Interface in Java Explained

Interface in Java Explained

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Updated on Mar 15, 2023 18:53 IST

The below Java Tutorial Article explains the interface in Java with examples. Moreover it covers multiple inheritance through interfaces using examples.



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Interface in Java is the most significant and beneficial topic used extensively today. To begin with, first, let’s understand Java Interfaces in simple terms. Implementing Interfaces in Java is one of the ways to achieve Data Abstraction in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). FYI, the other way is using Abstract Class in Java.

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Interface Explained (with Example)

The world has been into smartphones since their very inception, which contain plenty of applications to keep our lives busy and entertained. Let’s take an example of the simplest feature on our mobiles which is the dialler which provides us functionalities like picking up a call, putting it on hold, disconnecting the call, or recording it. All this is possible with the interface to interact between you and your mobile. The interface depending on the interaction, can completely change its outputs. Hence, the interface is like a structure which can be changed given any shape or implementation. Coming back to the example, several mobile manufacturers use such interfaces to execute different implementations using the same interface on the calling/dialler feature. Moreover, they can be extended or enhanced further, such as the conference call feature on the dialler application.

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What is Interface in Java? 

In Java, an interface is a reference type similar to classes. However, it implicitly consists of interface variables (public, final and static) and abstract methods. FYI, implicitly here means that even if we don’t use keywords to declare variables (as public, final and static) and methods (as abstract), they are so, by default, inside the interface. 

Moreover, interfaces can’t have any regular or concrete methods (or functions) as they can’t be instantiated (which means we can’t create an object to call those methods). 

In addition, different classes can implement interfaces and provide implementations (or bodies) to the abstract classes. Simply put, the implementing class is responsible for providing definitions for all abstract methods available inside the interface.

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Why do we use Interface in Java?

Why interface is used in Java because, as mentioned above, Interfaces in Java are one of the ways to achieve data abstraction, which means showing up only essential information by hiding unnecessary details. Secondly, we have interfaces because we can’t implement multiple inheritances using classes. It helps to implement multiple inheritances in Java. Moreover, interfaces work as a stage that lets other classes rebuild its method as per their requirement.

Also, Read: Data Types in Java – Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types Explained

Implementing Interface in Java

Syntax to declare an interface:

interface Name
Data_Type Var1; //implicit public final static variables
Data_Type Var1;
Return_Type Method_Name(Arguments); //Abstract method
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The following example shows the implementation to execute interfaces in Java:

Example 1:

interface Phone
void dial_number(String number); //abstract method 1
void disconnectCall(); //abstract method 2
//Implementing class 1
class MobilePhone implements Phone
public void dial_number(String number)
System.out.println("Connecting to mobile number: " +number);
public void disconnectCall()
System.out.println("Disconnected the call on mobile!");
//Implementing class 2
class Landline implements Phone
public void dial_number(String number)
System.out.println("\nConnecting to Landline number: " +number);
public void disconnectCall()
System.out.println("Disconnected the call on Landline!");
//Main Class
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
//Phone p = new Phone();
//Error! cannot instatiate an interface
Phone p; //reference type variable
p = new MobilePhone();
//calling methods of class MobilePhone using reference
p.dial_number("+91 7042176752");
//OR (Another Way)- create object for the implementing class
Landline l = new Landline();
//calling methods of class Landline using class object
l.dial_number("011 2042176752");
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In the above example, the class MobilePhone and Landline implements the interface Phone. (FYI, implements keyword means that the class is using the elements of a Java Interface in itself.) The classes redefined the abstract methods dial_number() and disconnectCall() as per their requirements. Moreover, We can’t create an object for the interface. So, we can access the redefined methods in implemented classes. There are two ways to access the redefined abstract methods:- 1. to create a reference variable for interface. 2. To call using objects of classes that implement the interface.



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Example 2:

interface Phone
int lock = 1; //public static final by default
int unlock = 0;
void checkStatus(int s); //abstract class
//class 1
class Nokia implements Phone
public void checkStatus(int sn)
if(sn == lock)
System.out.println("Phone Locked!");
System.out.println("Phone Unocked!");
//class 2
class Samsung implements Phone
public void checkStatus(int ss)
if(ss == lock)
System.out.println("Draw Pattern to Unlock..");
else if(ss == unlock)
System.out.println("Phone Unocked!");
//Main Class
public class Main
public static void main (String[] args)
Phone p; //reference type p
p = new Nokia();
p = new Samsung();
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Implementing Multiple Interfaces

The below example shows multiple inheritance using interfaces in Java.


interface Rectangle
void area_rectangle(int l, int b);
interface Parallelogram extends Rectangle
void area_parallelogram(int l, int h);
class Figure implements Parallelogram
public void area_rectangle(int l, int b)
System.out.println("I'm from Rectangle Interface");
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle: " +(l*b));
public void area_parallelogram(int l, int h)
System.out.println("I'm from Parallelogram Interface");
System.out.println("Area of Parallelogram: " +(l*h));
//main class
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Parallelogram p;
p = new Figure();
p.area_rectangle(12, 14);
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Extending Interface in Java

The below example shows extending an interface (Rectangle) using another interface (Parallelogram) and implementing it via a class (Figure).

