Top 20 Questions to Crack TCS Technical Interviews

Top 20 Questions to Crack TCS Technical Interviews

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Updated on Oct 11, 2023 18:16 IST

TCS is one of the top IT recruiter globally. Every year TCS recruits thousands of employees for different job profile from fresher to experience. In this article, we will discuss TCS interview questions.


TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is an Indian multinational company serving across 10+ industries (such as Banking & Finance Services, Education, Insurance, Communication, Public Services, Travel, Hospitality, etc.) and providing services such as Analytics, Automation & AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Cloud, IoT & Digital Engineering, Quality Engineering, etc.
TCS is a top employer globally and has more than 6.1+ lacs employees from more than 150+ countries that are working across 55 countries.
In this article, we will discuss technical interview questions, interview rounds, and the process of TCS, and finally, we will discuss some important tips to crack interviews at TCS.

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TCS Interview Questions

TCS Technical Interview Questions

Ques 1. Explain OOPs Concepts.

Answer 1.

There are four major OOPs Concepts:


  • It hides the irrelevant details from the outside world.
  • It helps to bind the data and function together to manipulate the data.

Also Read: Encapsulation in Python

Also Read: Encapsulation in C++


  • It is an extension of encapsulation.
  • Similar to encapsulation, it also hides complexity by hiding irrelevant details.


  • It helps programmers to build logical codes.
  • It allows access to different types of objects through the same interface.


  • It helps to derive a class from another class.
  • Allows re-using the previously written codes.

Also Read: Inheritance in Python

Also Read: Inheritance in Java

Ques 2. What is SDLC?

Answer 2.

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It refers to the phase of work involved in producing software applications. It enables the production of high-quality but cost-effective software.

The phase of SDLC are:

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Planning
  • Development/Implementation
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

Also Read: Software Development Life Cycle

Must Check: Sdlc Online Courses & Certifications

Ques 3. What is the Agile Model?

Answer 3.

  • It is a type of Rapid Application Development.
  • Testing is frequently done in conjunction with the development phase.
  • It follows the concept of consistent growth during the project itself.
  • Sprints are used to break down the projects.

Also Read: Agile Model in Software Engineering

Agile Vs Scrum – Fundamental Understanding and Differences
DevOps vs Agile: Key Differences You Need To Know
Agile vs. Waterfall: Know the Key Differences

Ques 4. What is the use of a constructor?

Answer 4.

A constructor is a special member function of a class with the same name as the class name.

  • The constructor name has the same name as the class name
  • Automatically calls when an object is created for the class.
  • It can be defined inside or outside the class definition.
  • More than one constructor can be declared inside a class with different parameters.

Also Read: Constructor in Java

Also Read: Constructor in C++ 

Ques 5. What is the difference between Abstract Class and Interface?

Answer 5.

Abstract Class Interface
Designed to be a parent class. It is a blueprint of the class consisting of abstract methods.
Declared using “Abstract.” Declared using “Interface.”
Does not support multiple inheritances. Support multiple inheritances.
Supports final, non-final, static, and non-static variables. Supports only final and static variables.
Difference between Abstract class and Interface in Java
Abstract Class in Java
Interface in Java Explained

Ques 6. What is the difference between DELETE, DROP, and TRUNCATE in SQL.

Answer 6.

It is a DML command It is a DDL command. It is a DDL command
DELETE FROM tble_nameWHERE conditions; TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; DROP TABLE table_name;
It removes one or more records from the table It removes all the rows from the existing table It completely removes the table from the database 
It doesn’t free the allocated space of the table. It doesn’t free the allocated space of the table. It completely removes the allocated space for the table from memory.
It is slower than the DROP and TRUNCATE commands as it deletes one row at a time base on the specified conditions. It is faster than both the DELETE and TRUNCATE commands as it deletes all the records at a time without any condition. It is faster than DELETE but slower than TRUNCATE as it firstly deletes the rows and then the table from the database. 

Also Read: SQL tutorial

How to Use TRUNCATE Command in SQL?
How to use DROP command in SQL?
Delete Statement in SQL

Ques 7: What is the difference between C and C++ programming language?

Answer 7.

C C++
Developed in 1972 Developed in the early 1980s.
It is a function-driven language. It is an object-driven language.
C is a subset of C++. C++ is a superset of C.
C has 32 keywords. C++ has 63 keywords.
Supports built-in data types. Supports built-in and user-defined data types.
Doesn’t have access modifiers. Has access modifiers.

Must Check: Difference Between C and C++


Ques 8. What is the difference between list and tuple in python?

