Understanding expandtabs() Function in Python

Understanding expandtabs() Function in Python

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Updated on Aug 1, 2024 15:10 IST

This blog explains expandtabs() Function in Python. Let’s understand this with the help of relevant examples.


Th expandtabs() method in Python creates a new string that replaces each instance of the tab character ‘\t’ with whitespace characters that extend to the next multiple of the tabsize parameter. 

In this article, we will discuss the expandtabs() function and understand its use with the help of examples. We will be covering the following sections: 

Introduction expandtabs() Function in Python 

In Python, the expandtabs() method is a string method used to replace all occurrences of tab characters (\t) in a string with a specified number of spaces. 

The expandtabs() method can be called on a string and takes an optional integer argument, which specifies the number of spaces that should replace each tab character. The default value is 8 if no argument is provided. 

Syntax of expandtabs() 

The syntax of expandtabs() function in Python is given as: 

string.expandtabs(tabsize = 8)
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Parameters of expandtabs() 

Here, string is the string you want to modify, and tabsize is an optional parameter specifying the number of spaces each tab character should replace. If tabsize is not provided, the default value of 8 is used. 

Return Value of expandtabs() 

When called, the expandtabs() method returns a new string object with all tab characters (\t) replaced by the appropriate number of spaces. The original string is not modified. 

Note that the expandtabs() method returns a new string object and does not modify the original string in-place. Therefore, if you want to modify the original string, you must assign the result of the expandtabs() method back to the original variable. 

Examples of Using the expandtabs() Function in Python 

Example 1: Using the Default Tab Size 

string = "Hello\tworld"
new_string = string.expandtabs()
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Hello World 

In this example, the string variable contains a tab character (\t) between “Hello” and “world”. When the expandtabs() method is called without any arguments, it uses the default tab size of 8 to replace the tab character with the appropriate number of spaces, resulting in “Hello world” being printed. 

Example 2: Converting Tab Separated Data to Columns 

data = "John\tDoe\t35\tMale\nJane\tSmith\t28\tFemale"
formatted_data = data.expandtabs(15)
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John           Doe            35             Male           

Jane           Smith          28             Female    

In this example, the data variable contains two rows of tab-separated data. By calling the expandtabs() method with an argument of 15, each tab character is replaced with 15 spaces. This creates a table-like format where each column is aligned to the right, making it easier to read and analyze the data. 

Example 3: Adding a Tab Stop at a Specific Column 

text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
formatted_text = text[:20] + "\t" + text[20:40].expandtabs(15) + "\t" + text[40:].expandtabs(5)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

In this example, the text variable contains a long sentence. By slicing the text into three parts and calling expandtabs() with different tab sizes, we can create a customized tab stop at a specific column (in this case, after the 20th character). This makes it easier to read the text in a formatted way. 

Example 4: Removing Tab Characters from a String 

string = "Hello\t\tworld"
new_string = string.expandtabs(0)
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Hello world 

In this example, the string variable contains two consecutive tab characters between “Hello” and “world”. By calling expandtabs() with an argument of 0, both tab characters are removed from the string, leaving only a single space between “Hello” and “world”. This can be useful when cleaning up text that contains unwanted tab characters.


The expandtabs() function can be useful for formatting text, aligning columns of data, or removing unwanted tab characters. 

The purpose of this article is to explain how and why the expandtabs() function is used in Python. You can explore related articles here if you wish to learn more about Python and practice Python programming. 

Contributed By: Prerna Singh


What is the default tab size used by expandtabs()?

The default tab size used by expandtabs() is 8. If no argument is provided to the method, it will replace each tab character with 8 spaces.

Can I use expandtabs() to insert tabs into a string?

No, expandtabs() is used to replace tab characters with spaces. You can use the tab character (t) directly to insert tabs into a string.

Can I use a negative value for the tabsize argument of expandtabs()?u00a0

No, the tabsize argument must be a non-negative integer. If a negative value is passed, a ValueError will be raised.u00a0

Does expandtabs() modify the original string?

No, expandtabs() returns a new string object with the tab characters replaced by spaces. The original string is not modified.

How can I remove all whitespace characters from a string using expandtabs()?u00a0

You can use expandtabs() with an argument of 0 to remove all tab characters (t) from the string, which will also remove any spaces adjacent to the tabs. However, this will not remove other types of whitespace characters (such as spaces or newlines). To remove all whitespace characters, you can use the replace() method [insert link] with an empty string as the second argument: string.replace(" ", "").replace("t", "").replace("n", "").u00a0

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