Understanding casefold() Method in Python

Understanding casefold() Method in Python

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Updated on Apr 9, 2023 23:43 IST

In Python, the casefold() method creates a new string by changing all the characters in the original string tom lowercase letters.


In this article, we will discuss this function and understand its use with the help of examples. We will be covering the following sections.

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What is casefold() Method in Python?

In Python, the casefold() method is used to convert a string to lowercase and return a new string. The difference between the casefold() and the lower() methods is that casefold() can also handle special characters and accented characters in a more aggressive manner. This means that casefold() can convert characters such as “ß” (German sharp s) or “İ” (Turkish dotted capital i) to their lowercase equivalents, whereas lower() cannot. The casefold() method is useful when comparing strings in a case-insensitive manner, especially when dealing with different languages and scripts.

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The syntax of casefold() method in Python is given as:

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Where, string is the input string


The casefold() method doesn’t take any arguments.

Return Value

When called, the casefold() method returns a new string with all the characters converted to lowercase. The original string remains unchanged. You can assign the result of this method to a new variable or overwrite the original string variable with the new string returned by the casefold() method, depending on your use case.

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Examples of Using the casefold() Method in Python

Example 1: Case-insensitive string comparison

string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "hello"
if string1.casefold() == string2.casefold():
print("The strings are equal (case-insensitive)")
print("The strings are not equal")
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The strings are equal (case-insensitive)
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In this example, we have two strings (string1 and string2) that are the same except for the capitalization of the first letter. We use this method to convert both strings to lowercase before comparing them. As a result, the comparison is case-insensitive, and we get the expected output.

Example 2: Removing accents from a string

string = "café"
clean_string = string.casefold()
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In this example, we have a string (string) that contains an accented character (é). We use the casefold() method to remove the accent from the character and convert it to a regular lowercase “e”. The result is a new string (clean_string) with all characters converted to lowercase and accents removed.

Example 3: Handling non-ASCII characters

string1 = "Straße"
string2 = "strasse"
if string1.casefold() == string2.casefold():
print("The strings are equal (case-insensitive)")
print("The strings are not equal")
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The strings are equal (case-insensitive)
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In this example, we have two strings (string1 and string2) that are the same except for the use of the German letter “ß” in string1. We use the casefold() method to convert both strings to lowercase and handle the “ß” character correctly, resulting in a case-insensitive comparison that gives us the expected output.

Example 4: Removing punctuation from a string

import string
string = "Hello, World!"
clean_string = "".join(char for char in string if char not in string.punctuation).casefold()
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In this example, we import the string module and use its punctuation constant to get a string of all punctuation characters. We then use a list comprehension to iterate over each character in the original string (string), and if it’s not a punctuation character, we add it to a new list. We then join the characters in the new list together to create a new string with all the punctuation removed, and we use the casefold() method to convert it to lowercase.

Example 5: Filtering a list of strings by case-insensitive substring

strings = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "apple pie", "BANANA SMOOTHIE"]
query = "ap"
results = [string for string in strings if query.casefold() in string.casefold()]
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['Apple', 'apple pie']
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In this example, we have a list of strings (strings) and a search query (query). We use a list comprehension to filter the list of strings, selecting only the strings that contain the search query as a case-insensitive substring. We use the casefold() method to convert both the query and the strings to lowercase before searching, resulting in a case-insensitive search that gives us the expected output.


The casefold() method is a powerful tool for handling case-insensitive comparisons and conversions in Python strings. It’s particularly useful for working with non-ASCII characters and special cases in some languages where lowercase conversions may not be straightforward. While lower() is a simpler alternative for basic lowercase conversions, this method provides more robust and consistent behavior for case-insensitive string operations.

By understanding the syntax and examples of the casefold() method in Python, you can more effectively handle strings in your programs and avoid common errors that may arise from inconsistent case handling. Hope this article was helpful for you. If you wish to learn more about Python and practice Python programming, you can explore our articles.

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