John Hopkins University - Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs
- Offered byCoursera
Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs at Coursera Overview
Duration | 21 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs at Coursera Highlights
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Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs at Coursera Course details
- This course is for implementers, managers, funders, and evaluators of health programs targeting women and children in low- and middle-income countries as well as undergraduate and graduate students in health-related fields. Course participants will learn how to 1) transform quantitative components of an evaluation measurement plan into a sound analysis plan to address the evaluation questions, 2) conduct quantitative analyses of primary or secondary surveys or other available data, 3) interpret the meaning of the analysis results and their implications, and 4) disseminate the evaluation findings to program implementers, local and global stakeholders. It is highly recommended that course participants have the statistical skills to conduct and understand quantitative analysis. The development of this course was supported by a grant from Government Affairs Canada (GAC) for the Real Accountability, Data Analysis for Results (RADAR) project.
Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs at Coursera Curriculum
Module 1: Getting started in the course
1.1 Welcome to the course
1.2 Introduction to the running examples
Reading list for module 1
Module 2: Setting up for data analysis
2.1 Introduction to the module
2.2 Review the program, how it was implemented, and the evaluation framework
2.3 Review the evaluation design
2.4 Develop an analysis plan
2.5 Module Summary
Reading list for module 2
Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: Introduction to data analysis for evaluation
3.1 Introduction to the module
3.2 Understanding the profile of your evaluation areas
3.3 Basic analytical approaches
Reading list for module 3
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: Analysis of programs strength and quality of care
4.1 Introduction
4.2.1 Overview
4.2.2 Developing an analysis plan
4.3.1 Data Structure and Questionnaire Considerations
4.3.2 Data quality
4.4.1 Analyzing the data: sampling
4.4.2 Analyzing the data: implementation strength example
4.4.3 Analyzing the data: process quality of care example
4.5.1 Introduction to linking
4.5.2 Example: effective coverage of contraceptive care in Kenya
Reading list for module 4
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5: Analyzing household survey for intervention coverage
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Using existing household survey data
5.3 Sampling weights
5.4 Creating coverage indicators
5.5 Analyzing coverage data
5.6 Analyzing Coverage Change Over Time
5.7 Difference in differences in coverage
5.8 Addressing confounding
Reading list for module 5
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6: Analyzing Impact Measures
6.1 Welcome to module 6
6.2 Defining mortality measures and data sources
6.3 Measuring mortality
6.4 Measuring program's mortality impact
6.5 Overview of the Live Saved Tool
6.6.1 LiST modeling for the Burkina Faso Evaluation , introduction
6.6.2 LiST modeling for the Burkina Faso Evaluation , demonstration 1
6.6.3 LiST modeling for the Burkina Faso Evaluation , demonstration 2
Reading list for module 6
Module 6 Quiz
Module 7: Equity Analysis
7.1: Introduction to the module
7.2 Definitions and basic concepts of equity analysis
7.3 Measuring health inequities
7.4 Assessing changes in inequity in program outcomes
Reading list for module 7
Module 7 Quiz
Module 8: Gender-Based Equity Analysis
8.1 Gender Responsive Monitoring and Evaluation
8.2 Integrating gender into monitoring and evaluation tools
8.3 Integrating gender into monitoring and evaluation tools
8.4.1 Gender Responsive Indicators
8.4.2 Zoom session with Henri Garrison-Desany
Reading list for module 8
Module 8 Quiz
Module 9: Interpreting Evaluation Findings
9.1 Welcome to Module 9
9.2 Interpreting evaluation findings - Building Blocks for Interpreting Evaluation Results
9.3 SYNTHESIZE - Summarize the evaluation results relative to the priority questions
9.4 Interpret: What do the results mean?
9.5 Identify limitations of the evaluation
9.6 Developing key messages
9.7.1 Review of Module 9 and course conclusion Part1
9.7.2 Review of Module 9 and course conclusion Part 2
Reading list for module 9
Module 9 Quiz
Final exam and special message from JHU-IIP team
Special message for those completing the specialization on Evaluating Large-scale Health Programs
Final exam