JavaScript Object Methods- How to Use Them?

JavaScript Object Methods- How to Use Them?

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Updated on Dec 28, 2023 14:19 IST

JavaScript methods are actions that can be executed on objects. This article will discuss JavaScript method objects, types of JavaScript methods, and their features. You will learn about its various expressions and keywords, such as function(), greet(), and this with the help of examples. Additionally, we have also covered various differences between methods and functions. 


A JavaScript object consists of a key and a value pair. The values include properties and methods and may consist of all JavaScript data types, such as numbers, strings, and Booleans. JavaScript arrays are also a type of object in JavaScript. JavaScript objects have various built-in methods that developers use and access to make working with individual objects easy.

Here you will learn about JavaScript object methods and their related concepts. So, before any further ado, let us understand them.

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JavaScript Object Methods

A group of value pairs, also called properties to define an object. The property turns into a method when the value is a function. In a simpler way, we can use those methods to explain how an object behaves.

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Features of JavaScript Methods

  • We refer to actions that can be carried out on objects as JavaScript methods.
  • It is also possible to call the objects without using parentheses.
  • ‘This’ keyword refers to the method’s owner object.

Let us have a look at the JavaScript program below to have a better understanding of the object methods:

Here, we will create a function using a function expression and then assign it to the P object’s greet property.


let P = {
first_Name: 'RAM',
last_Name: 'SHARMA'
P.greet = function () {
console.log('Heya! Welcome');
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The output is:

Heya! Welcome

Next, we called the greet() method.

You can define a function and assign it to an object as an alternative to using a function expression. Let us have a look at the code below:

let P = {
firstName: 'RAM',
lastName: 'SHARMA'
function greet() {
console.log('Heya! Welcome');
P.greet = greet;
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The output is:

Heya! Welcome

Here we have defined the greet() function as an ordinary function.

Then we have assigned a function name to the greet() function of the P’s object. Lastly, we have called the greet() method


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JavaScript ‘this’ Keyword

Typically, methods are required to access additional characteristics of an object frequently.

For example, a user may wish to create a function that returns the person object’s whole name by joining his first and last names. The ‘this’ value in a method will refer to the object called the method. 

Let us look at the JavaScript code below for a better understanding of ‘this’ keyword.

let P = {
first_Name: 'RAM',
last_Name: 'SHARMA',
greet: function () {
console.log('Heya, Welcome');
getFullName: function () {
return this.first_Name + ' ' + this.last_Name;
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The output is:


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JavaScript Function V/s JavaScript Method

JavaScript Method JavaScript Function
The javascript method is an object property that has a function value. A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task.
The method works with data present inside a Class. A function may receive input data and return output data
Data is implicit when passed in a function Data is explicit when passed in a function
There are a few very useful methods in JavaScipt such as parseInt() Method A function tends to increase the reusability of the code


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In this article, we have discussed JavaScript object methods. Methods in JavaScript are defined as the actions that can be carried out on objects. A property with a function declaration is a JavaScript method. We have also discussed functions v/s methods in JavaScipt and using the ‘this’ keyword.

Top FAQs on JavaScript Object Methods

What is the Object.create() method in JavaScript?

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creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

How does Object.keys() work?

Object.keys() returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property names, in the same order as a normal loop.

What does Object.assign() do?

Object.assign() is used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object.

What is the purpose of Object.freeze()?

Object.freeze() freezes an object, preventing new properties from being added to it and making all existing properties immutable.

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