Top Laravel Interview Questions 2023
Laravel framework is used for developing web applications that follow the model–view–controller architectural pattern. To ensure that you can answer most questions based on this framework in any interview, do check out this article.
In this article, we will briefly talk about the Laravel framework and its importance. Later on, we have listed out Laravel interview questions for freshers and experienced professionals.
Table of Contents
- About Laravel
- Laravel Interview Questions for Freshers
- Laravel Interview Questions for 5 years experienced professionals
About Laravel
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP-based web framework that is used for building web applications using the MVC architectural pattern. Laravel was created with the aim to offer features that are not offered in CodeIgniter framework. These provide features such as in-built support for authorization and user authentication. Most framework releases are done in the first quarter of the year. Laravel provides bug fixes for 18 months and security fixes for two years.
At present, Laravel version 9 is in use. This version requires at least a PHP version of 8.0. The version 8 features come with the following improvements in the current version:
- Improved Breeze starter kits
- HTTP client improvements
- Parallel testing support
- Support for Symfony 6.0 components, Flysystem 3.0. and Symphony Mailer
- Laravel Scout Database Driver
- Implicit route bindings via Enums
- Improved route:list output
- Usability improvements
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Uses of Laravel Framework
Different industries use Laravel for web applications and to run websites on this framework. This framework can be used for building the following:
- Single page applications (SPAs)
- Multi-page applications (MPAs)
- Enterprise-level applications
- e-Commerce websites
- Social networking sites
- Content management systems
Importance of Laravel
It is one of the most preferred server-side frameworks on PHP. It has a Blade template engine that allows web developers to work with textual data in web applications. The Artisan CLI helps in easy web development in a simple manner. Through this, web developers can easily manage databases, create basic codes, models, and migrate data. In the Eloquent ORM, web developers can establish and maintain simple interactions between web application architecture and databases.
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Laravel Interview Questions for Freshers
Let us start with the most asked Laravel Interview Questions you should be prepared with.
Q1. Explain the use of the Blade template engine in Laravel.
Ans. Blade is a powerful templating engine used in Laravel to simplify syntax writing. It has its own structure including loops and conditional statements. Every Blade template is compiled into a plain PHP code. These are cached until they are modified. These add zero overhead to your application.
Q2. Which loops are provided by the Blade templating engine?
Ans. Blade templating loops include @endfor, @foreach, @for, @while, @endforeach, and @endwhile directives.
Q3. Is Laravel useful for full stack development?
Ans. Yes, it is useful for full stack development as it can help in building scalable applications. Developers can use blade files for frontend and Laravel for backend.
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Q4. Define Laravel Migration.
Ans. It is a feature in Laravel that is used for creating tables in your database. To modify a table, you can add or delete an existing column. You can use Migration to modify and share the database scheme of the application. It is possible to add a new column or delete records from the database without deleting existing records.
Q5. Define relationships in Laravel.
Ans. Relationships in Laravel help in defining relations between different models in applications. These include ‘one to one’, ‘many to many’, ‘one to many’, one to one, (Polymorphic), one to many (polymorphic) and many to many (polymorphic). These are defined as the method on model class. Define Requests in Laravel
Q6. What do you mean by Request in Laravel?
Ans. Request is a way to interact with incoming HTTP requests along with cookies, sessions and files submitted with the request. Whenever a request is submitted to the Laravel route, it goes through controller method. The request object is available within the method through dependency Injection.
Q7. Why do web developers use Laravel framework for building complex web applications?
Ans. Web developers prefer Laravel framework since it has many inbuilt modules and libraries that expedite the development process. It also has the inbuilt facility to support unit tests. With the help of Eloquent ORM, developers can handle database operations.
Q8. What are CSRF tokens?
Ans. A Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token is a unique value generated by server-side of an application. It protects web applications against CSRF attacks. These are the attacks that force users to perform unwanted actions.
Q9. Which are the routing files in Laravel?