Answer 8.

List Tuple
The list is mutable. Tuples are immutable.
Enclosed in square brackets []. Enclosed in simple brackets().
Prone to errors. Not prone to errors.
Consumes more memory.  Consumes less memory.
Creating a list is a slower process as it needs two memory blocks to be accessed. Creating a tuple is faster than the list.
Difference Between List and Tuple in Python
Understanding Tuples in Python
All About Python Lists Methods

Ques 9. What is Pass and Break statement in Python?

Answer 9.


  • Similar to its name, it does nothing.
  • It is used to fill in code initially that can be used in the future.
  • It is similar to the null operator.
  • Used for empty control statements, functions, and classes.


  • It is used to terminate the loop in which it is present.
  • It terminates only those loops which contain a break loop.

Also Read: How to use Pass statement in Python

Also Read: How to use Break statement in C++

Latest Accenture Interview Questions and Answers [2025]

Ques 10. What is Cloud Computing?

Answer 10.

Cloud computing is a virtual space that delivers hosted services over the Internet, including servers, databases, networking, analytics, and intelligence, ensuring innovation, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. It uses capabilities like data analytics, machine learningartificial intelligence, and others according to the industry requirements.

Also Read: Introduction to Cloud Computing?

What is Cloud Computing Architecture? Advantages and Disadvantages
Evolution of Cloud Computing
Different Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Ques 11. What are the different types of sorting?

Answer 11.

The sorting algorithm arranges the elements of a list or array in a specific order. There are different sorting algorithms that can be used to perform the sorting operation.

  • In the insertion sort algorithm, the 1st element is taken and is considered to be sorted. Then, the second element is considered and is compared with the key elements taken and is integrated until the array is not sorted. 

Question 12. Define the terms Class and Objects.

Answer 12.

Classes Objects
Template for creating and declaring variables.  It is an instance of a class.
It is a logical entity. It is a physical entity.
It can be created many times. It is declared once.
It doesn’t allocate memory when it is created. It allocates memory when it is created.
It can’t be manipulated. It can be manipulated.

Also Read: Classes and Objects in C++

Also Read: Classes and Objects in Python

Ques 13. What is the difference between Structure and Arrays.

Answer 13.

Structure  Array
Collection of variables of different data type. Collection of variables of same data type.
Elements may not be stored in contiguous memory locations. Elments are stored in contiguous memory locations.
Elements are accessed by name. Elements are accessed by indexes.
‘Struct’ is used to declare the structure. There is no keyword to declare the  arrays.
Searching an element takes more time than arrays. Searching an element takes less time.
8 Most Important Data Structures Every Programmer Must Know
Understanding Data Structures in C: Types And Operations
Implementing Array in Java

Ques 14. What is the difference between UNION and JOIN in SQL?

Answer 14.

Combines multiple tables based on the matching fields (columns) Combines the result of multiple SELECT statements
Number of the selected field may or may not be the same number of the selected field must be the same
Data type of column may or may not be the same Data type of column must be same
Combine the data in column and may or may not return distinct columns Combine the data in row and must return distinct rows

Also Read: How to use UNION in SQL

Also Read: Difference between UNION and UNION ALL

SQL RIGHT JOIN – Example and Syntax
SQL LEFT JOIN – Examples and Syntax

Ques 15. What is the difference between Primary and Unique key?

Answer 15.

Primary Key Unique Key
Used as a unique identifier for each record in the table. It is also used as a unique identifier when the primary key is not present.
A table can have only one primary key. A table can have multiple unique keys.
It can’t have NULL values. It can have multiple NULL values.
Values can’t be changed. Values can be modified.
Types of Keys in Database
Primary Key In SQL

Ques 16. Write a program to reverse a string in JAVA.

Answer 16.

class Create_New_String_Reverse_String
public static void main(String args[]) {
String str1 = "Shiksha Online";
System.out.println("Original string: "+str1);
int n = str1.length(); // caclulates length of String
String Reverse_String ="";
char ch;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
//fetch each character
ch = str1.charAt(i);
// concatenates each character in front of the new string
Reverse_String = ch + Reverse_String;
System.out.printIn("Reversed string: "+ Reverse_String); // Display the reversed string
Copy code


There are different methods to reverse the string. In the above example, we have shown how to reverse a string in Java. Check out the below articles to know different methods:

Also Read: Reverse a string in Java

Also Read: Reverse a string in Python

Ques 17: How to check if a string is a palindrome or not in Pyhon?

Answer 17.

