Difference Between Pointer and Reference

Difference Between Pointer and Reference

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Updated on Mar 13, 2024 15:45 IST

Have you ever wondered about the differences between pointers and references in programming? While both allow for indirect access and manipulation of data, pointers provide a flexible tool for directly managing memory and can be reassigned or set to null, whereas references act as immutable aliases to existing variables, offering a safer and more straightforward way to handle data without the complexities of manual memory management. Let's understand more!

Pointers offer more control and flexibility for complex tasks like dynamic memory management, while references provide a more straightforward and error-resistant way to refer to existing variables. In this blog, we will understand the differences between them in detail!

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Difference Between Pointer and Reference

Below is a table showing the difference between pointer and reference.





A variable that stores the memory address of another variable.

An alias for another variable.


In C++, defined with an asterisk (*). For example, int* ptr;

In C++, defined with an ampersand (&). For example, int& ref = var;


Can be initialized to nullptr or any address. Can be reassigned to point to another address.

Must be initialized at the time of declaration. Cannot be null and cannot be reassigned.

Memory Address

Directly holds the memory address of another variable.

Does not hold any memory address, but directly refers to the memory location of the variable it aliases.


Requires dereferencing to access the value it points to using the dereference operator (*).

Can be used directly to access or modify the value of the aliased variable.


Can be null, indicating it points to no memory location.

It cannot be null and must always refer to a valid memory location.

Memory Allocation

Can point to a memory location allocated on the heap. Useful for dynamic memory management.

Cannot be used for dynamic memory allocation directly.


Can be reassigned to point to another variable.

Cannot be reassigned to alias another variable after initialization.

Arithmetic Operations

Supports pointer arithmetic (e.g., incrementing to point to the next memory location).

Does not support arithmetic operations.

What is a Pointer?

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. In programming languages like C and C++, pointers play a crucial role in memory management, enabling direct access and manipulation of memory locations.

Key Point About Pointers

  • A pointer holds the address of a variable, which means it points to the location in memory where that variable is stored.
  • Pointers support the concept of indirection, meaning you can access or modify the value stored in the memory location to which the pointer points. This is done using the dereference operator (*).
  • A pointer has a type that corresponds to the type of data it points to. For example, an int* is a pointer to an integer, and a char* is a pointer to a character.
  • They support arithmetic operations such as increment (++), which moves the pointer to the next memory location of its type, and decrement (--), which moves it to the previous location.
  • A special pointer value, typically nullptr in C++ (or NULL in C), indicates that the pointer does not point to any valid memory location.
  • They are used in conjunction with dynamic memory allocation functions (like malloc in C or new in C++) to allocate memory at runtime. This memory can then be released using free (in C) or delete (in C++).
  • Besides pointing to data, pointers in C and C++ can also point to functions. This allows for dynamic dispatch of functions, passing functions as arguments to other functions, and storing lists of functions to call.

What is a Reference?

A reference, in programming languages like C++, is essentially an alias for another variable. It is a type of variable that allows one variable to be referred to by another name. Unlike pointers, references do not store memory addresses themselves. Instead, they are simply another name for an existing variable. Once a reference is initialized to a variable, it cannot be changed to refer to another variable. References provide a way to access the variable they refer to directly without needing any dereferencing operator.

Key Point About Reference

  • References must be initialized when they are declared. This means that a reference must be set to refer to an existing variable upon its creation.
  • References cannot be null. They must always refer to an object or variable, ensuring that a reference always points to a valid location in memory.
  • Once a reference is bound to a variable, it cannot be rebound to refer to a different variable. The reference remains an alias to the initially specified variable for its entire lifetime.
  • In C++, a reference is declared using the ampersand (&) symbol. For example, int& ref = var; declares ref as a reference to an integer variable var.
  • References are often used for function argument passing or return values to avoid copying large structs or classes. They can also make the syntax of using certain data structures more straightforward.
  • There is no indirection visible to the programmer when using references. You work with references as if you were working with the original variables themselves.
  • While a reference itself does not store a memory address accessible to the programmer internally, it may be implemented by the compiler using pointers.

Similarities Between Pointer and Reference


Similarity Between Pointer and Reference


Both can be used to access or modify the value of another variable indirectly.

Function Parameters

Both can be used to pass variables to functions in such a way that the function can modify the original variable.

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Thus, pointers and references in programming, particularly in languages like C++, serve as mechanisms for indirect variable manipulation but with distinct characteristics and usage. Keep learning, keep exploring!

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What is the main distinction between a pointer and a reference in C++?

A pointer is a variable that holds a memory address of another variable. A pointer can be reassigned to point to other objects. A reference, on the other hand, is an alias for another object and must be initialized when it is created. Once established, it cannot be made to alias another object; it remains an alias to the initial object.

Can pointers and references be uninitialized or null?

Pointers can be uninitialized or set to nullptr (or NULL in older C++ code), meaning they point to nothing. References, however, must be initialized to an existing object when they are declared and cannot be null.

How do you indicate a pointer or reference, and how do they affect syntax?

A pointer is indicated by the * symbol, and you use the & symbol to obtain the address of a variable to point to. To access the value the pointer is pointing to, you dereference the pointer using the * operator. A reference is indicated by the & symbol next to the type during declaration and does not require a special operator to access the aliased object.

What are the performance implications of using pointers versus references?

Generally, there is no performance difference between pointers and references. However, because references cannot be null and do not need to be dereferenced, they are often safer and can make code clearer and easier to maintain.

Can pointers and references both be used for polymorphism in C++?

Yes, both pointers and references can be used to achieve polymorphism. When a function parameter is a pointer or reference to a base class, it can also accept objects of derived classes. This allows for dynamic dispatch of virtual functions, a key feature of polymorphism.

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