.
  • Subgraph: A subgraph is a subset of a graph's vertices and edges that forms a graph itself. A subgraph can be induced by a subset of vertices (including all edges between those vertices) or by a subset of edges (including all vertices incident to those edges).
  • Connected Graph: In an undirected graph, it is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices. In a directed graph, connectivity can be more complex, with concepts such as strongly connected (a path exists in both directions between every pair of vertices) and weakly connected (replacing all directed edges with undirected edges results in a connected graph).
  • Degree: The degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident to it. In directed graphs, this is further divided into in-degree (the number of incoming edges) and out-degree (the number of outgoing edges).
  • Adjacency: Two vertices are considered adjacent if they are connected by an edge. In a similar vein, two edges are adjacent if they share a common vertex.
  • Graph Order and Size: The order of a graph is the number of its vertices, and the size of a graph is the number of its edges.

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Similarities Between Tree and Graph



Basic Components

Both trees and graphs consist of nodes (vertices) connected by edges.

Structural Framework

They provide a structural framework for representing relationships between entities.

Path Concept

Paths exist in both trees and graphs, representing sequences of nodes connected by edges.

Use in Algorithms

Trees and graphs are both used in algorithms for searching, traversing, and pathfinding.

Hierarchical Data

While trees explicitly represent hierarchical data, graphs can also model hierarchical structures in a more flexible manner.

Dynamic Size

Both structures can dynamically grow or shrink by adding or removing nodes and edges.

Application Areas

They are utilized in various application areas, including computer networks, AI, databases, and more, to model complex relationships and solve problems.

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Thus, understanding these distinctions is crucial for choosing the appropriate data structure for a given problem, whether it's organizing data in a hierarchical manner using trees or modeling complex networks with potentially cyclical relationships using graphs. Each structure offers unique advantages and limitations. Keep learning, keep exploring!


What is the primary structural difference between a tree and a graph?

A tree is an acyclic connected graph where there is exactly one path between any two nodes. In contrast, a graph can have cycles, multiple paths between nodes, and does not necessarily have a hierarchical structure.

Can a tree have cycles, and how does this differ from a graph?

A tree cannot have cycles; it is a special case of a graph that is acyclic, meaning it does not contain any loops. A graph, on the other hand, may contain cycles, allowing nodes to be reached from themselves through a series of edges.

How does connectivity in trees compare to graphs?

In a tree, there is always one and only one path between any two nodes, ensuring a unique connection. Graphs can have multiple paths between nodes, and not all nodes are necessarily reachable from others unless the graph is connected.

Do trees have root nodes and if so, how does this differ from graphs?

A tree has a specific starting node called a root from which all nodes are reachable in a hierarchical manner. A graph does not have a root; any node can potentially be reached from any other node depending on the graph's connectivity.

Are all graphs trees, or are all trees graphs?

Not all graphs are trees, but all trees are indeed graphs. A tree is a restricted form of a graph with specific properties, whereas a graph is a more general structure that does not impose the hierarchical and acyclic constraints of a tree.

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