Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Computing

Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Computing

9 mins read2.6K Views Comment
Updated on Aug 8, 2022 16:17 IST

Author: Urvashi Saxena

You must have heard the term cloud computing, and many of you might be using it daily. However, many individuals are still unaware of what it is and how it may influence their professional or personal objectives.


Let’s find out in this blog about what cloud computing is and what are the top benefits that make it so popular in today’s world.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a buzz in today’s era. It simply means on-demand delivery of resources like storage, servers, software, etc over the internet to foster innovation, scalability, and flexibility in technology. Cloud computing is being utilized on daily basis in one way or the other. Cloud computing probably makes it possible for you to do anything online, including sending emails, editing documents, watching movies or TV, listening to music, playing games, or storing photos and other things. A few straightforward yet well-known instances of cloud computing are the usage of Amazon Prime and Netflix, they entirely depend on cloud computing to handle video streaming and offer nearly immediate video downloads to their clients. Since all the content is given under one umbrella, so the business could not function in any other way and would require genuinely amazing amounts of server capacity.

The development of businesses will continue to grow on this path in the future. Enterprise operations will change as a result.As per International Data Corporation(IDC), the overall spending  on cloud computing has reportedly hit $706 billion and is likely to reach $1.3 trillion by 2025. Also, according to Gartner,Inc the world wide public cloud end user spending will hit to approximately $500 billion in 2022.

You can also explore – Introduction to Cloud Computing

You may set up what is basically a virtual office with it, giving you the freedom to connect to your business from any location at any time. Access to your data is made even simpler by the rising use of web-enabled devices in today’s corporate environment (such as smartphones and tablets). 

The figure shows change from planned cloud computing usage due to the covid-19 situation.

Now let’s take a look at the benefits of cloud computing due to which it is the top most technology to be used by every other company.

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Why switch to Cloud Computing

Reduces Cost:

The ability to reduce costs for businesses that utilize cloud computing over time is one of the main advantages of this technology.On an average 15% of total cost can be saved by companies if they migrate to cloud. The business will save and reduce costs if it no longer needs to employ a staff of technical support personnel to address server issues. Cloud computing also has the ability to scale. The enterprise’s deployed servers need pricey hardware updates, which come with a high up-front cost. Upgrading the gear would be a waste of money if sales did not grow as anticipated. Enterprises may typically extend and reduce their cloud computing resources without difficulty thanks to cloud computing service providers. Businesses can cut expenses when they expand their computing capacity in response to demand. Few companies that found success on cloud are: 

  • Coco cola: The Coca-Cola business switched to public cloud in 2014 after a spike in traffic during the Super Bowl revealed that it was unsustainable to store all the data on-site during periods of high demand. The organisation cut maintenance costs and realised operational savings of 40% as a result of the cloud migration.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest grew to its current splendour and became the 14th largest social media platform in the world with the use of the cloud.

Some of the top companies that proved to be leader in public cloud IT transformation services are 

  • Deloitte: migrating its complex ERP systems to cloud
  • Accenture: The first step in a company’s cloud migration strategy is a scan of its assets to determine which cloud services will best suit it. Specilaizing in AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure migrations.
  • HCL, Capgemini, Infosys, etc.

Easy File/Data Backup

Data backup is made simple for both businesses and people thanks to cloud computing. Ironically, consumers can make their data safer by storing their files and data away from their homes. Physical theft or loss of the data becomes considerably more difficult or impossible. Consider a scenario where there is a blackout in an office building and most of the systems become inoperable then there is a high chance of losing important data and there is no other way of recovering that data.

At that point, cloud computing plays a vital role as if the data was stored on the cloud beforehand then as soon as the power is back to normal the entire data can be downloaded again and there will no loss of data. A side benefit of this is that it enables people or businesses to free up space on their actual PCs or servers for other things.


Although it might seem challenging, cloud computing is less problematic than traditional computing. Because a cloud computing server may be used to manage an enterprise’s operations, it is typically more dependable as compared to the server in the data center maintained by the enterprise itself because its primary function is to make cloud computing applications more complete. When a minor issue happens, the cloud computing provider managing the enterprise organization may already be working for a fix. Technical assistance must be offered if in any case deployment of server malfunctions internally, and technical personnel must be sent to investigate and resolve the issue. 