Note: Here, the implements keyword depicts that you are using the elements of a Java Interface in your class. On the other hand, extends keyword means that you are creating a subclass of the base class or interface.


\n \n \n <pre class="java" style="font-family:monospace">\n \n \n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n \n \n interface \n \n \n <span style="color: #003399">\n \n \n Rectangle\n \n \n
\n \n \n <span style="color: #009900">\n \n \n {\n \n \n
\n \n \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n void area_rectangle \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int l, \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int b \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n interface Parallelogram \n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n extends \n <span style="color: #003399">\n Rectangle \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
\n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n void area_parallelogram \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int l, \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int h \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n class Figure \n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n implements Parallelogram \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n public \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n void area_rectangle \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int l, \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int b \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
\n <span style="color: #003399">\n System. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n out. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n println \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #0000ff">\n "I'm from Rectangle Interface" \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #003399">\n System. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n out. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n println \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #0000ff">\n "Area of Rectangle: " \n <span style="color: #339933">\n + \n <span style="color: #009900">\n (l \n <span style="color: #339933">\n *b \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n public \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n void area_parallelogram \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int l, \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n int h \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
\n <span style="color: #003399">\n System. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n out. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n println \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #0000ff">\n "I'm from Parallelogram Interface" \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #003399">\n System. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n out. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n println \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #0000ff">\n "Area of Parallelogram: " \n <span style="color: #339933">\n + \n <span style="color: #009900">\n (l \n <span style="color: #339933">\n *h \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #666666;font-style: italic">\n //main class \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n class Main \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
\n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n public \n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n static \n <span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n void main \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #003399">\n String args \n <span style="color: #009900">\n [ \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ] \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n { \n
Parallelogram p \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
p \n <span style="color: #339933">\n = \n <span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n new Figure \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
p. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n area_rectangle \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #cc66cc">\n 12, \n <span style="color: #cc66cc">\n 14 \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
p. \n <span style="color: #006633">\n area_parallelogram \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ( \n <span style="color: #cc66cc">\n 5, \n <span style="color: #cc66cc">\n 6 \n <span style="color: #009900">\n ) \n <span style="color: #339933">\n ; \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n
\n <span style="color: #009900">\n } \n <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline">Output:</span></strong></p> \n <figure class="wp-block-image is-resized"> \n <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="output4" width="381" height="107"> \n </figure> \n <p><strong><em>Read: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Constructors in Java</a></em></strong></p> \n <h2 id="con"><strong>Conclusion</strong></h2> \n <p>Hope the above article about interfaces helped you understand the concept better. If you face any queries, feel free to reach us at the link below and stay tuned for more content in Java.</p> \n <p><strong><em>For more, Read: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">8 Most Important Data Structures a Programmer Must Know</a></em></strong></p> \n <div id="faqWrapper_last" class="faqWrapper manual" contenteditable="false"> \n <h2 id="">FAQs</h2> \n <p class="fQ"> <strong id="faq_q1">What is Interface in Java?</strong> </p> \n <div id="faq_a1" class="fA"> \n <p>In Java, an interface is a reference type similar to classes. However, it consists of interface variables (which are public, final, static and abstract methods implicitly.</p> \n </div> \n <p class="fQ"> <strong id="faq_q2">What is the difference between classes and interfaces in Java?</strong> </p> \n <div id="faq_a2" class="fA"> \n <p>1. Classes can instantiate data members (variables) and methods using objects. However, Interfaces can't be instantiated. 2. An interface can contain only abstract methods, whereas classes can have concrete methods as well. 3. A class can be public, private or protected, whereas interfaces can only be public.</p> \n </div> \n <p class="fQ"> <strong id="faq_q3">What is the difference between abstract classes and interfaces in Java?</strong> </p> \n <div id="faq_a3" class="fA"> \n <p>1. Abstract classes can have both concrete and abstract methods, whereas interfaces can only contain abstract methods. 2. Abstract classes don't support multiple inheritance. However, interfaces do support multiple inheritance in Java. 3. Interfaces can only extend to other interfaces. Whereas abstract classes can extend classes as well as implement other interfaces.</p> \n </div> \n <p class="fQ"> <strong id="faq_q4">What is the difference between 'implements' and 'extends' keywords in Java?</strong> </p> \n <div id="faq_a4" class="fA"> \n <p>Implements keyword depicts that you are using the elements of a Java Interface in your class. On the other hand, extends keyword means that you are creating a subclass of the base class or interface.</p> \n </div> \n </div> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #cc66cc"> \n </span style="color: #cc66cc"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #cc66cc"> \n </span style="color: #cc66cc"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #666666;font-style: italic"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #0000ff"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #0000ff"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #0000ff"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #0000ff"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #006633"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #003399"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #339933"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold"> \n </span style="color: #009900"> \n </span style="color: #000066;font-weight: bold">\n \n \n </span style="color: #009900">\n \n \n </span style="color: #003399">\n \n \n </span style="color: #000000;font-weight: bold">\n \n \n </pre class="java" style="font-family:monospace">
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