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- NPTEL Project Management Course NPTEL
- Programming in Java by NPTEL NPTEL
- Project Management by NPTEL NPTEL
- Python for Data Science NPTEL
- Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python NPTEL
- Cloud Computing by NPTEL NPTEL
- Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy NPTEL
- The Joy of Computing using Python NPTEL
- Project Management For Managers NPTEL
- Introduction to Machine Learning NPTEL
- Data Science for Engineers by NPTEL NPTEL
- Technical English For Engineers NPTEL
- Customer Relationship Management by NPTEL NPTEL
- Programming in C++ by NPTEL NPTEL
- Product Design and Development NPTEL
- Six Sigma Certification by NPTEL NPTEL
- Biomedical nanotechnology by NPTEL NPTEL
- Deep Learning by NPTEL NPTEL
- Introduction to Modern Application Development IMAD NPTEL
- Introduction to Programming in C NPTEL
- Leadership by NPTEL, IIT Kharagpur NPTEL
- Operations Management by NPTEL NPTEL
- Basic Electronics NPTEL
- Digital Circuits NPTEL
- Experimental Biotechnology by NPTEL NPTEL
- Google Cloud Computing Foundations by NPTEL NPTEL
- Organic Farming for Sustainable Agricultural Production NPTEL
- Soft Skills For Business Negotiations And Marketing Strategies NPTEL
- Advance Aircraft Maintenance NPTEL
- Advanced Corporate Strategy by NPTEL NPTEL
- Advanced Machining Processes NPTEL
- Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving by NPTEL NPTEL
- Basics of Digital Marketing by NPTEL NPTEL
- Big Data Computing by NPTEL NPTEL
- Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases NPTEL
- Body language-key to professional success NPTEL
- Cloud computing Basics by NPTEL NPTEL
- Computer Aided Drug Design by NPTEL NPTEL
- Decision Making using Financial Accounting NPTEL
- Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures NPTEL
- Effective Writing NPTEL
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics NPTEL
- Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning by NPTEL NPTEL
- Ethics in Engineering Practice NPTEL
- Financial Accounting NPTEL
- Financial Management For Managers by NPTEL NPTEL
- Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence by NPTEL NPTEL
- HSE Practices for Offshore & Petroleum Industries by NPTEL NPTEL
- Human resource development NPTEL
- International Business by NPTEL NPTEL
- Introduction to Managerial Economics by NPTEL NPTEL
- Introduction to Urban Planning NPTEL
- Joining Technologies for Metals NPTEL
- Marketing Management-I by NPTEL NPTEL
- Mechanical engineering NPTEL
- Mechanics and Control of Robotic Manipulators NPTEL
- Nano structured materials synthesis, properties, self assembly and applications NPTEL
- Space Flight Mechanics NPTEL
- Theory of Elasticity NPTEL
- Solar Energy Engineering and Technology NPTEL
Learning Experience: It was new and very excellent in learning courses via NPTEL. The course content, lectures given, regular assignments undertook was literally so good to initate the level of learning with full attention. The assignment evaluation seems to be so good that only when you are able to understand the concept with concentration the answers could be given. The weekly assignments and weekly results were the most useful thing in the training. We could literally develop our listening, learning and concentr...
Learning Experience: It was my first online course and was really a great experience to learn from an IIT professor. There were many topics which were out of the book with practical skills where the subject is applied.This was a really great course to advance my skills.
Learning Experience: 1) In this course I learn basic things about Machine Learning and Python so it is completely free course to learn.2) In this course I have get good experience about the practical things such as hot to train dataset how to test the data set and many more things 3) the course is developed by IIT Madras and The University name tells all of us about Course. Because of the name the tutor have best material you can watch the video in any time apart from this you have separate assessment in all the cou...
Learning Experience: Product Design and Development consist content like Product Design, Design analysis, Product life cycle, Policy of Organisations, Value Engineering, Prototyping Technology etc. Platform is NPTEL through SWYAM APP. Training experience is good. Learn new things that enhance skills.
Learning Experience: Data science for engineers is basic level course those who want start career in Data science. Very well explained and balanced the whole course for beginners. The course covers the contents of, basic programming in R, Linear Algebra, Basics of optimization and algorithms of data science and practical examples. The algorithms covered in course are simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, logistic regression, KNN Algorithm and K means clustering algorithm.
Learning Experience: This course has really very good content and the trainer has provided hands-on section for each topics and it will help us to improve our java programming as well as our problem solving capabilities. This course has both MCQ type questions and programming questions to get certified as java programmer.