Ans. ‘web.php’ and ‘api.php’ are the two routing files in routes folder.
Q10. What are the different ways of creating routes?
Ans. You can create a route in one of the two ways. You can either add the code directly to the route or by using controllers.
Q11. List PHP artisan commands in Laravel.
Ans. Following are the common PHP artisan commands:
- php artisan route:list: for listing all registered routes
- php artisan migrate: for running database migrations
- php artisan tinker: for interacting with the application
- php artisan make:seeder Seeder_Name: for creating a seeder
- php artisan make:model Model_Name: for creating a model
- php artisan make:mail Mail_Class_Name: for creating a mail class
- php artisan make:controller Controller_Name: for creating a controller
- php artisan make:middleware Middleware_Name: for creating a middleware
- php artisan make:migration create_table-name_table: for creating a migration
Q12. What is a composer in Laravel?
Ans. A composer is a tool consisting of dependencies and libraries that are noted in the composer.json file placed within the source folder. It helps in creating a project as per the mentioned framework.
Q13. Explain the use of dd() in Laravel.
Ans. dd() stands for Dump and Die. It is a helper function is used for dumping a variable’s contents to the browser and stop further script execution. It is used to dump the variable/object and then die the script execution.
Q14. What are accessors?
Ans. Accessors are used for retrieving data from eloquent after completing certain operations on retrieved fields from database.
public function getLocationrAttribute() { return $this->longitude . " " . $this->lattitude; }
Q15. What is dependency injection?
Ans. Dependency injection method is used for detaching hard coded class dependencies. It is the process of injecting class dependencies in class through either Laravel service constructir or setter method.
Q16. What are events in Laravel?
Ans. These are a way of alerting the application about an action that has happened and this event can be dispatched at any point of the application, the model, controller, middleware and even in blade files. ‘php artisan make:event‘ is the artisan command used for creating an event class.
Q17. What are the advantages of Laravel over other PHP frameworks?
Ans. This is one of the important PHP Laravel interview questions for which you must be thoroughly acquainted with other frameworks that are used in PHP. The following features make Laravel a better choice:
- Comes with pre-loaded packages such as Laravel cashier, Laravel elixir, Passport, Laravel socialite, and Laravel scout
- Has built-in command line tool ‘Artisan’ to create the database structure, code skeleton and build their migration
- Object Relation Mapping (ORM) with PHP active record implementation
- Provides support for multiple file systems
- Allows easy customization and setup process
Q18. What do you mean by an artisan?
Ans. Artisan refers to the command-line tool used for Laravel which can be used by developers in building applications. This interface offers a number of helpful commands for use in developing an application. This is driven by the powerful Symfony Console component.
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Laravel Technical Interview Questions
Let us discuss the most asked technical Laravel interview questions.
Q1. How do you implement soft delete?
Ans. To add soft delete feature, we will need to add a trait in the model file as shown below:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
class Post extends Model {
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'posts';
// ...}
Q2. How can we use the custom table in Laravel?
Ans. We can use custom table by overriding the protected $table property of Eloquent.
class User extends Eloquent{ protected $table="my_user_table";
Q3. Create a route by adding code directly to the route.
Ans. Add the following code segment to replace the code in routes/web.php file.
<?phpuse Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; Route::get('/', function () { return "Route created"; });
Afterwards, run this project on a browser.
Route created
Q4. How can you access session data in Laravel?
Ans. You will require an instance session to access session data. An instance of session can be accessed via HTTP request. To access the data, you can use either get() method that requires ‘key’ (argument).
$value = $request->session()->get(‘key’);
Q5. How can you generate CSRF tokens?
Ans. You can generate CSRF tokens by either directly using csrf_token() method or by using $request→session()→token()
Q6. How to delete session data in Laravel?
Ans. To delete session data, you have the following different ways:
1. forget() method: To delete single item
2. flush() method: To delete all session data
3. pull() method: To retrieve and then delete session data
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Q7. How to register middleware in Laravel?
