Difference Between Argument and Parameter

Difference Between Argument and Parameter

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Updated on Dec 27, 2023 15:19 IST

Welcome to the world of programming, where every detail counts. Parameters and arguments are essential building blocks of any programming language. Although they may seem similar, understanding their distinct roles is crucial for any developer. This article highlights the parameters and arguments, their differences, and why they're crucial in coding. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, this exploration clarifies these fundamental concepts to write effective and versatile code.

Table of Contents

What is the Difference Between Argument and Parameter?





A parameter is a variable named in the function or method definition. It acts as a placeholder for the data the function will use.

An argument is the actual value that is passed to the function or method when it is called.


Parameters define the type and number of inputs a function can accept. They are part of the function's signature.

Arguments are the specific values provided to the function when it is executed.


Parameters appear in function declarations/definitions.

Arguments are used in function calls.

Example in Code

In def add(num1, num2):, num1 and num2 are parameters.

In add(5, 3), 5 and 3 are arguments.

Default Values

Parameters can have default values.

Arguments do not have default values; they are the actual values passed.


Parameters themselves do not change. The value they hold can change as different arguments are passed to the function.

Arguments can be mutable or immutable depending on their data type.


Parameters are local to the function where they are defined.

Arguments can be any scope - they can be variables that exist outside the function or literals.


Parameters define the expected input for a function, providing a template.

Arguments provide the flexibility to pass different values to a function, allowing for dynamic execution.

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What is a Parameter?

In programming, a parameter refers to a named variable within a function or method definition. The parameter serves as a placeholder for a value that will be passed to the function or method at the time of its call. Essentially, parameters define the type of data a function can accept and also dictate how many pieces of data it expects. They act as the blueprint for the arguments that will be provided during the function's execution.

Let's take some examples to get a better understanding of Parameters.

Example-1: Basic Function in Python

def square(number):
return number * number
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In the above example, 'number' is a parameter of the function 'square'. 

Example-2: Function with the Multiple Parameter

def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2
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In the above 'add' function, num1 and num2 are parameters. The above function requires two values to perform the addition operation.

Example-3: Parameters in a String Manipulation Function

def greet(name, greeting):
return greeting + ", " + name + "!"
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Here, in the above function name and greeting are parameters. The above function can create a customized greeting message based on the values provided as arguments for these parameters.

Example-4: Keyword Parameter

def set_coordinates(x, y):
print("Coordinates are (X:", x, ", Y:", y, ")")
set_coordinates(y=10, x=5)
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Here, x and y are parameters, and the function call uses keyword arguments to specify them. This enhances readability and flexibility.

What is an Argument?

An argument in programming is the value passed to a function or a method when it is called. The function uses these values to perform operations or calculations. Arguments are the real, concrete data that replace the function's parameters when the function executes.

In the above examples, if we put numeric values in the parameter, it is referred to as an argument. 

Let's take an example to get a better understanding of Arguments.

Example of Argument

  • If we put number = 4 in the first example, then the function takes this as an argument, squares it, and returns the result.
  • In the second example, if we put num1 = 5 and num2 = 3, 5 and 3 are referred to as arguments. The add function will return the sum of 5 and 3, i.e., 8.

similarly for the next two examples.

What are the Similarities Between Argument and Parameter?

  • Function Association: Both parameters and arguments are intrinsically linked to functions. They are essential in the process of defining and calling functions.
  • Data Passing: They are both used to pass data to functions. Parameters receive the data, and arguments supply it.
  • Flexibility in Function Execution: Both contribute to the flexibility of functions, allowing the same function to operate on different data values.
  • Types of Data: Both can represent any type of data that the programming language supports, such as integers, strings, objects, etc.
  • Influence on Function Behavior: Parameters and arguments directly affect the function's behaviour. The function's output depends on the argument values passed to its parameters.

FAQs on the Difference Between Argument and Parameter

What is a Parameter in Programming?

A parameter is a variable named in the function or method definition. It acts as a placeholder for the data that the function will operate on. Parameters specify the type of data a function expects to receive.

What is an Argument in Programming?

An argument is the actual value that is passed to a function or method when it is called. Unlike parameters, which are placeholders, arguments are the real, concrete data provided to the function for processing.

Can a Function Have Parameters but No Arguments?

Yes, a function can have parameters defined but may not require arguments if it has default values for those parameters or if the parameters are used in a way that does not necessitate external input.

Are Arguments and Parameters Interchangeable in Coding?

No, they are not interchangeable. Parameters refer to the variables declared in a function's definition, while arguments are the actual values passed to the function when it is called.

How Many Arguments Can Be Passed to a Function?

The number of arguments a function can receive depends on how many parameters are defined in the function. Each parameter corresponds to an argument, though some languages allow functions to accept variable numbers of arguments.

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