Practical Guide for HashSet in Java: Example and Use Cases

Practical Guide for HashSet in Java: Example and Use Cases

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Updated on Oct 3, 2023 11:49 IST

In this article, we will discuss HashSet in Java, its internal working, the constructors of HashSet, and different methods. Later in the article, we will also discuss how to perform different operation on HashSet with the help of examples.



If we want to represent a group of individual objects where duplicates are not allowed and insertion order is not preserved, then we should go for Set. Set is a child interface of Collections in Java. If you do not become aware of Java collections, please check the below link for an understanding.

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What is HashSet?

HashSet is a class that implements the Set interface. The underline data structure of HashSet is Hashtable. There are some important key points about HashSet, which are listed below.

  • Duplicate elements are not allowed in HashSet.
  • Elements put inside HashSet are based on hashcode; that’s why insertion order is not preserved.
  • HashSet allows a null value. 
  • HashSet is a non-synchronized class, and hence it is not thread-safe
  • Elements in HashSet are stored based on hashcode; because of this, HashSet is the best choice for searching operations.
  • HashSet Implements Serializable and Clonable interfaces.
  • The initial default capacity of HashSet is 16, and the load factor (fill ratio) is 0.75, meaning the size of HashSet increases when it is filled by 75%.

Internal working of HashSet

HashSet uses HashMap internally for the creation and addition of objects or elements. Observe the below code to understand it carefully.


When we internally create an object for HashSet, the HashMap object is created with a reference map. Now, if we add an element in HashSet, then internally, that element is put inside the map as a key. As we know, in HashMap key must be unique. Observe the below code to understand it. Let’s add fruits in HashSet and understand how it is internally implemented.


HashMap contains keys and values after insertions are performed.

Key Value
banana PRESENT

Since in HashMap key must be unique so duplicates are not allowed, and the hence same case is for HashSet duplicates are not allowed in HashSet.

Must Check: HashMap in Java

Declaration of HashSet

HashSet<Type> hashset_reference = new HashSet<>();
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Note: To use HashSet in the program, we must have to import package like import java.util.HashSet

Constructor of HashSet

Constructor Description
HashSet() It create HashSet with default initial capacity and load factor.
HashSet(int capacity) It create HashSet with defined capacity in integer.
HashSet(int capacity, float loadFactor) It create HashSet with defined capacity and load factor
HashSet(Collection c) It create HashSet and initialize it with elements of Collection

Methods in HashSet

Methods Description
add( E e ) Add element is HashSet if it is not already present
remove( Object ) To remove element if it is present inside HashSet
clear() It is use to delete all the elements from the HashSet
size() Return the size of the HashSet
isEmpty() Return true if HashSet is empty
contains(Object) Return true if HashSet contains the specified element
iterator() It is used to traverse over elements in the HashSet

Operations on HashSet

To better understand HashSet in Java, let’s perform some basic operations on HashSet. Some commonly used HashSet operations are:

Add Element in HashSet

Let’s take an example of service-based companies and add them to HashSet using add() method.


import java.util.HashSet;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
// Printing HashSet of companies
//Also note that order of element in HashSet is different then insertion order
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In the above program, we added service-based companies like Tcs , Accenture, Cognizant, Infosys, and Wipro into HashSet. As we discussed earlier, insertion order is not preserved in HashSet because, for each element, a hash code is calculated, which determines the index of specific elements inside the HashSet; hence the output is not print elements as per insertion order.

Access Element from HashSet

There are three different ways by which we can get elements from HashSet.

Using Array

Let’s take the above example program and access the element from HashSet by converting HashSet into Array. Once we have an array, then we can easily get elements by index. Here, we are accessing the element, which is at index 3.


import java.util.HashSet;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
//Also note that order of element in HashSet is different then insertion order
// Printing HashSet of companies
// Converting HashSet into Array
String[] array=companies.toArray( new String[companies.size()]);
// Printing Company which is at index 3
System.out.println("Element at index 3 is:"+ array[3]);
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Using for each loop

In this example program, we are accessing elements using each loop and printing the element which is at index 2.


import java.util.HashSet;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
// Printing HashSet of companies
//Also note that order of element in HashSet is different then insertion order
int curr_index=0;
int expected_index=2;
// Use for each loop for traversing in companies
for(String company: companies) {
if(curr_index==expected_index) {
// Printing Company which is at index 2
System.out.println("Element at index 2 is:"+ company);
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Using an ArrayList

In this example program, we are accessing the element by converting HashSet into ArrayList and then accessing the element using get() method of ArrayList. Here, we are printing an element that is at index 4.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
// Printing HashSet of companies
//Also note that order of element in HashSet is different then insertion order
// Converting HashSet into ArrayList
ArrayList<String> alist=new ArrayList<>(companies);
//Printing element which is at index 4 in ArrayList
System.out.println("Element at index 4 is:"+alist.get(4));
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Remove Element from HashSet

In the below program, we remove element “Cognizant “ from HashSet.


import java.util.HashSet;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
// Printing HashSet of companies
//Also note that order of element in HashSet is different then insertion order
// Removing element Cognizant from HashSet
// Printing HashSet of companies
System.out.println("After removal of Cognizant HashSet contains:"+ companies);
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Iterate Through a HashSet

The below program uses an Iterator of type String to use Next() or next() method to traverse through HashSet and prints elements that are present in HashSet.


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class Company{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating HashSet object with reference companies
HashSet<String> companies =new HashSet<>();
//Adding service based companies to HashSet
//Creating Iterator of type String
Iterator<String> itr=companies.iterator();
System.out.println("Elements in HashSet are:");
//hasNext() method is used here to whether element is present in HashSet or not.It return true or false
while(itr.hasNext()) {
//next() method used to traverse and prints elements from HashSet
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In this article, we have discussed HashSet in Java, it’s internal working, constructors of HashSet, and different methods. Later in the article, we have also discussed how to perform different operation on HashSet with the help of examples.

Hope, you will like the article.

Contributed By: Shubham Kumar


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