Ans. Global and route middleware are the two types of middleware. You need to register every middleware before using the. These can be registered at app/Http/Kernel.php
- To register global middleware, list the class at the end of $middleware property.
protected $middleware = [ \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode::class, \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, \Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class, \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, \Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class, \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,];}
- To register the route middleware, add key and value to $routeMiddleware property.
protected $routeMiddleware = [ 'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class, 'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class, 'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,];
Q8. What is a service container or IoC in Laravel?
Ans. An IoC or service container manage class dependencies automatically. This means that not every file needs to be manually injected in the class anymore. IoC inject classes in controllers and model based on id in route binding. It also performs dependency injection.
Q9. How to turn off CRSF protection for specific route?
Ans. Add the following codes to turn off CRSF protection in Laravel: “app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php”
//add an array of Routes to skip the CSRF checkprivate $exceptUrls = ['controller/route1', 'controller/route2']; //modify this functionpublic function handle($request, Closure $next) { //add this condition foreach($this->exceptUrls as $route) { if ($request->is($route)) { return $next($request); }}return parent::handle($request, $next);}
Q10. How can you create a blade template?
Ans. Take a look at the following steps to learn how blade templating is done.
1. First, run the following command
composer create-project laravel/laravel blade-templating
cd blade-templating
2. To make a new controller to run the following command:
php artisan make:controller PagesController
3. Create a page route to access the page. For this, you will need to open ‘routes/web.php’ and add the following:
Route::group([‘namespace’ => ‘App\Http\Controllers’], function()
Route::get(‘/’, ‘PagesController@index’)->name(‘pages.index’);
Route::get(‘/about’, ‘PagesController@about’)->name(‘pages.about’);
4. Structure the Laravel Blade Templating
– resources
— views
— layouts
—– master.blade.php
— home.blade.php
— about.blade.php
— partials
—– header.blade.php
—– styles.blade.php
—– scripts.blade.php
—– footer.blade.php
5. Create folders
First create partial folders through ‘resources/views/partials’ and then create files using header.blade.php, styles.blade.php, scripts.blade.php, and footer.blade.php
6. Create Layout
To do so, create ‘resources/views/layout’ folder and create ‘master.blade.php’ file. Use @include to complete partial files so that the layout is completed and use ‘@yield’ to inject content into layout.
7. Create Pages view
To do so, creare home.blade.php and about.blade.php inside resources/views folder. Use ‘@extends’ to use the created layout. Use ‘@section’ to create a section using the created layout.
8. Create Methods in Controller
Create ‘index()’ and ‘about()’ methods in PagesController to create methods
9. View it
To view the create Blade template, you will have to run ‘php artisan serve’.
Q11. How to check whether the request is ajax or not?
Ans. $request->ajax() is a method used for checking whether request if ajax or not.
public function saveData(Request $request) { if($request->ajax()){ return "Request is Ajax Type"; } return "Request is Http type"; }
Q12. How do you define routes in Laravel?
Ans. Laravel routes are defined in routes/web.php or by using Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
Route::get('/defineroute', function () { return 'This is how you define route'; }
Q13. How do you manually register Events in Laravel?
Ans. You can manually register class based event listeners in the boot method of EventServiceProvider in the following manner:
use App\Events\PodcastIsProcessed;use App\Listeners\SendYourPodcastNotification;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event; /** * Register for other events for the application. * * @return void */public function boot(){ Event::listen( PodcastIsProcessed::class, [SendYourPodcastNotification::class, 'handle'] ); Event::listen(function (PodcastIsProcessed $event) { // });}
Hope that this article has given you insight on the most asked Laravel interview questions for both freshers and experienced professionals. Do visit our blog page from time to time to explore more interview questions.
Jaya is a writer with an experience of over 5 years in content creation and marketing. Her writing style is versatile since she likes to write as per the requirement of the domain. She has worked on Technology, Fina... Read Full Bio