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Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure 

  • Offered byMicrosoft

Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure

Learn how to create reliable messaging for your applications, and how to take advantage of serverless application services in Azure


6 hours

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Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure
Course details

Skills you will learn
What are the course deliverables?
  • Create server less logic with Azure Functions
  • Route and process data automatically using Logic Apps
  • Choose a messaging model in Azure to loosely connect your services
  • Communicate between applications with Azure Queue storage
  • React to state changes in your Azure services by using Event Grid
  • Expose hybrid services securely with Azure Relay
More about this course
  • Azure Functions allow developers to host business logic that can be executed without managing or provisioning infrastructure
  • Connect sending and receiving applications with Event Hubs
  • The publish-subscribe pattern in the cloud using Azure Queue storage
  • A workflow using built-in triggers, actions, and conditional operators

Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure

MODULE: 1 Create server less logic with Azure Functions

Decide if server less computing is right for your business needs

Exercise - Create a function app in the Azure portal

Run your code on-demand with Azure Functions

Exercise - Add logic to the function app

MODULE: 2 Route and process data automatically using Logic Apps

Design Logic Apps for your workflows

Detect an external event using a trigger

Exercise - Create the social media tracker Logic App

Execute an action

Exercise - Analyze the content of a tweet

Alter control flow using a control action

Exercise - Branch based on tweet sentiment

MODULE: 3 Choose a messaging model in Azure to loosely connect your services

Choose whether to use messages or events

Choose a message-based delivery with queues

Choose Azure Event Grid

Choose Azure Event Hubs

MODULE: 4 Communicate between applications with Azure Queue storage

Create the Azure storage infrastructure

Exercise - Create a storage account

Identify a queue

Exercise - Identify a queue

Programmatically access a queue

Exercise - Add a message to the queue

Exercise - Retrieve a message from the queue

MODULE: 5 Enable reliable messaging for Big Data applications using Azure Event Hubs

Create an Event Hub using the Azure CLI

Exercise - Use the Azure CLI to Create an Event Hub

Configure applications to send or receive messages through an Event Hub

Exercise - Configure applications to send or receive messages through an Event Hub

Evaluate the performance of the deployed Event Hub using the Azure portal

Exercise - Evaluate the performance of the deployed Event Hub using the Azure portal

MODULE: 6 Implement message-based communication workflows with Azure Service Bus

Choose a messaging platform

Exercise - Implement a Service Bus topic and queue

Write code that uses Service Bus queues

Exercise - Write code that uses Service Bus queues

Write code that uses Service Bus topics

Exercise - Write code that uses Service Bus topics

MODULE: 7 React to state changes in your Azure services by using Event Grid

Respond to Azure events by using Event Grid

Exercise - Trigger a logic app by using Event Grid

Build logic that responds to an event

Exercise - Send an email when virtual machines change

MODULE: 8 Expose hybrid services securely with Azure Relay

Create an Azure Relay hybrid connection

Exercise - Create an Azure Relay hybrid connection

Send requests through an Azure Relay hybrid connection

Exercise - Send requests through an Azure Relay hybrid connection

Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure
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Architect message brokering and serverless applications in Azure

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