Updated on Sep 29, 2023 15:41 IST

This article provides in-depth information on Unions in C programming language. It explains what Unions are, how they are defined, how to access their members, how to determine the size of a union and also provides examples of unions in C. The article also highlights the key difference between Unions and Structs in C.


Unions in C are a type of data structure that allows the storage of multiple variables of different data types in the same memory location. Unions offer a practical means of serving several purposes with the same memory space. They allow access to the same memory location as different data types, which can be useful to save memory or manipulate values in different ways.

In this tutorial, we will go in-depth into the implementation of Unions in C. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

We will be covering the following sections:

C Union

In C programming language, there is a special user-defined data type called union that allows variables of different data types to be stored in the same memory location. A union can be defined with multiple members, but only one of those members can contain a value at a given time.

Let’s look at the following example:

union iPhone


  char model[50];

  int price;


As you can see, we use the union keyword to define unions. The above code defines a derived type: union iPhone.

The C union is similar to Structs in C [insert link here] except for one key difference – C Structures allocate enough space to store all members at the same time, whereas unions can hold only one member’s value at a particular point in time.

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Defining a Union in C

The syntax of the union statement in C is given below:

union union_tag
datatype member1;
datatype member2;
datatype memberN;
} [one or more union variables];
Copy code

When we define a union, a user-defined type gets created. However, no memory is allocated as of now. In order to allocate memory to a given union type, we create variables.

Let’s examine the following brief illustration:

union iPhone
char model[50];
int price;
} iPhone12, iPhone13, *iPhone14;
Copy code

Here, we have created union variables iPhone12, iPhone13, and a union pointer iPhone14 of union iPhone type.

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Accessing Union Members

We use the (.) operator to access members of a union. In the above example though, we also have a pointer variable. To access that, we use also the (->) operator. So,

  • price for variable iPhone12, we use iPhone12.price
  • price using pointer variable iPhone14, we can use either (*iPhone14).price or iPhone14->price

Let’s look at one more example for a better understanding of how unions work:

#include <stdio.h>
union employee {
float experience;
int empCode;
} emp;
int main() {
emp.experience = 4.3;
// when emp.empCode is assigned a value
// emp.experience will no longer hold 4.3
emp.empCode = 100;
printf("Experice: %.1f\n", emp.experience);
printf("Employee Code = %d", emp.empCode);
return 0;
Copy code


Experice: 0.0

Employee code: 100

In the above example, the union employee has a member experience that is assigned 4.3 in value. But, when the union member empCode is assigned a value as well, the value of member experience becomes 0.0 because union members share the memory location. So, unions can contain only one member value at one time

Determining the Size of a Union

The size of a C Union is based on the size of the largest member of that union.

Let’s understand this through an example:

#include <stdio.h>
union letter{
int a;
char b;
float c;
double d;
int main()
printf("The size of union letter is %d", sizeof(union letter));
return 0;
Copy code



We already know that the size of:

  • int data type is 4
  • char data type is 1
  • float data type is 4
  • double data type is 8

Since the double variable d requires the largest memory space among the four variables, a total of 8 bytes is allocated in the memory for the union letter.

Examples of Unions in C

Example 1:

#include <stdio.h>
union Data {
int i;
float f;
int main() {
union Data data;
data.i = 10;
printf("data.i : %d\n", data.i);
data.f = 220.5;
printf("data.f : %f\n", data.f);
return 0;
Copy code

Output 1:


In this example, the union Data has two members: an integer “i” and a floating-point number “f”. The union variable data can hold either an integer or a floating-point number, depending on which member is assigned a value. In the above program, first an integer value is assigned to “data.i” and then a floating-point value is assigned to “data.f”. When the values are printed, only the value of the last assigned member is displayed.

Example 2:

#include <stdio.h>
union student {
int id;
float marks;
char grade;
int main() {
union student record;
record.id = 101;
printf("Student ID: %d\n", record.id);
record.marks = 85.5;
printf("Student Marks: %f\n", record.marks);
record.grade = 'A';
printf("Student Grade: %c\n", record.grade);
return 0;
Copy code

Output 2:

Student ID: 101

Student Marks: 85.500000

Student Grade: A

In this example, a union student has three members: an integer “id”, a floating-point number “marks”, and a character “grade”. The union variable record can hold either an integer or a floating-point number or a character, depending on which member is assigned a value. Here, first an integer value is assigned to “record.id”, then a floating-point value is assigned to “record.marks”, and finally a character value is assigned to “record.grade”. When the values are printed, only the value of the last assigned member is displayed.

Differences Between Structs and Unions in C

Features Struct Union
Memory Allocation Each member has their own memory location All members share the same memory location
Size Sum of sizes of all members Size of the largest member
Usage Store related data Save memory by sharing memory location
Initialization Members can be initialized individually Only the first member can be initialized
Accessing Members Dot (.) operator Dot (.) or arrow (->) operator


Hope this article helped you grasp the concept of unions in C. Unions provide a way to save memory space by reusing the same memory location for multiple variables of different data types.

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