Difference between ASCII and Unicode
Encoding schemes are methods or algorithms used to represent data in a way that can be understood by computers. They convert data into a specific format that can be transmitted, stored, and interpreted by different devices and software.
There are various types of encoding schemes, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are some examples:
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- Unicode
- Base64
- UTF-8
- Binary-coded decimal (BCD)
These encoding schemes are essential in ensuring that data can be accurately and efficiently processed, transmitted, and stored by computers and other digital devices.
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In this article, we will be comparing the two most popular coding schemes: Unicode and ASCII. So, let’s get started!
We will be covering the following sections:
- Introduction to ASCII
- ASCII Characters
- Introduction to Unicode
- Unicode Characters
- Relationship between ASCII and Unicode
- Difference between ASCII and Unicode
Introduction to ASCII
The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding scheme is a widely used method for representing text in computers. Its development dates back to the 1960s when it was established as a standard for encoding characters on computers and communication equipment.
Each character in ASCII is assigned a unique code or number from 0 to 127, represented by 7 bits. These codes include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special characters like line breaks, tabs, and control characters.
For instance, the letter ‘A’ is coded as 65 in ASCII, ‘a’ as 97, and ‘@’ as 64. ASCII has limitations in that it only encodes characters from the English language, and it does not support characters with accents or those from other languages.
Despite its limitations, ASCII is still popularly used for basic text communication as it is widely supported by computer systems and simple to use.
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ASCII Characters
In this section, we will discuss ASCII and its usage in electronic communication. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and is a popular encoding scheme for computers.
ASCII represents characters using integers, including numbers (0-9), uppercase letters (A), lowercase letters (A), and symbols such as semicolons (;) and exclamation marks (!). Integers are preferred for storage in electronic devices over alphabets or symbols since they are easy to store. For example, the integer 97 represents the letter “a,” and 33 represents “!,” which can be stored in memory without difficulty.
If the ASCII value of one alphabet is known, it is possible to estimate the ASCII value of another alphabet. For instance, if the ASCII value of “a” is 97, then the ASCII value of “z” will be 97 + 25 = 122.
ASCII uses 8 bits to encode any character, most of which are from the English language and used in modern-day programming. ASCII is also used in graphic arts to represent clip art or images using characters.
One major limitation of ASCII is that it can only represent 256 different characters, as it uses only 8 bits. This means that ASCII cannot encode the many types of characters found in languages worldwide. Unicode was developed to overcome this limitation and extended to UTF-16 and UTF-32 to encode various types of characters. Therefore, the primary difference between ASCII and Unicode is the number of bits used to encode.
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Decimal-Binary-ASCII Conversion Chart
Decimal | Binary | ASCII |
0 | 000000 | NUL |
1 | 000001 | SOH |
2 | 000010 | STX |
3 | 000011 | ETX |
4 | 000100 | EOT |
5 | 000101 | ENQ |
6 | 000110 | ACK |
7 | 000111 | BEL |
8 | 001000 | BS |
9 | 001001 | HT |
10 | 001010 | LF |
11 | 001011 | VT |
12 | 001100 | FF |
13 | 001101 | CR |
14 | 001110 | SO |
15 | 001111 | SI |
16 | 010000 | DLE |
17 | 010001 | DC1 |
18 | 010010 | DC2 |
19 | 010011 | DC3 |
20 | 010100 | DC4 |
21 | 010101 | NAK |
22 | 010110 | SYN |
23 | 010111 | ETB |
24 | 011000 | CAN |
25 | 011001 | EM |
26 | 011010 | SUB |
27 | 011011 | ESC |
28 | 011100 | FS |
29 | 011101 | GS |
30 | 011110 | RS |
31 | 011111 | US |
32 | 100000 | Space |
33 | 100001 | ! |
34 | 100010 | ” |
35 | 100011 | # |
36 | 100100 | $ |
37 | 100101 | % |
38 | 100110 | & |
39 | 100111 | ‘ |
40 | 101000 | ( |
41 | 101001 | ) |
42 | 101010 | * |
43 | 101011 | + |
44 | 101100 | , |
45 | 101101 | – |
46 | 101110 | . |
47 | 101111 | / |
48 | 110000 | 0 |
49 | 110001 | 1 |
50 | 110010 | 2 |
51 | 110011 | 3 |
52 | 110100 | 4 |
53 | 110101 | 5 |
54 | 110110 | 6 |
55 | 110111 | 7 |
56 | 111000 | 8 |
57 | 111001 | 9 |
58 | 111010 | : |
58 | 111010 | : |
59 | 111011 | ; |
60 | 111100 | < |
61 | 111101 | = |
62 | 111110 | > |
63 | 111111 | ? |
64 | 1000000 | @ |
65 | 1000001 | A |
66 | 1000010 | B |
67 | 1000011 | C |
68 | 1000100 | D |
69 | 1000101 | E |
70 | 1000110 | F |
71 | 1000111 | G |
72 | 1001000 | H |
73 | 1001001 | I |
74 | 1001010 | J |
75 | 1001011 | K |
76 | 1001100 | L |
77 | 1001101 | M |
78 | 1001110 | N |
79 | 1001111 | O |
80 | 1010000 | P |
81 | 1010001 | Q |
82 | 1010010 | R |
83 | 1010011 | S |
84 | 1010100 | T |
85 | 1010101 | U |
86 | 1010110 | V |
87 | 1010111 | W |
88 | 1011000 | X |
89 | 1011001 | Y |
90 | 1011010 | Z |
91 | 1011011 | [ |
92 | 1011100 | \ |
93 | 1011101 | ] |
94 | 1011110 | ^ |
95 | 1011111 | _ |
96 | 1100000 | ` |
97 | 1100001 | a |
98 | 1100010 | b |
99 | 1100011 | c |
100 | 1100100 | d |
101 | 1100101 | e |
102 | 1100110 | f |
103 | 1100111 | g |
104 | 1101000 | h |
105 | 1101001 | i |
106 | 1101010 | j |
107 | 1101011 | k |
108 | 1101100 | l |
109 | 1101101 | m |
110 | 1101110 | n |
111 | 1101111 | o |
112 | 1110000 | p |
113 | 1110001 | q |
114 | 1110010 | r |
115 | 1110011 | s |
116 | 1110100 | t |
117 | 1110101 | u |
118 | 1110110 | v |
