Online Degrees and Limited Hands-On Experience: A Major Setback?

Online Degrees and Limited Hands-On Experience: A Major Setback?

3 mins readComment
Updated on Jun 5, 2024 17:25 IST

Have you ever wondered if online degrees truly prepare you for the real world? While they offer us flexibility and access to great education, the limited hands-on experience remains a significant challenge that students and employers must address. 

Online education has transformed the landscape of learning. From offering flexibility to providing access to prestigious institutions globally, online degrees have become a great alternative to traditional education. However, there's a lack of hands-on experience. Is this a major setback?

Let's go deep into this issue and explore potential solutions.

  • Online education has seen exponential growth, especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer courses from top universities such as Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. These platforms make high-quality education accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Students can learn independently, balancing education with personal and professional commitments.
  • Online degrees are increasingly gaining respect and recognition from employers. These programs often feature curriculums designed by industry experts, ensuring they are relevant and up-to-date. They offer plenty of options, from professional certifications to full-fledged degree programs in fields such as business, technology, healthcare, and more.
  • Moreover, online education also helps in gaining self-discipline, time management, and digital literacy, skills that are highly valued in the modern workplace. Balancing coursework with other responsibilities demonstrates a high level of dedication and resilience.

If everything is good, then what is the challenge here?

Despite these advantages, one important issue still remains, which is the limited hands-on experience. Practical skills are essential, especially in fields like engineering, healthcare, and IT, where theoretical knowledge alone is insufficient. Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate real-world application of their skills.

The hands-on experience gap can make it challenging for online degree holders to compete with those who have had more traditional, in-person educational experiences, which typically offer more opportunities for labs, workshops, and fieldwork.

Students pursuing online degrees can take the following steps to overcome this challenge:

  •  Seek out internships or cooperative education programs.  Internships provide real-world experience and can often lead to job offers post-graduation.
  • Engage in project-based learning, where you can apply theoretical concepts to real-world problems.
  • Participate in certifications and workshops that provide hands-on training.
  • Use freelancing platforms to find projects that match your field of study.
  • Volunteering for non-profits or community projects can also provide practical experience and improve your resume.
  • Build a network of professionals in your field. 

Employers can also play a crucial role in bridging this experience gap by doing the following:

  • Develop great training programs that help new hires gain hands-on experience. This could include apprenticeships, rotational programs, or extensive onboarding processes.

  • Pair new employees with experienced mentors. 

  • Move beyond a degree-focused hiring process. Look at the candidate’s skills, projects, and potential. 


Top Online Degree Programs

Listed below are some of the online degree programs offered by top Indian universities:

Thus, online education is here to stay. With the right strategies, it can produce graduates who are not only knowledgeable but also capable of applying their skills in real-world situations.


What are some ways students can gain practical experience while pursuing an online degree?

Students can gain practical experience through various methods such as participating in internships, engaging in project-based learning, enrolling in hands-on workshops and certification programs, freelancing on relevant projects, and volunteering for community projects or non-profit organizations.

Are employers less likely to hire candidates with online degrees due to limited hands-on experience?

While some employers may have concerns about the lack of hands-on experience, many are increasingly recognizing the value of online degrees, especially from reputable institutions. Employers often look for candidates who have supplemented their online education with practical experiences such as internships, freelance work, or project-based learning.

How can online degree programs improve to better prepare students for real-world applications?

Online degree programs can enhance their offerings by integrating more practical components into the curriculum. This can include mandatory internships, project-based assignments, virtual labs, collaboration with industry partners for real-world projects, and incorporating hands-on workshops and simulations to provide a more comprehensive learning experience.

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