Cloud Computing runs online

Sometimes it happens that employee might have left important document at work or some email has been deleted mistakenly, in that case one doesn’t need to go office to retrieve file from server but if you have internet connection then you can easily access the files needed by cloud computing from anywhere and anytime. Consider an example where some job roles need to travel for their work it is usual for travelers to experience problems gaining access to desktop programs when out of the office.

With all of the proprietary software on your laptop, you occasionally had trouble connecting to the Internet when you needed to handle a client’s business immediately but weren’t able to while you are traveling. But you can do that now in a few seconds just by clicking one link. Another example is online payment has become so easy no need to worry if you are not carrying a wallet, you can easily pay through PayPal, google pay anytime anywhere.

Requires Less Capital

Startups struggle with a lack of funding that prevents them from paying personnel and implementing their business concept. Such costs are reasonable. Startups must make a substantial investment to pay for servers. The fact that cloud computing simply needs a little initial investment and there is no need of installing conventional local servers and it proves to be the key benefits of cloud computing. To pay for it each month, the firm merely needs resources. Updation of system will occur on its own since the firm has used a cloud computing solution to refresh it with fresh fixes. Hardware updates do not require businesses to expend more effort or time. You can acquire what you require when you require it. 43% of small and medium-sized business prefer to use public cloud services as it comes with pre-installed hardware and applications.


Having fewer servers means using fewer resources. Less physical servers are needed as more businesses utilize cloud computing. This enables a business to scale back its data center or get rid of it altogether. Additionally, enabling more file sharing may decrease the amount of printing done by the team, saving money and power. As compared to conventional data centers, cloud hosting provides more flexibility and scalability. Depending on the volume of traffic to your website, cloud servers can scale up or down. You will have complete control over the installation of any software. For the expansion of your company, this offers more flexibility.

One of the examples of it is Vivino, with over 50 million users worldwide, it has the distinction of being the largest wine database available online. Utilizing cloud technologies helped Vivino quickly expand its roots in 14 countries while also providing the necessary protection for sensitive user data.


The ability to access software and other services from any device is by far the greatest concrete advantage of cloud computing. You need not have a certain piece of software installed on a specific piece of hardware when using cloud computing. The same application can be used on a desktop computer, a laptop, and a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet without needing to be downloaded and installed separately on each device.


Cloud computing provides outstanding security in many ways. Security for large businesses is frequently slightly greater than it would be if software were hosted on-site rather than on a centralized server network. The reason for this is that security can be managed by specialized IT security teams, and the previously mentioned software fixes can be distributed a little more efficiently and reliably. There are also no physical servers that may be breached or attacked by dishonest or careless staff on-site, making firm information less susceptible to physical theft or manipulation. For example, Etsy is a well-known online store for vintage and handmade goods. Cloud technologies contribute to the platform’s security and dependability in managing daily transaction volumes of hundreds of thousands as well as peak sales seasons.

More Data Storage

In order for software and applications to execute as quickly and efficiently as possible, it provides more servers, storage space, and computing power. Multiple options available for cloud storage with ample space are Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive, icloud Drive, etc. You can only employ the resources that are currently at your disposal using traditional IT infrastructure. Buying or renting a new server is your only option if there is shortage of storage capacity. Additional software licenses will need to be purchased and manually installed on your office hardware if you hire extra staff. Especially if your company is expanding quickly, this can be an expensive endeavor.

Employees using cloud computing have better work-life balance

Do people still recognize how crucial online cloud computing and enhanced cooperation have been? The good news is that there are many direct connections between cloud computing benefits. The work and personal lives of an enterprise’s workers can both improve because of cloud computing. Employees can go home during breaks from school to enjoy time with their kids while also finishing their work if they use cloud computing, which allows them to work from anywhere. Even the holidays are open to employment. In addition, contented workers can result in increased productivity.

You can also explore – Evolution of Cloud Computing


After going through multiple advantages of cloud computing, it proves that it is going to be the future of technology as it is beneficial for small and big enterprises. Cloud computing will undoubtedly advance digital commerce and society as a whole, despite having some learning curves. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of cloud computing and the benefits it can offer to your projects.

About the Author

This is a collection of insightful articles from domain experts in the fields of Cloud Computing, DevOps, AWS, Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, and Natural Language Processing. The range of topics caters to upski... Read Full Bio