Create a Language Understanding solution
- Offered byMicrosoft
Create a Language Understanding solution at Microsoft Overview
Create a Language Understanding solution
at Microsoft
Gain a comprehensive overview of the Azure Cognitive principles and concepts
Duration | 3 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Schedule type | Self paced |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Create a Language Understanding solution at Microsoft Course details
Create a Language Understanding solution
at Microsoft
More about this course
- Natural language processing (NLP) solutions use language models to interpret the semantic meaning of written or spoken language
- You can use the Language Understanding service to build language models for your applications
Create a Language Understanding solution at Microsoft Curriculum
Create a Language Understanding solution
at Microsoft
Create a Language Understanding app
Provision Azure resources for Language Understanding
Define intents and utterances
Define entities
Use patterns to differentiate similar utterances
Use pre-built models
Train test publish and review a Language Understanding app
Publish and use a Language Understanding app
Set publishing configuration options
Process predictions
Use a container
Use Language Understanding with Speech
Understand Language Understanding and Speech service integration
Perform intent recognition with the Speech SDK
Create a Language Understanding solution at Microsoft Entry Requirements
Create a Language Understanding solution
at Microsoft
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Create a Language Understanding solution
at Microsoft
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