Oxford University
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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java 
offered by Oxford University

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 

Learn how to apply Object-Oriented Programming concepts to basic Java applications


10 weeks

Total fee


Mode of learning


Course Level

UG Certificate

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 

  • Earn a certificate of completion from Oxford university
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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 
Course details

What are the course deliverables?
  • To introduce Java syntax
  • To introduce the OO paradigm
  • To introduce graphics programming
  • Understand Java syntax and program design
  • Understand the OO paradigm
  • Understand graphical objects used in Java
More about this course
  • The course will also introduce elements of software engineering development models ranging from the Waterfall model to the agile approach
  • The course will also include a lecture that will explain how some data structures can be conveniently implemented through Java's Collections Framework
  • During the course we will cover: the creation of classes, overloading constructors and methods, arrays, polymorphism, encapsulation, the public, protected and private interfaces, inheritance, the abstract window toolkit, JSwing, abstract classes and graphics programming

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 

Week 0

An Introduction to Teams -Course orientation

Week 1

Java Syntax and Semantics, variables, the program development process

Week 2

Selection and Iteration

Week 3

Methods and Arrays (including multi-dimensional arrays)

Week 4

Classes and Objects in Java

Week 5

Collections, generics, enumerate types

Week 6

Inheritance, abstract classes, interfaces

Week 7

Graphics programming

Week 8


Week 9

File handling

Week 10

Advanced graphics programming

Faculty Icon

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 
Faculty details

Dr Nick Day
Nick Day teaches introductory and advanced computer programming modules in C#, C++ and Java at both Buckinghamshire New University and Oxford University. Nick started his career as an Associate Lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University in late 2014 and has recently progressed to become a Graduate Teaching Associate in February 2020 following the completion of his PhD.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 
Entry Requirements

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Conditional OfferUp Arrow Icon
  • Yes

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using Java
Oxford University 
Contact Information


University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
Oxford ( Oxfordshire)

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