Enumerate in Python

Enumerate in Python

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Updated on Oct 13, 2023 14:03 IST

Enumerate is a built-in function of python, that helps to count each item of a list, tuple, or any data structure that can be iterated. In this article, we will discuss enumerate function in python with examples.


Enumerate means defining the list of things in terms of numbers. In python, enumerate function takes data as a parameter and returns an enumerate object. It returns the object in key-value pair, where the key is the corresponding index of each item, and the value is the given item. This article will discuss what is enumerate in python and how to use it.

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What is Enumerate in Python?

Enumerate in a built-in function of Python that helps you count each object of a list, tuple, set, or any data structure that can be iterated.

  • It takes input as a collection of tuples and returns it as an enumerate object.
  • An enumerated object (returned as an output) can be used directly for loops 
    • It can be converted as a list of tuples using the list method.

Example: If there are ten students enrolled in any program, you have to assign them a roll number on the basis of their admission.

So, basically, you have to assign a number from 1 to 10 (1 for the first student and 10 for the last student). 

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enumerate(iterable_object, startIndex)
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Let’s discuss the parameters in the syntax of enumerate function.

  • iterable_object: 
    • Objects whose enumeration is to be done. 
    • It can be a string, list, or any data structure.
    • In simple terms, it is an object that can be looped.
  • startIndex:
    • It is optional.
    • It is the index value from which the counter is to be a start
    • If startIndex is not specified, it will be a default 0.
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Now, using the above syntax, let’s write the code for the above example.


# Make a list of students
student = [‘Rahul’, ‘Ram’, ‘Siddiqui’, ‘Nikita’, ‘Sam’, ‘Saumya’, ‘Ritika’, ‘Ritvik’, ‘Twinkle’, ‘Aquib’]
#defining enumerate function
enumerate_student = enumerate(student, 1)
#printing enumerate objects
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Working of Enumerate Function in Python

  • It is like a for loop.
    • It loops over a collection of each item.
  • It assigns a particular index to every item that can be used to refer to that item.
  • As functions iterate over the object, it turns each item into a key-value pair.
  • Starting index parameters in an enumerate function accepts only an integer, and it is very similar to the indexing of arrays.
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Now, let’s take some more examples to get a better understanding of how to enumerate function works with a list, tuples, set, or dictionary.


Python List


car_list = [‘Honda’, ‘Tata’, ‘Mahindra’, ‘Ford’, ‘Toyota’]
e_car_list = enumerate(car_list)
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[(0, ‘Honda’), (1, ‘Tata’), (2, ‘Mahindra’), (3, ‘Ford’), (4, ‘Toyota’)]

Also Read: Complete Guide to List in Python

Python Tuple


car_tuple = (‘Honda’, ‘Tata’, ‘Mahindra’, ‘Ford’, ‘Toyota’)
for i in enumerate(car_tuple):
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(0, ‘Honda’)

(1, ‘Tata’)

(2, ‘Mahindra’)

(3, ‘Ford’)

(4, ‘Toyota’)

Also Read: Understanding Tuples in Python

Also Read: Python List vs Tuple

Python String


my_string = “NaukriLearning”
for i in enumerate(my_string, 5):
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(5, ‘N’)

(6, ‘a’)

(7, ‘u’)

(8, ‘k’)

(9, ‘r’)

(10, ‘i’)

(11, ‘L’)

(12, ‘e’)

(13, ‘a’)

(14, ‘r’)

(15, ‘n’)

(16, ‘i’)

(17, ‘n’)

(18, ‘g’)

Also Read: Getting started with Python

Also Read: Understanding Python Sets

Python Dictionary


my_dict = {‘a’: ‘A’, ‘b’: ‘B’, ‘c’: ‘C’, ‘d’: ‘D’}
for i in enumerate(my_dict):
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(0, ‘a’)

(1, ‘b’)

(2, ‘c’)

(3, ‘d’)

Also Read: Introduction to Python Dictionary

Also Read: Python Dictionary Practice Programs

Return value of enumerate () function in Python

Using the enumerate () function, we convert a list, tuple, or data structure to an enumerated object. But it can again be converted into other iterable data structures like lists and tuples using the list () and tuple () methods, respectively.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Enumerate function:

  • It loops through a list, tuple, dictionary, or any data structure and returns indexes for corresponding values.
  • It can be used at the runtime of the loop.
  • It has the flexibility to start the index from any integer.
  • It avoids the use of a loop and thus makes code cleaner (a little bit).
  • Uses more space complexity than a normal list.
  • It only counts in a consecutive way
    • i.e., if we start from any number I and then an increment by +1 only.
    • If you want to change the step size from 1 to 3 or 5, then we have to use a loop.
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