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Astro 101: Black Holes 

Astro 101: Black Holes

In Astro 101: Black Holes, you will explore the concepts behind black holes. Using the theme of black holes, you will learn the basic ideas of astronomy, relativity, and quantum physics.


20 weeks

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UG Certificate

Astro 101: Black Holes

  • Earn a Paid Certification after completion
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Astro 101: Black Holes
Course details

Skills you will learn
What are the course deliverables?
  • Describe the essential properties of black holes and differentiate between types.
  • Compare black holes in popular culture to modern physics to distinguish science fact from science fiction.
  • Recognize different types of stars and distinguish which stars can potentially become black holes.
  • Characterize formation theories associated with each type of black hole.
  • Identify different ways of detecting black holes, and appropriate technologies associated with each detection method.
  • Summarize the puzzles facing black hole researchers in modern science.
More about this course
  • What is a black hole? Do they really exist? How do they form? How are they related to stars? What would happen if you fell into one? How do you see a black hole if they emit no light? What's the difference between a black hole and a really dark star? Could a particle accelerator create a black hole? Can a black hole also be a worm hole or a time machine?
  • Taking the course as an Alberta junior high or high school student? Astro 101 content aligns with parts of the Alberta curriculum for Science 8, 9, and 30, and Physics 20 and 30. Learn how U of A MOOCs align with Alberta's secondary curricula.

Astro 101: Black Holes

Module 1 - Introduction to Black Holes

In this module, you will become familiar with the basic structure of a black hole, learn the terminology used to describe them, and explore the history of black hole physics.

Module 2 - Life and Death of a Star

Stars are the progenitors of black holes. In this module students will learn about the lifecycle of stars, how stars produce energy, and how they radiate away energy.

Module 3 - The Structure of Spacetime

What happens if you travel close to the speed of light? What happens to the passage of time as you fall towards a black hole? This module will explore relativity.

Module 4 - Sizing Up Black Holes

In this module students will explore the various sizes of black holes and their measurable properties. Students will learn that there are four major types of astrophysical black holes (primordial/mini black hole's, stellar mass, intermediate mass and supermassive black holes), and discover current theories on their formation, and what might feed them

Module 5 - Approaching a Black Hole

In this module students will follow material as it is transferred from a companion star to a black hole via Roche lobe overflow or wind fed accretion. They will then follow that material down through the accretion disc to explore tidal forces to learn about the ways in which black holes can rip apart surrounding material.

Module 6 - Crossing the Event Horizon

What would happen if you fell into a black hole? In this module students continue on their journey through a black hole binary system, from the innermost stable orbit of the accretion disc to the singularity itself.

Module 7 - Inside a Black Hole

This module will start to explore the theoretical side of black hole physics. You will receive a basic introduction to relevant topics of Quantum Mechanics and thermodynamics with the aim of understanding current black hole debates among the giants of the field.

Module 8 - Hunting for Black Holes

If black holes absorb all light, how do we see them? In this module, you will explore how astronomers observe real black holes, from studies of accretion discs and jets to the study of material orbiting a black hole.

Module 9 - Our Eyes in the Skies

Black holes change over time. This module will focus on how and why black holes change as well as how we look for these changes.

Module 10 - Riding the Gravity Wave

In this module students will be introduced to gravitational radiation. With the 2016 LIGO discovery of gravitational waves, a whole new branch of astronomy has been opened.

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Astro 101: Black Holes
Faculty details

Sharon Morsink, Ass. Prof. Department of Phy.UOA
Sharon Morsink graduated with an Honours Physics BSc from the University of Waterloo, and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Alberta.

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Astro 101: Black Holes
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116 St. and 85 Ave., Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2R3
Edmonton ( Alberta)

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