How to Find the Factorial of a Number Using Python

How to Find the Factorial of a Number Using Python

5 mins read9.5K Views Comment
Vikram Singh
Assistant Manager - Content
Updated on Aug 16, 2024 15:25 IST

In this article, we will discuss different methods to find the factorial of a number in python using for, while, ternary operator and math module.

finding factorial of a number


While practising Python programming as a beginner, or even during Python interviews, one of the most common programs you will be asked to write is going to be Python factorial. And in this article, we will discuss 5 different ways to find the factorial of a given number using Python. Let’s begin!

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What is a Factorial?

The factorial of a given number is the product of all positive integers between 1 and the number itself. Mathematically, the factorial of a number is represented by β€œ!”.

For example, the factorial of 6 would be given as –



  • The factorial of negative numbers is not defined.
  • The factorial of 0 = 0! = 1.
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Methods to Find the Factorial of a Number in Python

Using for loop

In this method, we use a for loop to find the factorial of a non-negative input number n. Remember that the range() function does not include the stop value. Hence, the range of the for loop has to be iterated from 1 to (n+1).

Each number in the defined range is cumulatively multiplied and stored in a variable fact which is initialized to 1, as shown:

#Enter input= int(input("Enter input number : "))
fact = 1
if n < 0:
    print("Factorial does not exist for negative numbers")
elif n == 0:
    print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        fact = fact * i
    print("The factorial of",n,"is",fact)



What have we done here?

  • Firstly, we take an integer input from the user and store it in the variable n.
  • Declare and initialize the variable fact to 1.
  • Then, we will use if-elif-else statement to check if the input number is negative, 0, or positive.
  • For positive input integers, we will use the for loop and define the range() from 1 to n+1.
  • The loop then calculates the factorial of the input number.
  • Print the final factorial value stored in the variable fact.
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Using while loop

In this method, we use the while loop to find the factorial of a non-negative input number n.

Here too, each number is cumulatively multiplied and stored in a variable fact which is initialized to 1, as shown:

#Enter input= int(input("Enter input number : "))
fact = 1
if n < 0:
    print("Factorial does not exist for negative numbers")
elif n == 0:
    print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
  while(> 0):
        fact = fact * n
        n = n - 1
  print("The factorial is",fact)



What have we done here?

  • Firstly, we take an integer input from the user and store it in the variable n.
  • Declare and initialize the variable fact to 1.
  • Then, we will use if-elif-else statement to check if the input number is negative, 0, or positive.
  • For positive input integers, we will use the while loop to multiply the value of n with the value stored in the fact variable.
  • The value of n is decremented by one each time the loop executes.
  • The loop runs until n becomes zero.
  • Print the final factorial value stored in the variable fact.

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Using a ternary operator

In this method, instead of using a fact variable, we use a function and a conditional expression that calculates the factorial of a positive integer based on the given condition being true or false.

The syntax of a ternary operator is given as:

[on_true] if [expression] else [on_false]

This makes the code compact by testing the condition in a single line and replacing the multi-line if-else statements.

#Define a function
def factorial(n):
    return 1 if (n==1 or n==0) else n * factorial(n-1);
#Enter input= int(input("Enter input number : "))
print("The factorial of",n,"is",factorial(n))



What have we done here?

  • We define a function factorial() that accepts an integer argument – n.
  • Inside the loop body, we use a ternary operator:
    • Return 1, if the input number is 0 or 1; because the factorial will be 1.
    • else, for any other positive integer input, multiply the value of n with factorial(n-1) and return the final factorial value.
  • Call the function and print the factorial of the given input number.

Using recursion

In this method, we calculate the factorial of a number using recursion, which is the process where a defined function can call itself.

#Define a function
def rec_factorial(num):
   if (num==1):
       return num
       return num * rec_factorial(num-1)
#Enter input= int(input("Enter input number : "))
if n < 0:
   print("Factorial does not exist for negative numbers")
elif n == 0:
   print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
   print("The factorial of",n,"is",rec_factorial(n))



What have we done here?

  • We define a function rec_factorial() that accepts an integer argument – num.
  • Inside the loop body, we use an if-else statement:
    • if the input number is 1, the factorial will be 1 as well. So, return num.
    • else, for any other positive integer input, multiply the value of num with rec_factorial(num-1) and return the final factorial value.
  • Take the input integer from the user and store it in the variable n.
  • Use the if-elif-else statement to check if the input number is negative, 0, or positive.
  • For a positive input integer, we will call the function and print the factorial of the given input number.

Using math module – factorial()

One of the easiest methods to find the factorial of a number is to use an in-built factorial() function in the Python math library, that directly returns the factorial of any non-negative number when applied to it:

#Import the math library 
import math 
#Enter input= int(input("Enter input number : "))
if n < 0:
   print("Factorial does not exist for negative numbers")
elif n == 0:
   print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
  print("The factorial of",n,"is", math.factorial(n))



What have we done here?

  • We first import the math module of Python.
  • Then, we take an integer input from the user and store it in the variable n.
  • Next, we will use the if-elif-else statement to check if the input number is negative, 0, or positive.
  • For a positive input integer, we will call the math.factorial() method to calculate and print the factorial of the number directly.
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The factorial of a number frequently finds its applications in data analysis alongside high-level mathematical problems. I hope this article helped you understand how to find the factorial of a number using different methods in Python.

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About the Author
Vikram Singh
Assistant Manager - Content

Vikram has a Postgraduate degree in Applied Mathematics, with a keen interest in Data Science and Machine Learning. He has experience of 2+ years in content creation in Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, and Mac... Read Full Bio