Python Sort List

Python Sort List

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Updated on Oct 13, 2023 19:01 IST

Python sort function is a built-in function that is used to sort the objects of a list in ascending, descending or user-defined order. In this article, we will discuss how to use sort function in python.


Let’s assume, you randomly collect thousands of data. Now you want to sort them in ascending or descending order or by the length of the values. In Python language, it’s quite easy to sort the data using the built-in function sort (). This article will briefly discuss how to use the Python sort () function with the help of examples.

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What is the Python sort () function?

Python sort () function is a built-in function used to sort the objects of a list in ascending, descending, or user-defined order.

  • By default, the sort () function sorts the list in ascending order.
  • sort () is a method of list class, i.e., it can only be used with lists.
  • sort () function returns none and modifies the value in place.
  • Time Complexity: O(n*log(n)).

Must Read: Lists in Python

Must Read: Python Sorted () Function


name_list.sort (reverse = ……, key = ………)
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  • It is an optional parameter
  • If reverse = True, the list will be reversed, i.e., values will be arranged in descending order.
  • If reverse = False, then the list value will be in ascending order.
    • By default, reverse = False.


  • It is also an optional parameter.
  • It takes functions or methods specifying any detailed sorting criteria.
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How to use sort () function

Sort the list in Ascending Order

Example – 1 (i)

#sort the list of values in ascending order
#define a list
my_list_1 = [50, 87, 37, 85, 9, 25, 45, 100, 98, 67]
#sort in ascending order
#call the modified list
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Example -1 (ii)

#sort the list of values in ascending order (alphabetical order)
#define a list
my_list_2 = ['python', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'programming', 'language']
#sort in ascending order
#call the modified list
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#sort the list of values in descending order
#define a list
my_list_3 = [50, 87, 37, 85, 9, 25, 45, 100, 98, 67]
#sort in ascending order
my_list_3.sort(reverse = True)
#call the modified list
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Example-2 (ii)

#sort the list of values in descending order (alphabatical order)
#define a list
my_list_4 = ['python', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'programming', 'language']
#sort in ascending order
my_list_4.sort(reverse = True)
#call the modified list
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Sort list of dictionaries

Firstly, we will define a dictionary that we will use further for our examples.

#define a dictionary
Emp = [
{'Name' : 'Jim', 'Age' : 26, 'Job' : 'developer'},
{'Name' : 'Sam', 'Age' : 30, 'Job' : 'data analyst'},
{'Name' : 'Dean', 'Age' : 29, 'Job' : 'data scientist'},
{'Name' : 'Leo', 'Age' : 25, 'Job' : 'python developer'}
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Example 3 (i): Sort the name of employees in descending order

#define custom functions to get the data from Emp
def name(Emp):
return Emp.get('Name')
#sort the name in descending order
Emp.sort(reverse = True, key = name)
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Example – 3 (ii): Sort the age of Employees in Ascending Order

#define custom functions to get the data from Emp
def age(Emp):
return Emp.get('Age')
#sort the age in Ascending order
Emp.sort(reverse = False, key = age)
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Difference Between sort () and sorted () functions in Python

sorted ()

  • Works on both sequence and collection.
  • Creates a sorted copy of the Python object and returns a sorted list of the iterable passed
  • Syntax: sorted (iterable, key, reverse = True)

sort ()

  • Works only on the list
  • Sorts the original sequence and returns none.
  • Syntax: (reverse = False, key)

Example of sort () and sorted ()

#use sorted () function
#define a list: employee
employee = ['Atul', 'Rashmi', 'Jaya', 'Aquib', 'Vikram', 'Chanchal', 'Mohita', 'Anshuman']
#use sorted() function
employee_sorted = sorted(employee)
#Print the sorted list
#print the original list
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#use sort function
#define a list: employee
employee = ['Atul', 'Rashmi', 'Jaya', 'Aquib', 'Vikram', 'Chanchal', 'Mohita', 'Anshuman']
#use sort() function
#print the original list
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