Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases
- Offered byUDEMY
Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 11 hours |
Total fee | ₹449 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases at UDEMY Highlights
- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
- Certificate of completion
- Full lifetime access
- Learn from 2 downloadable resources
Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases at UDEMY Course details
- Advanced SAS programming, especially in SQL and SAS Macro. Students will be able to become advanced SAS programmers
- Acquire SAS knowledge and skills to pass certificate exam
- Get rich study materials in learning and practicing
- Master efficient SAS programming to solve real world problems
- Perform data analysis, data automation using advanced SAS
- If you need a comprehensive SAS course that helps you
- 1) pass advanced SAS certificate exam;
- 2) master advanced SAS programming by solving 100 questions including study cases;
- 3) understand how SAS codes Macro and SQL are working;
- 4) walk through questions by testing programming codes;
- 5) practice and review SAS examples by yourself using my handout;
- Then this course is right for you. I am using a special but effective teaching method in this course. You are not just leaning SAS knowledge and skills, but also examining yourself by solving each question! You are not just seeking the correct solution, but also figuring out why other answers are incorrect.
- I will show you both theories in slides and code implementation in the programming interface. With the questions, multiple choices, code interpretation, examples and data sets I provided, you will be able to start SAS programming efficiently and confidently pass the certificate exam!
Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases at UDEMY Curriculum
Course Introduction
Introduce video and downloadable files
How to use the course materials
Walk through each question and case by explanation
Learn first SAS Macro function and variable
Understand Macro evaluation function and usages
Understand Macro evaluation function and usages (Cont.)
Understand %scan function and application
Learn %index(), %scan() and SAS Macro programming
Length statement in data step programming and usages
Learn how to join tables using SAS SQL
Learn how to transfer parameters to SAS Macro functions
Learn application by combining SAS SQL and Macro functions
Understand ways for Resolving Macro variables
Macro Do Loop and output
Proc SQL and aggregation functions
Alter names of data sets and proc datasets
Proc SQL, aggregation function and subquery
BUFSIZE and BUFNO options in data steps
A practical and typical examples of SAS SQL (a)
A practical and typical examples of SAS SQL (b)
Automatic SAS Macro variables and usages
Automatic SAS Macro variables and usages (Cont.)
SAS SQL to join tables
SAS SQL product join
Data step function and format
SAS internal macro function and application
SAS internal macro function and application (Cont.)
SAS internal macro function and application (Cont.)
Extract data structures into Macro variables using Proc SQL
Create index for SAS data set
Create SAS macro function to export data
Introduce REUSE option
Understand %eval Macro function and %do loop
Learn SAS PROC SQL and output
Learn how to resolve multiple Macro variables
Learn how to debug SAS Macro programs
A comprehensive example of SAS macro program
Learn case statement in PROC SQL
Understand function of of index in SAS data sets
Learn how to create index for SAS data sets
Using SQL to generate index of SAS tables
Learn how rename can change index in data step
Understand label and format options in PROC SQL
Learn SQL functions in SAS PROC SQL
Query by passing Macro variable into SQL
Query missing values using PROC SQL
Learn a SAS Macro function using SAS SQL
Learn how to use symput() and Macro %sysevalf() functions
Methods to remove duplicates from SAS data sets
Learn group by, having statements and aggregation functions in SAS SQL
Learn sub query used in where statement in PROC SQL
Learn SQL sub query and table joining
Learn PROC SQL from a complex example
Learn how to union data sets using SAS SQL (1)
Learn how to union data sets using SAS SQL (2)
Learn how to union data sets using SAS SQL (3)
Learn how to intersect data sets using SAS SQL (1)
Learn how to intersect data sets using SAS SQL (2)
Learn filename statement
Learn methods to concatenates data in SAS
Insert record into SAS data set
Modify data sets using PROC SQL
Learn how to pass and resolve string-like Macro variables
Create tables using SQL and left join using PROC SQL
Using symput function to send data step variable into Macro variable
Explain a Macro function
Write a SAS macro program to print the contents of three data sets
Write a SAS macro function to keep specific variables in a data set
Learn a SAS macro function to print the contents of three data sets
Learn how to use SAS automatic Macro variable in Macro function
How to find SAS version and components list
Execute Macro program by sending masked parameters
Passing where statement into SQL by SAS Macro
Learn how to use PROC SQL options correctly
Learn how to return record number using SAS SQL
Understand the function of the key word 'validate' in SQL
Learn special SAS library
Understand index name and usages in data steps
Remove tables from library using SAS SQL
Display the data structure of a SAS data set in a library
Save the value of a variable at specific record into a macro variable
Learn how to use the STRIP function in SAS
Learn how to use the STRIP function in SAS (Cont.)
Create indexes on a SAS data set for efficient processing
Learn cross joining tables in SAS SQL
Learn how to create non-duplicated pair observations using SAS SQL
Using SAS Macro program and SQL to generate various table merging
Learn how to calculate summary statistics using SAS SQL
Learn how to calculate summary statistics using SAS SQL (Cont.)
Learn how to calculate summary statistics using SAS SQL (Cont.)
Understand SQL Syntax in SAS PROC SQL
Generate automatic report using PROC SQL
Set bufno to use the most amount of memory resources for output buffers
Use proc sql options to eliminate identical observations
Use Macro function to create a data set by keeping numeric variables
Create a new data set by calculating average amount for each item group
Explain a type PROC SQL example with calculated expression
Use PROC SQL to return the successive integers (1,2,3,...) in data set
Explain LIKE 'J%' in the where statement in SAS PROC SQL
Learn sound alike query in SAS PROC SQL
Macro variables containing the return code from previously executed step
Understand some where statements in SAS SQL
A comprehensive study case to finalize this course