#Define a function
def isPalindrome(string):
    if(string == string[::-1]):
        return"The string is a palindrome."
        return"The string is not a palindrome."
#Enter input string
string =input("Enter string: ")
Copy code


Must Check: Palindrome in Python

Ques 18. How to print Fibonacci Series in Python?

Answer 18.

#Generate the Fibonacci Number using Loop
num = int(input("Enter the number")) #enter the number of terms needed
#set first two fibonacci numbers
F_0 = 0
F_1 = 1
for n in range(0, num): #Febonacci number is defined only for positive integer
F_n = n # this will only return the first two fibonacci numbers
F_n = F_0 + F_1 #every fibonacci number is sum of previous two
F_0 = F_1
F_1 = F_n
Copy code

Also Read: Fibonacci Numbers

Ques 19. How to print the prime number in a given interval in Python?

Answer 19.

# Python program to display all the prime numbers within an interval
lower = 9
upper = 100
print("Prime numbers between", lower, "and", upper, "are:")
for num in range(lower, upper + 1):
# all prime numbers are greater than 1
if num > 1:
for i in range(2, num):
if (num % i) == 0:
Copy code

Also Read: Prime Number

Also Read: Different methods to check for prime number in Python

TCS HR Interview Questions

Here is the list of that are mostly asked in TCS HR Rounds:

  1. Tell me something about yourself.
  2. What have you done in Graduation and Post Graduation?
  3. What are your skills? Do you have any certificates or not?
  4. What are your weakness and strength?
  5. Why do you want to join?

Check out TCS HR Interview Questions to get the answers to all the above questions and many other questions frequently asked in the TCS HR Round.

Must Check: Top HR Interview Questions

TCS Interview Round and Process

The entire recruitment process of TCS is divided into four rounds:

Written Test (TCS NQT)

This is the first round of the TCS Interviews process. It evaluates the candidate’s abilities and logical skills. TCS NQT is offered online and in person at TCS iON-authorized exam centers.

TCS NQT has 80-100 questions, and the question is divided into five sections:

  1. Numerical Ability
  2. Verbal
  3. Reasoning Ability
  4. Programming Logic
  5. Coding

Technical Interview Questions

Once you cleared the screening round (i.e., TCS NQT written exam), you will be called for the technical interview. It is one of the most challenging and crucial rounds of all the interview rounds. It is used to test the subjective knowledge of the candidates.

In this round, you will have to face questions from:

  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Operating System
  • Networking
  • OOPs Concept
  • Puzzles

Managerial Round

In this round, you will have to face the senior members of the team that check your ability to perform under pressure. To check how confident you are, your questions will be put under doubt. 

To crack this round:

  • Be calm, confident, and clear about your answers.
  • Try to answer the question to the best of your knowledge and experience.
  • You should be updated on any new technologies or software required for the profile.
  • Be prepared for questions similar to those asked in technical interviews.

HR Rounds

If you are here, it means you cleared all the above three rounds, so be relaxed. In this round, HR will be interested to know more about you, your family, your education qualification, and your work experience. In this round, you can ask questions about the company, perks, and benefits related to your job profile.

Infosys Interview Questions
Oracle Interview Questions
Zoho Interview Questions and Answers

Interview Preparation Tips

  • Questions in TCS NQT are similar to the CAT level exam, except for the coding portion.
  • For the technical round, prepare topics like:
  • Be interactive, specific, and confident.
  • Do thorough research about the company and the profile.


In this article, we have briefly discussed TCS Interview Questions with their answers.

Hope you will like the article.

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What are the four major OOPs concept?

The four major OOPs concepts are: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, and Inheritance.

What is SDLC?

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It refers to the phase of work involved in producing software applications. It enables the production of high-quality but cost-effective software. The phase of SDLC are: Requirement Gathering Planning Development/Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance

Ques 3. What is the Agile Model?

It is a type of Rapid Application Development. Testing is frequently done in conjunction with the development phase. It follows the concept of consistent growth during the project itself. Sprints are used to break down the projects.

What is the use of a constructor?

A constructor is a special member function of a class with the same name as the class name. The constructor name has the same name as the class name Automatically calls when an object is created for the class. It can be defined inside or outside the class definition. More than one constructor can be declared inside a class with different parameters.

What is Pass statement in Python?

Similar to its name, it does nothing. It is used to fill in code initially that can be used in the future. It is similar to the null operator. Used for empty control statements, functions, and classes.

What is Break statement in Python?

It is used to terminate the loop in which it is present. It terminates only those loops which contain a break loop. After terminating the loop, moves the program control to the block of code after the loop, if any.

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