Machine and Deep Learning Masters
- Offered byiNeuron
Machine and Deep Learning Masters at iNeuron Overview
Duration | 6 months |
Total fee | ₹3,540 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Machine and Deep Learning Masters at iNeuron Highlights
- Machine Learning Deep Learning Masters Certificate
- 26 + hands-on industry real-time projects
- Interview Preparation
- Resume building
Machine and Deep Learning Masters at iNeuron Course details
- Python
- Stats
- Machine learning
- Deep learning
- Data analytics
- Mock interview
- Interview preparation
- Resume building
- This course will teach machine learning in depth from beginning to advance discussion and implementation with Deployment
- Deep learning in-depth topic wise discussion and implementation with the project
Machine and Deep Learning Masters at iNeuron Curriculum
Course Introduction
Introduction of Data science and its application in Day to Day life
Course overview and Dashboard description
Python Core
Introduction of python and compari s on with other
Programming language
Installation of Anaconda Distribution and other python
IDE Python Objects, Number & Booleans, Strings
Container objects, Mutability of objects
Operators Arithmetic, Bitwise, C omparison and Assignment o perators, Operators Precedence and associativity
Conditions(If else,if elif else) Loops(While ,for)
Break and Continue statement and Range Function
String Objects and collections
String object basics
String methods
Splitting and Joining Strings
String format functions
List object basics
List as stack and Queues
List comprehensions
Tuples,Set ,Dictionaries Functions
Tuples,Sets Dictionary Object basics, Dictionary Object methods, Dictionary View Objects.
Functions basics, Parameter passing, Iterators Generator functions
Lambda functions
Map , Reduce, Filter functions
OOPS concepts Working with Files
OOPS basic concepts
Creating classes and Objects Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Working with files
Reading and writing files
Buffered read and write
Other File methods
Exception Handling
Exceptions Handling with Try except