Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

6 mins read764 Views Comment
Anshuman Singh
Senior Executive - Content
Updated on Jan 8, 2024 14:13 IST

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality - Augmented reality enhances a real-world scene in which no headset device is needed. In contrast, virtual reality creates an immersive virtual environment and requires a headset device.


In this article, we will explore Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality in great detail. But, before we do that, let’s go through the list of topics listed under the table of contents (TOC) we will cover in this blog.

Table of contents (TOC)

Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality 

For a better understanding, let’s explore augmented reality vs virtual reality in a tabular format:

Benchmark Augmented reality Virtual reality
What does it do? Enhances a real-world scene Creates an immersive virtual environment
Is there a need for a headset device? No Yes
How much is it real, and how much is virtual? 25 percent virtual and 75 percent real 75 percent virtual and 25 percent real
End-users remain in touch with the real world Yes No
Does this technology fully immerses the end-user in action? No. It partially immerses the end-user into the action. Yes
How much bandwidth does this technology require? At least 50 Mbps Up to 100 Mbps
Does this technology require special devices, such as gloves? No. Just a smartphone with a camera Yes
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What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality definition: Augmented reality is a type of technology that enhances a real-world scenario by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using a smartphone’s camera. 

In order to better understand what augmented reality is, let’s go through an example that we all can experience or must have experienced till now.

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Augmented reality example: 

Open the Flipkart app on your smartphone. In the search bar, search for “sofa sets.” Once the results are displayed, click on one of the sofa sets from the list. Once that product’s page opens, you will see an option stating, “View in your room.” Click on this option, and you might have to wait sometime. Once the product is loaded, it will be visible on your screen with further instructions. You will get a result something like this:


This is one of the best examples of augmented reality. A game (Pokemon go) was also launched based on augmented reality, which became a huge success. That game is also one of the best examples of AR technology.

Augmented reality technology is more accessible than virtual reality because it can be accessed by anybody who has a smartphone with a camera. A virtual environment is created to coexist with the real environment in augmented reality to provide extra information about the real world.

Applications of augmented reality

There are various applications of augmented reality, and some of those advantages are:

  • Medical industry: Helps students in medical training in order to practice handling expensive equipment, such as MRI scanners
  • Interior design industry: Allows you to visualize the final product even while in construction. And this concept increases or generates the use of augmented reality in the interior design industry
  • Education: Allows students to learn new concepts easily as the concepts become when explained or taught using augmented reality.
  • Mechanical sector: Helps the technician to quickly diagnose the fault and fix it quickly.
  • Tourism industry: Allows tourists to inspect the virtual location of the place they want to travel. This industry is booming rapidly with the use of augmented reality technology.

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality definition: Virtual reality is a technology that creates an immersive virtual environment and requires a headset device in order to function properly.

Virtual reality is a bit same at the ground level as augmented reality. The virtual reality technology takes the components to the next level by producing an entirely computer-generated simulation of an alternate world. This technology can create any scene or place that a person can imagine using various equipment, such as sensors, computers, gloves, etc.

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The working of virtual reality is simple. In this technology, the user needs to put a virtual reality headset screen in front of their eyes in order to eliminate any connection with the real world. Once it is done, the user needs to adjust their eyes based on the individual movement of the eye, it’s positioning, and the two lenses placed between the screen to dive into a virtual environment.

An excellent example of virtual reality technology can be seen in a PS4 gaming device, virtual reality headsets for viewing movies for a better experience, and Metaverse.

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Applications of virtual reality

There are various applications of virtual reality, and some of those applications are:

  • Gaming industry: Allows you to create and improve a fictitious reality for the gaming world.
  • Sports industry: In many sports, it serves as a digital training device to assess a player’s performance or analyze their techniques.
  • Medical industry: Provides a safe environment for patients to interact with things they are afraid of and allows medical students to practice procedures and diagnoses.

The applications of augmented reality and virtual reality are almost the same. It’s just that the percentage of virtual and reality, differs. The dive gets bigger and deeper when we use virtual reality.

Key differences between augmented reality vs virtual reality

Some of the key differences between augmented reality vs virtual reality are:

  • Augmented reality enhances a real-world scene, whereas virtual reality creates an immersive virtual environment
  • Augmented reality is 25 percent virtual and 75 percent real, whereas virtual reality is 75 percent virtual and 25 percent real.
  • Virtual reality requires a headset device, but it’s not the case with augmented reality technology.
  • Augmented reality partially immerses the end user in action, whereas virtual reality fully immerses the end user in action.


To summarize augmented and virtual reality, we can say that augmented reality technology replaces reality and takes you somewhere else (imagined place). Virtual reality simply adds information on top of what’s already visible. Augmented and virtual reality will keep growing and will greatly positively impact our daily lives.

After reading this article, we hope you understand the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. If you have any queries regarding the topic, please feel free to post your queries in the comment box. We will be happy to help!


Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, what is augmented reality?

In terms of augmented reality vs virtual reality, augmented reality is a type of technology that enhances a real-world scenario by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using a smartphone's camera.

Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, what is virtual reality?

In terms of augmented reality vs virtual reality, virtual reality is a technology that creates an immersive virtual environment and requires a headset device in order to function correctly.

Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, what is the main difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

The main difference between augmented reality vs virtual reality is that augmented reality enhances a real-world scene in which no headset device is needed. On the other hand, virtual reality creates an immersive virtual environment and requires a headset device.

Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, which technology requires special devices, such as gloves and headset devices?

In terms of augmented reality vs virtual reality, virtual reality technology requires special devices, such as gloves and headset devices.

Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, in which technology do the end-users remain in touch with the real world?

In terms of augmented reality vs virtual reality, in augmented reality, the end-users remain in touch with the real world.

Regarding augmented reality vs virtual reality, how much bandwidth does AR and VR technology requires?

In terms of augmented reality vs virtual reality, AR technology requires a minimum of 50 Mbps, whereas VR requires at least 100 Mbps.

About the Author
Anshuman Singh
Senior Executive - Content

Anshuman Singh is an accomplished content writer with over three years of experience specializing in cybersecurity, cloud computing, networking, and software testing. Known for his clear, concise, and informative wr... Read Full Bio