119 | 1110111 | w |
120 | 01111000 | x |
121 | 01111001 | y |
122 | 01111010 | z |
123 | 01111011 | { |
124 | 01111100 | | |
125 | 01111101 | } |
126 | 01111110 | ~ |
127 | 01111111 | DEL |
Introduction to Unicode
Unicode is a character encoding standard that is used to represent text from many writing systems in the world. It can be thought of as a superset of ASCII, as it includes all ASCII characters and many additional characters from other scripts, such as Greek, Arabic, Chinese, and so on. The Unicode standard is designed to be comprehensive, so that it can support all of the characters needed for any writing system, as well as symbols and special characters for use in mathematics, music, and other fields.
Unicode uses a code point system to assign a unique number to each character, which is typically represented in hexadecimal notation, rather than the decimal notation used in ASCII. For example, the Unicode code point for the letter “A” is U+0041, while the code point for the Greek letter alpha is U+03B1. Unicode characters can be encoded using several different methods, including UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, which use different numbers of bytes to represent characters.
One of the major advantages of Unicode is that it can support a wide range of languages and scripts, allowing users to communicate and exchange information in multiple languages without the need for different encoding systems. This has helped to make the internet and other global communication systems more accessible and inclusive for people around the world.
Unicode Characters
Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization responsible for maintaining the Universal Character Set, a standard for encoding and representing characters in electronic devices.
The IT industry relies on Unicode as a way to represent an extensive range of characters, including mathematical symbols and texts in multiple languages such as Devanagiri, Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and Armenian. It is also able to represent texts written from right to left, such as Hebrew and Arabic, making it one of the only encoding schemes that can support characters from around the world.
The Unicode Transformation Format, or UTF, is the type of Unicode encoding scheme used. UTF encoding schemes are categorized by the number of bits they use to represent characters, with UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 utilizing 7, 8, 16, and 32 bits, respectively. Unicode is essential for internationalizing and localizing computer software and is used for various applications such as operating systems, XML, and Java programming.
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Relationship between ASCII and Unicode
ASCII and Unicode are related encoding schemes used to represent characters in electronic devices. ASCII is a subset of Unicode and represents a limited range of characters primarily used in the English language. In contrast, Unicode is a more comprehensive encoding scheme that can represent characters from multiple languages and scripts, including mathematical symbols and other specialized characters.
ASCII uses eight bits to encode characters, allowing it to represent only 256 characters. In contrast, Unicode can represent over one million characters with its various encoding schemes that utilize different numbers of bits for character representation.
Because Unicode can represent characters from different languages and scripts, it is a more flexible and versatile encoding scheme than ASCII. Most modern computer systems use Unicode encoding schemes, allowing for the creation and use of software and applications that support multiple languages and character sets.
Difference between ASCII and Unicode
Here is a comparison table of the main differences between ASCII and Unicode:
Feature | ASCII | Unicode |
Full name | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | Universal Character Set |
Supported languages | Primarily English | Multiple languages and scripts |
Number of characters supported | 256 | Over 1 million |
Number of bits used for character representation | 7 or 8 | 8, 16, 32, or more |
Characters represented | Primarily letters, digits, and symbols used in English | Letters, digits, symbols, and characters used in multiple languages and scripts |
Compatibility with modern systems | Limited, as it cannot represent characters from non-English languages | Widely used in modern systems, including software and applications |
Use cases | Limited to representing English text in early computer systems | Used for a broad range of applications, including text processing, programming, and web development |
Overall, while ASCII is a simpler encoding scheme that is limited to the representation of English text, Unicode is a more versatile and widely used encoding scheme that can represent characters from multiple languages and scripts. The Unicode standard has enabled the creation of multilingual software, allowing for greater communication and global collaboration.
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In summary, encoding schemes such as ASCII and Unicode play an essential role in the way computers process and display text. ASCII is a simple encoding scheme that can represent a limited set of characters used in English, while Unicode is a more versatile and widely used encoding scheme that can represent characters from multiple languages and scripts. As the world becomes more globalized, the use of Unicode has become increasingly important for enabling communication across different languages and cultures. Understanding the differences between these encoding schemes can be helpful for developers, software engineers, and anyone
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Author: Prerna Singh
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