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Android Basics with Compose 

  • Offered byAndroid

Android Basics with Compose

A comprehensive overview of Android Basics with Compose


100 hours

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Android Basics with Compose

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Android Basics with Compose
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More about this course
  • Android Basics with Compose is an online course on how to build Android apps using the latest best practices
  • It covers the basics of building apps with Jetpack Compose, the recommended toolkit for building user interfaces on Android

Android Basics with Compose

Unit 1: Your first Android app

Write simple Kotlin programs that display text output

Download and install Android Studio

Build an Android app with a simple user interface that displays text and images

Run the app on a device or emulator

Unit 2: Building app UI

Use conditionals, function types, classes, and lambda expressions in Kotlin

Understand how composition and recomposition works

Add a button to an app UI and respond to user taps

Create an app that works with data entered by the user

Learn how to use state to display data and reflect the changes automatically when the data gets updated

Write unit tests to test isolated functions

Unit 3: Display lists and use Material Design

Use data classes, functions, and collections in Kotlin

Create a scrollable list in an app that displays both text and images

Add click listeners to interact with list items

Add an app bar to the app and modify the app theme

Use Material Design to build modern and intuitive user interfaces, using colors, shapes and typography

Unit 4: Navigation and app architecture

Explain activities and their lifecycles

Understand Modern Android architecture

Use State Flow and UDF pattern to work with state and events

Add a View Model to save data and state

Set up and use the Navigation component with Compose

Understand what responsive UI is

Use window class sizes to build for different screen sizes

Add a navigation drawer to an app

Unit 5: Connect to the internet

Describe the basics of concurrency and how to use coroutines in an Android app

Define and understand the data layer in Modern Android app architecture

Implement a repository to centralize data access

Use Retrofit to retrieve data from a remote server

Load and display images using the Coil library

Implement dependency injection to decouple the classes, making it easier to test, maintain, and scale the app

Unit 6: Data persistence

Learn the basics of SQL to insert, update, and delete data from a SQLite database

Use the Room library to add a database to an Android app

Use Database Inspector to test and debug database issues

Use Preference DataStore to store user preferences

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Android Basics with Compose

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