IBM - Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
- Offered byCoursera
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization at Coursera Overview
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera
Duration | 5 months |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization at Coursera Highlights
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization at Coursera Course details
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera
Skills you will learn
What are the course deliverables?
- Describe software development and related technologies; outline approaches to deployment architectures; and summarize career options in the field.
- Explain the role of version control and collaborative coding in SDLC & DevOps; Create GitHub repositories and use branching with Git commands.
- List and execute commonly used Linux commands, utilize pipes and redirection, create simple shell scripts using BASH, schedule jobs using Cron.
- Create, package, and deploy Python applications using knowledge of programming constructs, libraries, APIs and web services.
More about this course
- The self-paced courses in this program provide the foundations to prepare for a wide range of IT & software development related careers, including web development, mobile application development, front-end, back-end, and full stack application development, software testing & quality assurance (QA), as well as DevOps engineering
- This specialization is full of engaging videos, hands-on labs, and real-world projects that explore fundamental programming principles and foundations of design, architecture, and deployment; the software development lifecycle; Git and GitHub repositories; using the Linux terminal and creating Bash shell scripts to automate a variety of tasks; and coding with the Python programming language
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization at Coursera Curriculum
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera
Introduction to Software Engineering
Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting
Getting Started with Git and GitHub
Python for Data Science, AI & Development
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization at Coursera Admission Process
Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera
Important Dates
May 25, 2024
Course Commencement Date
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3 months
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Applied Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization
at Coursera