What is a Feasible Solution in LPP?
Imagine you're building a treehouse! You need the right materials (wood, nails) and to follow the instructions (blueprint). A feasible solution is kind of like that in math. It's an answer to a problem that follows all the rules. This article will explain what feasible solutions are and why they're important. We'll use fun examples to show how finding a feasible solution is like following a recipe or playing a game with specific rules. So, get ready to explore the world of possible answers and see how they help us solve problems!
In the previous articles, we have discussed Linear Programming Problems and, its special case Transportation Problems. Now we will learn how to solve the linear programming problem, and for that, in this article, we will discuss one of the key concepts used to solve the LPP, i.e., ‘feasible solution’.
This article is all about a feasible solution, a basic feasible solution, and the different methods to find the feasible solution in LPP.
So, let’s start with the formal definition of a Feasible Solution.
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What is a Feasible Solution?
Feasible solutions are the fundamental concepts used in the Linear Programming Problem. It is defined as “the solution that satisfies all the constraints of a problem“.
Don’t worry.
Let me explain to you with the help of an example.
Example: A company has two warehouses (W1 and W2) with a production capacity of 100 and 200 units per week of a product, respectively. The company needs to ship all these products to its three stores (S1, S2, and S3), which require 80, 120, and 100 units, respectively. The transportation cost per unit between the warehouse and the store is given in the table below.
Now, let’s formulate the above Transportation Problem to minimize the total transportation cost.
Model Formulation
Let xij = Number of the product to be transported from a warehouse i (i = 1, 2) to the stores j (j = 1, 2, 3)
The mathematical formulation of the above transportation problem is as follows:
Min Z (total transportation cost) = 5x11 + 4x12 + 3x13 + 2x21 + 3x22 + 2x23
Subject to the constraints:
Supply Constraints
x11 + x12 + x13 = 100
x21 + x22 + x23 = 200
Demand Constraints
x11 + x21 = 80
x12 + x22 = 120
x13 + x23 = 100
xij >= 0, for i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, and 3
1. The above formulation can be represented as:
Min Z = ΣΣ cij * xij, i = 1, 2, and j = 1, 2, 3
Subject to the constraints:
Σ xij = ai (supply constraints)
Σ xij = bj (Demand Constraints)
2. In the above Linear Programming Problem, there are
Number of Decision Variable (x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, and x23) = m * n = 2 * 3 = 6
Number of Constraints (= Number of Supply Constraint + Number of Demand Constraint) = m + n = 2 + 3 = 5
m = Number of Rows
n = Number of Columns
Existence of Feasible Solution
A necessary and sufficient condition for a feasible solution to the LPP is:
Total Supply = Total Demand, i.e.,
Σ ai = Σ bj, for i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, 3
In simple terms, the feasible solution for any given linear programming problem exists if and only if Total Supply = Total Demand.
Here, in the above problem:
Total Supply = 80 + 120 + 100 = 300
Total Demand = 100 + 200 = 300
=> Total Demand = Total Supply = 300
Hence, the above transportation problem has a feasible solution.
- In the above problem, there are m + n (2 + 3 = 5) constraints and m * n (2 * 3 = 6) variables. Since all the constraints are equations.
- i.e., we have 6 variables and 5 equations.
- Therefore, we have 5 independent variables and one dependent variable. The value of the one dependent variable can be derived from the remaining 5 constraints.
- In any linear programming problem, there must be exactly (m + n – 1) non-negative basic variables satisfying the condition of a feasible solution.
- When the Total Supply = Total Demand, the problem is called a Balanced Transportation Problem, otherwise it is called Unbalanced Transportation Problem.
- When the number of Decision Variable is less than the required number (m + n – 1), then the solution is said to be a degenerate solution, otherwise a non-degenerate solution.
- Cells in the transportation problem having positive allocations xij > = 0 are called occupied cells, otherwise known as non-occupied cells.
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Methods to Find the Feasible Solution
There are different methods to find the feasible solution for any given Linear programming Problem (LPP)
- Graphical Method
- Simplex Method
- Dual Simplex Method
- Interior Method
- Sensitivity Analysis
Methods to Find the Feasible Solution to Transportation Problem
- North-West Corner Method
- Least Cost Method
- Vogel’s Approximation Method
- MODI Method (Modified Distribution Method)
The feasible solution to a transportation problem is defined as a solution that satisfies all the constraints of a problem.
In this article, we have briefly explained feasible solutions, their existence, and methods for finding them. We hope you will like the article.
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What is Feasible Soultion?
Feasible solutions are the fundamental concepts used in the Linear Programming Problem. It is defined as the solution that satisfies all the constraints of a problem.
What is a existence condition for a Feasible Solution?
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of feasible solution is that total demand equals to total supply.
What are the different methods to find the feasible solution in LPP?
Methods to find the feasible solutions in LPP are Graphical Method Simplex Method Dual Simplex Method Interior Method Sensitivity Analysis
What are the different methods to find the feasible solution in transportation Problem?
Methods to find the feasible solutions of transportation problem are North-West Corner Method Least Cost Method Vogel's Approximation Method MODI Method
What is the difference between feasible solution and an optimal feasible solution?
A feasible solution of an LPP satisfies all the constraints, while an optimal solution is a special case of a feasible solution that either maximizes or minimizes the objective function.
What is basic feasible solution?
A basic feasible solution for an LPP is a solution obtained by setting m-n variables equal to zero, where m is the number of decision variables and n is the number of constraints and solving the resulting system of m equations.
What is non-feasible solution?
A solution of the LPP which does not satisfy all the constraints of the problem. In simple terms it is a point in the solution space or the feasible region where at least one constraint condition is not satisfied.